Title: Alone
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping/WataShi (Lance x Ash)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #70, Alone
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics.
This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under
international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you.
*Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics
if a pokemon talks
Warnings: AU, Shonen-ai, mind control
Ash shivered as he trudged through the waist-deep snow, feeling the wet coldness seep through his jeans and soak into his sneakers. What was he doing? Why had he come to the Tengan Mountain? He wished he knew, but all he felt was a familiar pulling. There must be some legendary pokemon here…
He sighed as he continued to walk. Several Yukinooh passed him, but they paid him no heed, much to his relief. He wasn’t sure any of his fire pokemon could battle in this thick blowing snow…
Why was he here?
He finally staggered to the foot of the mountain, before his eyes picked out a black blot in the stark whiteness. Nearing it, he saw Lance standing there, playing a flute, cloak billowing in the wind behind him. His eyes unconsciously trailed over the red pattern on the Dragon Master’s skintight catsuit, and he blushed.
As Lance continued to play, he caught a shimmer out of the corner of his eye, where a beautiful white pokemon with a gold pattern descended. Was this… was this why he had been called here?
Lance abruptly stopped, the music cutting off, as the pokemon regarded them in turn with its beady green eyes. Ash turned to Lance, licking his lips as the Dragon Master smirked. He felt desire welling up within his chest, as he purred.
Their clothing went flying as Lance pinned him to the ground, and he mewled as the other Champion mounted him. He felt a warm golden glow behind his eyelids, and he sighed as they moved as one. For long hours, no words were spoken, but finally, the light faded, and they woke up at the foot of the mountain.
Ash blinked at Lance, staring at the older Champion. “Um…”
The Johto Champion sighed. “This… oh Lugia, what did we do?”
“It feels pretty obvious to me.” Ash muttered, feeling sore. How had this happened? Had the pokemon brainwashed them?
Lance flushed. “I suppose. You won’t tell, will you?”
Ash shook his head, and they separated uncomfortably, flying off in different directions on their pokémon.
Why had something like that happened? Why?
He had no idea, but he definitely didn’t want to think about or talk about it. Perhaps he’d just forget…
After all, it wasn’t like they were in love or anything, right?
End Fic
Completed 1/19/07
Lance: … You had us have sex?
Phantomness: *Nod*
Ash: *Sniffle* I had better not get pregnant!
Phantomness: I hate MPREG. So not likely…
Red: *Hisses and grabs Lance* MINE!
Or… what happened if Arceus wanted to ‘breed’ the best humans.