Title: Dinner for
Pairing: Eldershipping (Delia x Professor Oak)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #114, Savory
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics.
This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under
international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you.
*Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics
if a pokemon talks
Warnings: Potentially AU, het
She’s making a special dinner tonight, slice, slice, slice, the knife goes, and the carrots plop softly into the pot, simmering in the chicken base. It’s their sixth month anniversary and she wants everything to be special, because she’s almost certain that he’s going to propose. She reaches for the garlic, chop, and chop, not too much, because last time she made ravioli he complained about that, just a dash of salt. The potatoes are baking in the oven, scrubbed clean and they’ll have fresh butter to spread on top afterwards. She wasn’t sure exactly what the main dish was to be tonight, because her ordinary cooking just didn’t seem special enough, but she doesn’t want to order out tonight of all nights, so she finally settled for roast beef, tender and juicy on the inside. The herb cabinet rattles as she reaches for spice, sprinkle, sprinkle, and suddenly, she feels a presence behind her and he’s there with a bouquet of flowers two hours early and dinner isn’t even done yet!
She feels tears start in her eyes, because she wanted everything to be perfect, but then he hands her the roses, and kisses her, and goes down on one knee, and she holds him close and accepts, as he slides the ring onto her finger, amethyst flanked with tiny diamonds, and puts on an apron and asks if she wants help, and that’s just perfect.
And she doesn’t care about what society might think, as she slides the plate across to him, and he pours the wine. The candlelight sparkles over his hair, making him look more distinguished than ever, like the renowned Professor he is, and they eat the meal in peaceful silence before they celebrate properly in her bedroom.
End Fic
Completed 5/17/07
I hate finals. They always make me so stressed! Insomnia is bad too! And… total 6 minutes. Wow, can’t believe I wrote Eldershipping, but Delia needs some love too!