Title: On Hearts
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Loyaltyshipping (Yami x Dark Magician), Sealshipping (Pharaoh Atemu x Priest Mahaado)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme: #28, Broken

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: YGO belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws. Don’t steal or sue!

Warnings: Shonen-ai


            When Mahaado doesn’t return, something breaks inside of him. He’s not sure if it’s his heart or not, but he can feel the sharp pieces cutting into his reason, into his judgment, into the very fiber of his soul itself. Atemu is angry beyond measure, cursing Bakura, the so-called King of Thieves, but he cannot but admit he sent his lover to his death.

            He should have refused, despite Mahaado’s pleading. Honor wasn’t worth his life! And so, Atemu broods, but when everything has ended and the Dark Magician stands at his side, he realizes that perhaps, this was meant to be.

            Still, the only way to seal the darkness is with the Puzzle, and if his soul shatters, it is the price the Gods demand to save Egypt. So he whispers the spell and closes his eyes, and it’s really not that bad.


            When he wakes up, everything is fragmentary. He cannot even remember his name. But there are gentle blue eyes, and the Dark Magician wraps its arms around him. His favorite monster, on and off the field…

            He needs comfort, and Yuugi is off limits, so he takes what he can and for now, emotions are enough.


            And finally, when he does remember, he’s surprised, because he and Mahaado – Yami and the Dark Magician, though they are no longer who they used to be – are together.

            He’s not broken any more.


End Fic

Completed 8/22/07

Yeah… kind of fluffy and kind of strange. 5 minutes.