Title: Demanding
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Sealshipping (Atemu x Mahaado)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme: #36, Perfection
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Yu-gi-Oh! Belongs to Kazuki
Takahashi. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs
to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Don’t
steal and don’t sue. Thank you, *Phantomness bows*
Warnings: AEAU, shonen-ai
It isn’t commonly known, but Mahaado demands perfection from him self. He is sworn to guard his Prince and future Pharaoh, and he can hardly make any mistakes in such an important endeavor. Mahaado works hard, and he finds Mana trying, because she fools around and mismatches ingredients and honestly, he’s not surprised she’s been unable to summon a Ka yet.
Her devotion is not strong enough.
devotion is implacable, and he is merciless, working himself tirelessly for the
glory of
Mahaado is unaware why the Gods have bestowed this reward upon him, this great honor, but he strives to make the experience as flawless as possible, and Atemu closes his eyes, trustingly, in his embrace after the ordeal is over.
End Fic
Completed 7/30/07
3 minutes! More implied shonen-ai than anything explicit, but… ^^