Title: Truth be
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Senbonzakura x Rukia
Fandom: Bleach
Theme: #97, Undeniable
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Bleach is the property of Kubo Tite and TV Tokyo,
among others. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to
me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you.
*Phantomness bows*
Notes: This takes place in the anime filler-verse, with
speculation of how Bleach is going to end, and contains references to
Warnings: AU, het, angst
He had never expected to fall in love with her. She was weak at first glance, delicate even, like a flawed copy of his Master’s late wife, and when he had first met her zanpakutou, it had only reaffirmed the fact that she valued beauty over power.
Sode no Shirayuki might be beautiful, but after decades with nothing but shikai to show for their training, she was hardly worth his time.
Then, when he had discovered her crime, he could hardly understand her lack of honor. How could she shame his Master so, after all he had done for her? He had taken her out of the Shinigami Academy, given her wealth and health beyond words, and even bestowed his family’s name on his adopted sister. Yet, instead of gratitude, she had responded by breaking one of Soul Society’s ancient laws.
Her actions were unforgivable.
When he had first tasted the blood of that filthy human boy, he and his Master had both hungered for more. Only her pleading had stayed his Master’s hand. At times, Senbonzakura wondered why Byakuya had not struck the final blow. Dire consequences had come as a result of allowing the ryoka to live. Then, there was that demonic Hollow power he had possessed, enough almost – but not quite – to defeat him and his Master both, with a newly-minted bankai.
However, as he discovered, hearing the plot unwind from the lips of a healer who would not lie, Rukia had been but a pawn in a madman’s scheme. She had been given a gigai by an unscrupulous man, and her execution had been but a ploy to gain unimaginable power.
Aizen… Urahara…
He could feel his Master’s rage pulse, and his own joined it, eyes blazing and jaw clenched beneath his mask.
Then the Bounto had arrived, modified souls slavering for power, worse than the Hollows, as they knew what they were and yet they continued to eat living human souls! And one had dared to target her. He had joined his Master in the dark forest as they faced down the leader, his blades ready to tear this invader to pieces for his arrogance, the sheer gall it took to harm his pride – their pride, for she was the pride of the Kuchiki. For her, Byakuya would dare to break the laws he had held so dear. For her, he would strike swiftly with a hundred thousand petals, until only dust was left.
How dare Kariya Jin…
If he had been powerful enough to manifest then, he would have, and together, he and his Master could have disposed of the problem without that upstart Kurosaki butting in. Alas, the time was not yet ripe.
The breech between brother and sister was mending as he watched. But all too soon, the Winter War was upon them.
When he heard that Orihime had been kidnapped, he had known what would happen. Rukia might respect, even grow to love her brother, but she still held her friends in high regard, and the Princess was a dear friend indeed. However, he had waited as they had returned, and wished her a silent farewell as she left wrapped in a mantle, her brother’s gift. The sands of Hueco Mundo glittered in his mind, and he wondered when he and his Master would journey there.
Byakuya would never leave her safety to chance, not now, and not anymore.
He watched her, and he felt the first inklings of respect. Nevertheless, it was not until her body lay amidst the frozen wastelands, the Espada bearing down upon her, that he truly felt pain spread through him that was in no way related to their calculated rage.
He had wished to shred that sneering Hollow to bloody shards, but it was not to be. Despite his fury, the monster was strong enough to survive. His Master had dealt the finishing blow, and he had seethed with fury at his impotence.
Rukia was alive, but at what cost?
She would need time to recover in peace. Later, when they received word that Kurosaki Ichigo had struck Aizen down, he breathed again.
Byakuya carried her home in his arms, and he watched, hoping that their hard-won peace would last.
It was not to be. Troubles piled thick and fast upon them, not the least of which was Muramasa’s insidious brainwashing. True, he had regained his senses relatively quickly, but their masquerade had cost both him and his Master much.
Panic had rid him of his sense, and he had demanded Byakuya slay Sode no Shirayuki. To prove their allegiance, only her death would convince Muramasa. The others were far too distant.
Nonetheless, even as he watched
Rukia clutch the broken pieces of her beautiful zanpakutou to her chest with
tears in her eyes, his voice remained cold.
He could not show weakness!
Had Muramasa discovered his affection for a human, their cover would have been blown. In addition, he was reluctant to divulge such a personal feeling to even his Master.
No, he could only watch her from afar.
Until the day that his Master died, and he remained, the last wish of a man who wished to protect his sister at all costs.
He did not rejoice, for he loved the other half of his soul dearly. Shinigami and zanpakutou were one, were they not? They had been able to communicate without words, even before he had materialized. There had been a bond between them, forged with mirror-bright steel and an equally bright devotion to duty and honor.
Senbonzakura knew that he would never leave her. Byakuya was gone, but in his place, he vowed to protect his pride.
Rukia did not understand, but as she clung to her brother’s zanpakutou spirit, she felt safe in his presence, and the faint beginnings of hope stirred in her heart.
“Senbonzakura…” She breathed.
He did not speak, but held her close. One day, he would make her smile again. One day, she would move beyond the pain. And if there truly was a God in Heaven, one day, she would learn to love him back.
End Fic
Completed 2/10/10
I don’t know why I’m suddenly on a Senbonzakura x Rukia kick, but I’ve kind of lost interest in Byakuya x Rukia due to a sudden influx of very OOC fanfic. Oops, I meant to write this within five minutes, but it went from drabble to this!