Title: Death Note (Part IV.II)
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: None
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #56, Choke

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Warnings: Character Death, AU



            Wataru glanced up from her Calculus homework with a smile. gYes, mother?h

            Hanako smiled. gCan you deliver these clothes to your father at the office? Hefs working late again.h

            gOf course.h Wataru closed her textbook, tucking her wallet into her back pocket as she stood. She had sewn scraps of the Death Note into hidden pockets all over the inside of her favorite white jacket, and she felt reassured as she pulled it on and walked downstairs. She walked the few blocks to the police station and delivered her message to the men on duty at the front desk, only to run into a woman heading into the door.

            gOh! Ifm sorry.h Wataru said, helping her up. The other woman flushed and nodded. She had black hair cropped short and her eyes were strangely red-rimmed.

            gIs this the headquarters for the Kira case?h She asked. gI have very important information!h

            gIfm sorry, but youfll have to tell it to us.h The man said.

            Wataru frowned. So. It seemed that S had taken the police – including her father – out of headquarters. But it was only to be expected. A lot of people must have quit the case after what happened with the FBI agentsc

            She listened to the woman plead for a few minutes, before she spoke up.

            gMy father is the officer in charge of the case. Ifll call his cell phone. Maybe you can talk to him then?h

            Homura stared at the nice young man in the white jacket. gOh! Yes, that would be useful. Thank you.h

            They walked out of the front lobby and across the street to the park. Wataru dialed Sakakifs cell phone, but was surprised to find it turned off.

            That was oddc

            What had S donec?


            gIfm pleased to meet you. Ifm Meiji Wataru.h She introduced herself with a polite bow. She saw a slight tightening of the other womanfs eyes and frowned.

            gIfm Misora Naomi.h The other woman said politely. gWataru-sanch


            gWhy are you dressed as a boy?h

            Wataru tensed. She hadnft been expecting that, of all things, as a question. gHow did you know?h

            gI used to be an FBI agent.h Homura smiled. gAnd you donft act that much like a boy.h

            Wataru seethed inwardly, hearing Daigo chuckle. gItfs not very complicated. Father needs a son to inherit his position.h

            Naomi patted her on the back sympathetically. gI feel for you. Itfs very difficult for a woman to pursue a career in law enforcement. But Ifm going off topic. Ifm here becausec Ifve seen Kira.h

            Seenc Kira?

            Wataru felt her blood run cold, but masked it with a smile. gEveryone claims to have seen Kira at some time or another, Naomi-san.h

            gI know. But Ifm pretty sure that my fiancée knew who Kira was, and to keep him silent, Kira murdered him.h

            gThatfs an interesting deduction,h Wataru said, slipping a notepad out of her jacket. gMind if I take notes?h


            Wataru carefully wrote Misora Naomifs name on a scrap of Death Note, and penciled in suicide.

            Forty secondsc

            Naomi was still talking softly, something about a busjacking, and how Matsubusa had told her that he had shown his ID card to a passenger, and that passenger was probably Kirac

            But it was hard to concentrate, what with Daigo laughing in the background. Why? Why wasnft she dying? Unlesscunless the woman had given her a fake name.

            Wataru scowled, glad that Naomi wasnft looking at her, and glared at Daigo.

            You know, Wataru, you can do the eye deal at any time. Itfs just like putting in contact lenses. It wonft even hurt.

            Wataru shook her head, before her eyes glittered coldly. She would just have to up the stakes a bit.


            gSo if Kira can kill by means other than heart attacks, Kira is more powerful than we think.h

            Homura nodded. gYes. It all makes sense, doesnft it?h

            gQuite.h Wataru agreed. Such a pity...she had to get the womanfs real name somehow, but how?

            Daigo was therefore quite surprised, when Wataru wrote another name along with a few sentences, before slipping the notepad back in her pocket. It wouldnft take long at allc

            Sure enough, not more than a few minutes later, a ragged man came up to Naomi and ran off with her purse. The woman gaped, before running after him. Wataru followed, smirking.

            The man gasped as he ducked into an alleyway. Wataru was faster, and Naomi was panting for breath a good half block back, so she flicked her fingertips as a piece of paper sailed through the air and impacted off his head. He turned, only to see Daigo floating behind Wataru in all his otherworldly glory, and screamed.

            Wataru took advantage of this distraction to grab the purse back. She took a quick look at the driverfs license inside, aha; Mikoto Homura was her real namec

            The man ran through Daigo and off into the distance, as Homura ran up, panting.

            gAre you all right?h Wataru asked, handing the purse back to Homura.

            gOh, thank you!h Homura said gratefully. They made small talk for a few more minutes, before Homura walked off.

            Wataru smirked quietly.

            Mikoto Homura would commit suicide, ensure that her body would not be found, and not speak a word of her suspicions to the police. It was all finished.

            Wataru slipped the Death Note back into her desk, and smirked.

            Too bad for you, S...


            Elsewhere, Homurafs eyes were blank as she stood in front of a river, before her hands came up and closed around her neck, before she fell into the water with a splash.


End Fic

Completed 3/11/07

So I decided to fill in some gaps in Death Note *nods* not that I donft love the ficc but I had themes to finish and time to kill, so why not? ^^ So yeah, itfs different from the manga because Wataru isnft as charming as Light and being a girl the semi-seduction tactic wouldnft work. So she had some other criminal kept in reserve run off with Homurafs purse, then see Daigo and freak outc the criminal probably got hit by a car later that day. ^^ So no evidence, whee!