Title: Death Note (Part XV)
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red/Ash)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #88, Negative

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Warnings: AU, Shoujo-ai


            Sakaki mournfully watched the video screens. It had been so unexpected, Wataru coming into the station and announcing that she was afraid she was Kira, and could they please put her in confinement. He attributed it to an abnormal desire to protect her girlfriend, and Machisu and Kyou agreed, but Seiyou was not so sure.

            Seiyouc was convinced that Wataru was the first Kira and Red was the second. Speaking of which, Red had just woken up again, and they were planning to feed her after she spoke.

            gWell, Nakamura-san.h Seiyou said into the microphone, watching the girl in a straightjacket stir and try to move. gAre you ready to talk now?h

            gW-Who are you?h Red asked. gWhy am I here? Mr. Stalker, please stop this! This is a crime!h

            Seiyou blinked. Stalker? That had hardly been what she was expecting. At least Red was speaking though, and if she were angry, perhaps she would let something slip.

            gDonft play coy, Nakamura-san.h She said primly. gNow then, how do you know Meiji Wataru-san?h

            gW-Wataru-san?h Red asked, surprised. gWell, hefs my boyfriendch

            gc She wouldnft say anything about him earlier and now she automatically says hefs her boyfriend?h Machisu asked. That was a bit suspiciousc

            Kyou had to agree.


            Sakaki strode over to the microphone. gAre you Kira?h He asked directly, ignoring Seiyoufs dirty look. He had to know!

            gMe? Kira? Of course not.h Red told them. gWhy are you asking me this?h

            gLetfs talk seriously.h Seiyou said. gBefore you passed out, I asked you about Meiji Wataru and why you were meeting him. Donft deny it.h

            gIfm not going to!h Red cried. gI just met with him because we were dating! Is that so hard to understand? What, are you reporting for some magazine and want the inside scoop?h

            gRedch Seiyou said warningly.

            gItfs not my fault that some guy jumped off a building because I refused to marry him! You canft blame suicides on me! Ifm innocent!h

            She began to cry, and Seiyou shook her head. It looked like nothing was going to happen anytime soonc


            gWell, do you know who Kira is?h

            gOf course I wouldnft know! I mean, I think he exists because he killed the burglar who murdered my parents, but thatfs all.h

            gSo Meiji Wataru is not Kira?h

            gWataru isnft Kira! What have you done to him?h Red yelled.

            gNothing yet.h Seiyou said sharply, gThough if you do not answer our questions honestly your boyfriend may not survive in one piece.h

            She was bluffing, of course, but Red did not need to know that.


            The girl calmed down instantly; before she gave a resigned sigh. gAll right, what do you want to knowc?h

            After half an hour of interrogation, even with threats, Seiyou had managed to get nothing related to Kira out of Red. She sighed and flicked off the microphone in irritation, and closed her eyes.

            What a mess.


            Two weeks passed.

            gWataru-san, no new criminals have been killed yet.h Seiyou said. gWhy wonft you admit that youfre Kira already?h

            gBecause itfs not true.h Wataru said, lying through her teeth. Daigo looked like a tangled bundle of limbs, his apple withdrawal was really getting to him, but she was starting to find the passage of time unsure, and she was sure that she had already begun to hallucinate. What were those pink dancing creaturesc?

            Machisu looked at Sakaki, who looked agonized as he skimmed the news.

            gAre you uncomfortable? We could bring you something to make you more comfortablech

            gNo.h Wataru said firmly, ignoring the manacles on her wrists and ankles. gIfm not going to let Red suffer alone. But itfs pride, I guess. Eventually, this should get rid of it.h

            Daigofs eyes snapped open, and he vanished through the wall. Finally!

            Wataru blinked, suddenly wondering why she was chained up in a cell. True, she had suggested that Seiyou constrain her in case her subconscious mind was Kira, but nowc

            gSeiyou! Let me out of here!h

            gc What?h Kyou asked, surprised.

            gI canft do that.h Seiyou said. gUntil we have proven you are not Kira, youfre staying in that cell, and since no new criminals have died, the only conclusion I can draw is that you must be Kira.h

            gBut how could I be Kira and not know it?h Wataru cried. gLook, zoom in to my eyes or whatever you want. Do I look like Ifm lying?h

            Seiyou shrugged and did as such, only to nearly reel back in shock. All she saw was an overwhelming despair, instead of the mirrored shields she had expected. How strangec.


            gIfm sorry, but I promised.h Seiyou said, and cut communications.

            gMaybe the confinement has gotten to his headch Machisu suggested to Sakaki, who looked torn.

            His childc

            But Wataru couldnft be Kira, could she?


            The next day, the newspaper suddenly broadcast a wave of criminal killings. However, Seiyou refused to tell Wataru of this news, keeping her in the dark until fifty days laterc

            gWataru-san, you must be Kira. The killings stopped as soon as you were confined and have not resumed.h

            Wataru glared hate-filled eyes in Seiyoufs general direction. gIfm not Kira.h She hissed. gYou are. You have to be Kira.h

            gThrowing insults wonft help anyonech

            gLet me see Red.h

            gI canft do that. Shefs also a suspect.h

            gI hate you.h The student murmured, closing her eyes again.


            Sakaki turned to Seiyou. Rage was written across his features. gThe killings have continued after Wataru and Red were jailed, so they are obviously not Kira. The only person who still believes it is you. Why wonft you get over your inferiority complex and admit that you were wrong!h

            gI canft do that.h Seiyou said simply.

            Sakaki growled and stalked outside. Prissy little bitchc


            gSay, why isnft the real Kira doing this?h Daisuke asked, penciling in names as Mikuri watched.

            Hefs on a vacation of sorts. The Shinigami said shortly.

            gOh well, it doesnft matter. With this, I can eliminate all those weak, petty businessman in our economych Daisuke smiled as he continued to write.

            Mikuri looked disgusted. * Humans are such ugly creaturesc *


            gFather?h Wataru asked, as she was led outside and the manacles were released. gWhatfs going on?h

            gWataru-san!h Red cried excitedly, hugging her. gI missed you so much!h

            gAre we finally being cleared and released?h

            gNo.h Sakaki said, and his voice was silent. gYou two are being taken to your execution.h

            gE-Execution?h Wataru gasped.

            gNo! You canft kill Wataru-san!h Red cried, clinging onto her tightly. gShefs not Kira! She isnft!h

            gS has concluded that you two are Kira and the second Kira.h Sakaki continued on. gShe promised that once you two were killed, the killings would stop. The governments of the world have already agreed to execute Kira in secret.h

            gBut thatfs impossible! Therefs no evidence!h Wataru exploded. gWhy is S doing this? Is it for her precious reputation?h

            gThat is unimportant.h Sakaki said, stopping the car. gWefre here.h


            It was an abandoned plot of land underneath a bridge.

            gYoufre letting us escape?h Red asked hopefully. Surely this place was not the planned execution sitec

            gNo.h Sakaki said, drawing his pistol. gYou may try to run, but it ends now. Ifll kill Kira with my own hands.h

            gW-What?h Wataru asked, as Sakaki pointed the gun at her.

            gDonft worry.h Sakaki said. gAfter I kill you, Ifll kill myselfch

            gNo! Youfre crazy! That wonft solve anything!h Red yelled. gYoufre no better than Kira!h

            gKira is a serial killer, but I am justice!h Sakaki shouted, before he fired.

            Red screamed.


            Wataru blinked her eyes open a minute later, wondering why there was no pain. As her vision focused, she saw Sakaki leaning against the dashboard, looking relieved.

            gA-A blank?h

            gThank Godch Sakaki murmured. gYou see, S? I did it and Ifm still alive.h

            gSch Wataru echoed, as Red hugged her tightly, needing reassurance.

            gBrilliant acting, Meiji-san.h Seiyou said over the car radio. gIf Red really was the second Kira, who could kill with only a personfs face, I assume she would have killed you before you shot Wataru-san. And if Wataru-san was Kira, I think he would kill his own father if pushed to this limit.h

            gS-So wefre free?h Red asked in a small voice.

            Sakaki nodded, and Red grinned brightly as she hugged Wataru tightly. gYay!h

            gBut Ifm afraid that you two will still stay under police supervision, because itfs too dangerousch

            Wataru sighed. gIt canft be worse than prison. All right.h

            And that was that.


End Fic

Completed 1/15/07

Red: What? Thatfs it?
Phantomness: The fic isnft done yet, and Ifm going to majorly skew canonc. Since I want Lance to keep her pretty Shinigami wings. Theyfre retractable anywaysc and it ties into a plot point so I can do Originshipping too! ^^

Lance: *Sighs*