1: Happy 1.5 pages, Teleportshipping (Red x Sabrina), 1.5 pages, het, fluffy, Red and Sabrina make cookies and become boyfriend and girlfriend, though cuter. Red likes lots of things and lots of things make him happy!
2: Uncomfortable shonen-ai, 1.5 pages, Skip McKing finds out about Lance and Reds relationship and publishes it, Red reassures Lance afterwards
3: Apology NR, 1.25 pages, Ash watches T.V. instead of journeying
4: Light drabble, het, Specialshipping, Yellow watches Red after his battle with Giovanni
5: Baby het, ficlet, Special-verse, Red and Sabrina have a baby a baby Eevee. Psychoshipping (Red x Sabrina)
6: Fantasy shonen-ai PWP, 0.75 pages, Red and Princess Lance have sex
7: Sign shonen-ai, Red buys a house and Lance drops by
8: Expectation shonen-ai, smut, Red on how he likes sex with Lance, chocolate flavored lube, ficlet
9: Loss Kissshipping (Ash/Melody), Misty watches their wedding and wonders how she lost Ash, ficlet
10: Desire shonen-ai PWP, 1.5 pages, Red takes Lance, fast sex
11: Vacation Chestshipping (Lorelei x Misty), 1 page, Misty has a crush on Lorelei and kisses her at the beach, also has implied Championshipping
12: Explosion NR ficlet, Lance kills Yellow when the Cerise volcano explodes, Special-verse
13: Salvation AU Special-verse, 0.5 pages, shonen-ai, Red saves Lance after Cerise, they have sex, and Lance saves Red in return later
14: Question Yu-Gi-Oh! Yami reflects after Mahaados death, Sealshipping
15: Slow smut ficlet, Lance blows Red, Shonen-ai
16: Abomination ficlet, SA, Lance and Red are not a heterosexual, conventional couple and no old raving woman will persuade them to be
17: Bright Ficlet, Metroshipping, shonen-ai, Ruby is a star, shonen-ai
18: Match fanon ficlet, Red and Lance are two of a kind and belong together, shonen-ai
19: Alias 1.25 pages, Red fights Gold and remembers being Ash, shonen-ai
20: Dust 2.5 pages, herm, Ash and Lance and PWP in the Orre region
21: Conclusion ficlet, shonen-ai, Lance dies
22: Humorous NR, ficlet, Officer Jenny catches Team Rocket in their own trap
23: Late Milkshipping (Ash/Whitney), half page, het, fluffy, a picnic with Pikachu
24: Unfinished NR ficlet, Ash keeps journeying on forever
25: Forgiveness SA ficlet, Red has trouble forgiving Lance and Charlotte, fanon
26: Dream het ficlet, Mirageshipping (Ash/Sabrina), Sabrina dreams about Ash
27: Gathering het, 1.5 pages, Teleportshipping (Red/Sabrina), Sabrina lends Red her Kadabra/Alakazam, he beats the E4, and then invites her to go after Mewtwo with him and Green. Zensho-verse
28: Broken YGO, Loyalty/Sealshipping, Atemu and Mahaado and how one is broken without the other
29: Chicken NR, ficlet, Ash has a dream about eating pokemon
30: Surrender NR, ficlet, Jessie reflects as she and the other Rockets are captured, they killed Ash by accident
31: Forgetful NR, Ash remembers his Mothers birthday if nothing else, Delias glad he remembers her unlike her husband and father, ficlet
32: Snow 2 pages, Lance tries to forgive a cheating Ash, shonen-ai
33: Cookie 1.5 pages, crack fairytale, Gold/Yellow, AAMRN, and Red/Lance mentioned, three bears
34: Nostalgic ficlet, Mirageshipping (Ash/Sabrina), Sabrina is not nostalgic, het
35: Marvel drabble, SA, Ash on Lances love
36: Perfection YGO ficlet, Sealshipping (Atemu/Mahaado), on perfection
37: Chilling Mirageshipping, 1 page, (Ash/Sabrina), het, Misty tries to get Ash away from Sabrina with no success
38: Obsession DN drabble, Light and killing and Ryuk watches
39: Flaky shonen-ai ficlet, Red makes Lance an apple pie
40: Examination 1.5 pages, Lance plays doctor with Ash, smut PWP, shonen-ai
41: Submission shonen-ai, dominant Red, smut ficlet
42: Disguise Red and Lance, Special-verse, disguise for love
43: Intoxication Mews POV on being captured and traded, 0.5 page, NR
44: Unusual multifandom reference drabble, Tomoeda is an interesting town
45: Misdirection
46: Competition shonen-ai ficlet, Misty is jealous of the wrong people since Ash isnt into girls
47: Quirky female! Red and Lance, herm, roommates and PWP sex, 1 page
48: Collection NR, drabble on Lawrence III and collecting
49: Spring NR, Delia in spring, gardening and cooking and waiting for Ash
50: Abandoned shonen-ai smut, 1.5 pages, Red and Lance have sex in an abandoned house, Red tops
51: Deeper shonen-ai smut ficlet, Red and Lance have sex
52: Disaster SA, ficlet, Misty catches Ash and Lance on his birthday, May and Dawn find out too
53: Evasive shonen-ai, 1.5 pages, Red shadows Lance, discovers candy, and figures out whats going on at his birthday the next day. Zensho-verse
54: Incomplete SA, fanon, Red doesnt know he forgot, Lance and Charlotte and Serebii discuss, and Lance doesnt feel
55: Practical ficlet, SA, Red
convinces Lance to leave his cape off, Zensho-verse
56: Noisy 2.5 pages, het, Teleportshipping (Red/Sabrina), they find Mewtwo and kiss
57: Tender ficlet, shonen-ai, anime, Ash and Lance and 2 secret meetings
58: Drenched ficlet, shonen-ai, insanity, Lance and Red at war and sex
59: Replacement ficlet, shonen-ai, Ash becomes Red at Cerise
60: Father NR, Delia on OMC, drabble
61: Aggravation 1.5 pages, Ash and
Lance meet in a forest and later have sex
62: Redeem half page, Ashline tries to get redemption, but Lance will not forgive while she still wears control bracelets, AU, shoujo-ai
63: Bloody Death Note ficlet, Light/Mikami, Light and Mikami both love killing, and Light watches Demegawa and co. die and smiles
64: Bathtub 1.5 pages, Ash and Lance have sex in the tub, smut, SA
65: Impression fanon ficlet, SA
66: Devotion Green spots Red and
Lance in a bar, sub! Lance, shonen-ai, 1.75 pages
67: Pause smut ficlet, shonen-ai,
Red teases Lance
68: Capricious ficlet, NR, Ash
introspects on Misty, Brock, and love
69: Abstract Death Note, ficlet,
Mikami on Ryuk, Kira, and philosophy
70: Extra Tripleguardianshipping,
Yellow watches the threesome and seethes, 1 page
71: Falter shonen-ai, Lance and
Ash on a G-men mission, 1.25 pages
72: Empty Rumishipping
(Jessiebelle/James), drabble, she misses him
73: Harvest Fuchsiashipping
(Koga/Aya), the family at a festival, fluff ficlet
74: Natural Redshipping
(Ash/Jessie), 1.25 pages, Jessie runs a diner, Ash asks her natural hair color,
and a clueless kiss
75: Frustration shonen-ai,
Self-Insertion, 3.25 pages, the muses and Phantomness interact with Lance/Red
76: Oblivious Heatshipping
(Ash/Flannery), 1.5 pages, Flannery seduces Ash
77: Essential Milkshipping
(Ash/Whitney), ficlet, Whitney is compared to milk and Ash is clueless
78: Deserted Swellowshipping
(Ash/Winona), ficlet,
79: Haunted Redshipping
(Ash/Jessie), ficlet, Ash pre-confession
80: Elegy NR drabble, fanon
81: Complete het drabble, Red
completes Lance
82: Consumed Hyattshipping (Ash x Luana), Luana watches Ash, drabble
83: Stretched Expertshipping (Oak x Agatha), half page, Agatha thinks about how Oak and her are no longer compatible
84: Freeze Rocketshipping (Jessie/James), Christmas ficlet with them in the igloo
85: Painful smut ficlet, Red on Lances cock
86: Giving NR drabble, Lance on humanity
87: Interrupted Lesboshipping
(Delia/Misty), smut ficlet
88: Complicated Tripleguardianshipping ficlet, Red reflects on how their relationship is
89: True Syaoran contemplates suicide, drabble, CCS
90: Anguish shonen-ai, Special-verse ending sequence, 1 page
91: Translation Expertshipping (Oak/Agatha), Oak decides to build the dex
92: Strike 1.5 pages, Rocketshipping (Jessie/James), pre-canon, a successful mission and drinks
93: Quest SA, Ash on how his life is a heros journey, ficlet
94: Discombobulated Ash and Lance get caught by Brock, SA ficlet
95: Contagious shonen-ai ficlet, Lust Dust @ Plateau
96: Vitriol Advanceshipping (Ash x May), Ash likes Mays personality
97: Undeniable shonen-ai, Red comes clean with his relationship
98: Juvenile Mirageshipping (Ash/Sabrina), drabble, Sabrina wonders why she fell in love with him
99: Gourmet Pokeshipping, Misty @ McDonalds on their first date, ficlet
100: Karma SA ficlet, a break in a guardians day with scones
101: Searching NR, Eusine chases Suicune, ficlet
102: Missing NR, CCS, AU, Syaoran loses his memory after
the Final Judgment and is reflecting in
103: Transformation Death Note, Light becomes a Shinigami, NR, ficlet, and kills Nia
104: Challenge CCS, Syaoran fails the Final Judgment, NR, ficlet, canon
105: Tattered Death Note, Mikami reflects on the damage his eyes have wrought, NR ficlet
106: Mother Special-verse, NR, Lance is Viridians child, drabble
107: Wondering Death Note, Light x Misa, Misa wonders if Light really loves her
108: Xenophobic shonen-ai ficlet, Red is a stranger from Johto, Game-verse, but Lance understands him while Misty does not
109: Young shonen-ai, 1 page, Red and Lance have sex, first time, smut
110: Zaftig Diamondshipping (Giovanni/Delia), ficlet, Pregnant! Delia is grumpy
111: Deaf School Kid Elaine is trapped on
112: Inside Palanquinshipping (Red x Erika), Red seeks shelter in her house in the rain and they reflect on each other, ficlet, Special-verse
113: Vacant NR, fanon, Charlotte and Lance are vacant but Ash doesnt know
114: Savory Eldershipping (Delia x Oak), ficlet, Delia makes dinner and Oak proposes
115: Sentimental Chrysanthemumshipping (Red x Erika), Zensho-verse, half page, Erika remembers Red, a Junior Trainer watches, and Red comes back and asks her out, kind of
116: Linked Tripleguardianshipping, ficlet, Red in bed with his siblings
117: Fretful Alfshipping ficlet (Ash/Max), Maxs POV on the Groudon/Kyogre episodes
118: Pinnacle Alfshipping (Ash/Max), 1 page, PWP smut, drunk! Ash
119: Anticipation Ash prepares for a date with Lance, SA ficlet
120: Fever Palletshipping, Gary tries to get over his infatuation, drabble
121: Glisten shonen-ai, slut! Yellow, half page, Red prefers Lance
122: Acceptance 1 page, SA, broken! Lance and Reds acceptance
123: Jubilation Alfshipping (Ash/Max), Max visits Ash in Shinou
124: Legacy YGO, ficlet, Yamis
legacy, ficlet
125: Odious NR, ficlet, Cyrus on a
failed Arceus clone
126: Thick ficlet, SA, Delia hopes
that Ash and Lances relationship is good
127: Flood Pokeshipping (AAMRN),
ficlet, Misty cries after Ash confesses
128: Chocolate pokeshipping,
ficlet, Ash gets Misty a White Day key chain
129: Silence ficlet, Red misses
Lance while camping, SA
130: Tired fanon ficlet,
shonen-ai, Ash never gets tired of helping
131: Feast Death Note ficlet, crack Japanese Mythology, sun and moon separated and L (god of food) killed
132: Tidy NR ficlet, Delia on Ash and cleanliness
133: Festive 1.5 pages, herm, Lance and Red and sex in a closet, PWP
134: Gluttony 2 pages, herm, Lance and Red and sex on a cruise ship with slave girl Lance
135: Scared ficlet, shonen-ai, Zensho-verse, a first kiss
136: Resolute ficlet, SA fanon, Lance is no longer a guardian
137: Kaleidoscope NR ficlet, Ash buys a kaleidoscope
138: Routine ficlet, SA, Ash gets ice cream and sex with Lance after work
139: Whispered Death Note drabble, Light on whispers before meeting L
140: Overwhelmed Lodestarshipping (Red/Jasmine), 1.5 pages, Red brings Jasmine the Secret Potion and defeats her in a gym battle
141: Gratitude shonen-ai, ficlet, Red is grateful for lots of things and Lance
142: Chilled Snowballshipping (Ash/Candice), a birthday ficlet
143: Youth Grandpashipping
(Oak/Gary), smut ficlet,
144: Congeal NR ficlet, a nurse
makes Charmander hybrids for TR and dies
145: Rushed Palanquinshipping (Red/Erika), quickie, half page
146: Blessed 1.25 pages, Ash comes back to visit Lara Laramie, Rideshipping (Ash/Lara)
147: Unknown het ficlet, Red knows Lance is a girl
148: Nurture SJA, Breathshipping (Lorelei/Clair), cuddling a baby Spheal, ficlet
149: Absence Originshipping (Steven/Wallace), the weather above Sootopolis is strange and Steven heads out
150: Unexpected SA, 1.25 pages,
Red finds Lance fighting Mars in Shinou
152: Gloomy Purpleshipping (Paul/Drew), ficlet, drunken sex, the morning after
153: Fatigue Bouldershipping (Brock/Ash), Brock wants to tell Ash but is afraid to, ficlet
154: Justice NR ficlet, Special-verse, Lance on justice
155: Impatience ficlet, Diamondshipping (Giovanni/Delia), late for a date, het
156: Mockery Death Note ficlet, Mikamis gotten the last laugh after all
157: Honor Bruno and Gary get married, Red and Lance attend. 1 page, SA
158: Fight shonen-ai drabble, Lance and Red argue too, fanon
160: Piercing ficlet, Death Note, Sayu gets her ears pierced, Sachiko comments
161: Rescue half page, AU, Light and Mikami at the warehouse, SPK die, SA, Light/Mikami, Death Note
162: Scorch NR, ficlet, Oak observes Orre and decides its not worth anything
163: Addiction Metroshipping (Wallace/Ruby), Special-verse, 1 page, Wallace takes Ruby off to Shinou, they make poffins
164: Transition SA, fanon, Lance on how he and Crystal are different, and Crystal doesnt love Ash/Red, which is bad; ficlet
165: Hold SA, Ash wants Lance to hold him, post-Legends episode; ficlet
166: Blush Advanceshipping (Ash/May), May suddenly notices she likes Ash, ficlet, het
167: Catastrophe SJA, Sailor Moon-esque, a picnic in a storm, Outer Senshi
168: Memory shonen-ai fanon ficlet, on dreams and memories
of all 3
169: Premature shonen-ai, ficlet, Death Note, Light/Mikami, Light teaches Mikami patience
170: Envy shonen-ai, war, Mistys POV and how shes jealous of Lance and Ash having a relationship, ficlet
171: Ambition Special-verse, shonen-ai, 0.5 pages, Red and Lance team up against Team Galaxy, followed by sex
172: Sophisticated Palanquinshipping (Red x Erika), Red asks Erika about sophistication, she attempts to explain and then kisses him, ficlet, Special-verse
173: Misled Ash leads Lance on a wild goose chase for Mew, ficlet, shonen-ai
174: Congratulations Lance congratulates Ash for defeating TR, they have frottage, smut shonen-ai, 1 page
175: Electric ficlet, Groudon VS Kyogre, Ash feels electric when Lance touches him and masturbates that night, shonen-ai
176: Knave 1 page, shonen-ai, Red reads a tabloid, rants about Ruby Parkinson (OC), and fondles Lance when he drops by
177: Brief ficlet, NR,
178: Exhausted shonen-ai ficlet, Red is tired
179: Anxiety shonen-ai ficlet, Red thinks about anxiety
180: Peppermint shonen-ai, Lance seduces Red, Halloween, 1.5 pages
181: Open shonen-ai, Lugia pairs Ash and Lance, Lance feels guilty, 1.25 pages
182: Mediocre shonen-ai, 1.25 pages, sometimes Red (Ash) wishes he were mediocre, also a segment with his grandson Bob talking to Delia
183: Moon Originshipping (Steven x Wallace) stargazing drabble, shonen-ai
184: Lovely shonen-ai, 1.5 pages, Lance is a statue and Ash wakes him up with bad results
185: Mystic Death Note, Mikami receives the Death Note, ficlet
186: Thunderous ficlet, shonen-ai, K/J civil war, Red muses on the sound of shells
187: Heritage ficlet, NR, Clair muses on Lance and the damned Dragon Clan heritage. Game-verse
188: Explosive shonen-ai drabble, Lance blows Red, smut
189: Fool shonen-ai ficlet, Red cheats on his wife with Lance but doesnt care
190: Renewal shonen-ai, smut, Librarian Lance has Ash blow him in exchange for some books, 1.5 pages, dubious consent
191: Deluge shonen-ai, smut, Red gets caught in the rain and then he and Lance have phone sex, 1.25 pages
192: Discovery Special-verse, het, Psychoshipping (Sabrina/Red), Sabrina reflects on her feelings and realizes she likes Red, 1 page
193: Inhibition shonen-ai, 1.25 pages, Red heads to Shinou on Agathas advice and despite Goodmans restrictions, Lance joins him
194: Farewell fanon, shonen-ai, Lance calls the Sword because he can
195: Tequila shonen-ai, a drink, ficlet
196: Bungle Breedershipping (Brock/Susie), an accepted date, drabble
197: Anathema Comashipping (Paul/Ash), Ash refuses to love Paul
198: Puppet Commandshipping
(Giovanni/Domino), smut drabble, het
199: Vehicle Islandshipping (Danny/Rudy), smutlet with a broken car
200: Shopping shonen-ai, Ash arrives to find an anniversary prepared, ficlet