You, and whoever over your shoulder might
be peering
Some random author, promising you a
tale most endearing
Christmas is a celebration one normally spends
relatives and strangers, family and friends!
those that obsess over this aspect only
always the ones that are the most lonely...
‘Twas a dark, cold night of ice and snow
Winter had come, as the moon was aglow
Bathing herself in its pale chilling light
Floated Mew, a legendary of wisdom and might
”1.5424° to ecliptic…”
She mumbled with a meaning most cryptic
”6.687° to orbital plane…”
She whispered in a way most profane
Creating mental notes to add to her growing supply
Mew giggled and decided to look down from the sky
Down there was a world she felt she knew rather well
With few curiosities about it left in her to quell
Suddenly realizing danger with her many senses
She hastily attempted to raise her defenses
A crowd of Pokémon seemed to have gathered underneath
Dancing, laughing and singing through their teeth!
Mew lowered her defenses, but rose in height
“What an odd thing to be doing, on such a frosty night…”
But even though she was so high above
She couldn’t help but notice all their magnificent love
Focusing her ears, she started hearing
Of tidings and traditions most endearing!
They were celebrating ‘Holidays’ or ‘Christmas’, signs bode
Whichever one it was, she was unable to decode
She wondered what ‘Christmas’ was, in curiosity
They were spreading joy and delight, with such generosity!
And even though she tried to this happy display shun
She couldn’t deny that it all looked kind of… Fun.
She wished to join them, to move a bit nearer
Instead the voice of reason in her turned clearer
“I am legendary and must remain hidden”, she remembered
“Unless I want to get caught, or maybe even dismembered!”
Sighing deeply, she turned around to leave
She saw no use in hanging on to an impossible dream
But suddenly, a plan in her mind took form
“I know! I can try to use ‘Transform’!”
Searching nearby for a lonely spot
She knew from the start this would be a long shot
Her transformation skills were far from complete
And her regular form was pink, not all that discreet!
Setting down among a group of trees
She took shelter behind them from the cold breeze
Then, using the extent of her abilities
She began thinking about the many possibilities
She thought of turning into a common Raticate
But she didn’t want to come off as too overweight
Most of her transformations were of water-types, like Horsea
Although becoming a Magikarp would probably never be a good idea...
In the end, she decided to go with Charmander
The fairly rare, yet popular salamander
But then she halted herself just before turning
In this cold, her fire might stop burning!
Met with failure, she felt her determination soften
Transforming was not something she did very often
Not wanting to waste any further time
She simply transformed herself into a Mr. Mime
Her new body was itchy, heavy and slow
Only when compared with her regular form, though
They might laugh at her, but she won’t hear it
None of that will be enough to crush her spirit!
Feeling ready, she finally left the trees
Approaching the crowd while braving the chilling freeze
Sliding herself in, she quickly blended in with the the crew
There were now 33 regular Pokémon… And a Mew!
Looking around, she found herself somewhat meek
Celebrations everywhere, yet she dared not to speak!
She had never been good at socialization
Constant isolation can create such a retardation
Observing the area, she saw much decoration
Ornaments and lights, with trees as their foundation
Most of them were covered in round colorful glass
They reminded her quite a bit of Regigigas!
A little further away, among all the cables
Were several kinds of food, decked across many tables
Although she rarely ate and did not condone slaughter
At the sight of this, even her mouth began to water!
She moved closer as her analysis became complete
None of the meals appeared to contain any meat
Even so, she noted that no one was eating
As her thoughts were interrupted by a slurred greeting
“Hey there sweetie, lend me your ear
Surprised to see a beauty like you, over here!”
The Machoke spoke brashly with a cough
As Mew kind of wished he would just back off
“Thank you…” she whispered, not wanting to be rude
Then the Machoke leaned in closer, thinking he was a cool dude
“Hey, I’ve been wondering about this forever…
Is it Mr. or Ms. Mime, or whichever?”
Mew became worried, since she didn’t know the answer
And she tried to divert their attention by looking at a nearby dancer
“Come on sweetie, it’s just a simple question!”
The Machoke spoke, as his voice gained a hint of aggression
“Whichever” Mew replied, hoping it was true
“Well then, which one would best describe you?”
Mew gasped as she finally understood
This rude Machoke was hoping to give her wood!
Mew took a step back a drew a frightened breath
To her kind, relations would only result in her death
But her impending doom would seem like a minor gripe
If she got together with this moron who was SO not her type!
“You look worried” he said, “Don’t be upset…
One look at mine, and you’ll instantly be wet!”
Mew wanted to erase him, but knew that she shouldn’t
Morals aside, it was more of a fact that she couldn’t!
To attack she would have to shed her disguise
Even if only for a second, that would not be wise
If she were to reveal her true form here, no matter how adorable
The consequences would indeed be deplorable!
“Isn’t it too early for you to be committing rape?”
A nearby snake-Pokémon said, as the Machoke’s mouth was agape
“Usually you get to stay free until at least Christmas Day”
“Keep it in your pants, or you’ll miss the evening’s buffet”
“Sorry, officer Snivy! I won’t happen again!” the Machoke plead
“Piss off, bonehead” Snivy said while scratching his head
The Machoke scrambled away and disappeared among the crowd
Leaving the two of them alone, as Snivy sighed out loud
“T-Thank you…” Mew said, still urging to be left alone
If not for his presence, by now away she would have flown
“Not a problem, miss…” he answered, clearing out his ear
“Or perhaps that was ‘mister’, I didn’t quite hear!”
“Not you too!” Mew shouted, starting to bicker
As Snivy looked surprised before giving off a snicker
“Oh no, I just want a new story to bug him with” was his reply
“See, it would be hilarious if you actually turned out to be a guy!”
“I’m female, if that’s what you want to know”
Mew said, Snivy looking mighty disappointed in the snow
“Well, I’ll tell him differently if I catch him up to some other crime…”
“Everyone else seems to be in high spirits, so try to have a good time!”
Snivy left her for an Eevee as Mew stood and stared
These encounters had caught her a bit unprepared
She thought, “Could this be what Christmas was all about?
In that case, perhaps it wouldn’t be wrong for me to
drop out-”
Before finishing her thought, she left the table
Unwillingly as she was pulled into a dance most unstable
“Come my darling, let us dance the night away!”
“We’ll move over this snow like a true winter sleigh!”
It was a Blaziken that had spun her around in a whirl
Laughing uncontrollably, he sent her flying away in a twirl
She was half-expecting someone else to instantly catch her
Once again manhandling her, and turning her into a blur
But as luck would have it, no one came
So she spun to the outskirts of the area again
Taking a moment to try to calm down
She looked back at the party with a big frown
“I knew these were wild Pokemon, but…” she thought
As she noticed someone her attention sought
Another Mr. Mime, who appeared to be kind of sleepy
He was shuffling away from the crowd, very mysterious and creepy
It was then that Mew knew for sure
This party had been a rather terrible detour
Taking one last look back at the swarm
She finally turned back into her regular form!
Fleeing quickly, she left the Mr. Mime in a daze
Praying that this would not any suspicions raise
Flying fast and with an increasing height
The Mew at long last faded away into the night…
Mew had made it quite far before she exhaled
Seems that her mission to slip in unnoticed had failed
While she actually wanted to stay and enjoy the festivities…
It appears that she was not up for some of the activities!
… Is this Christmas? Even so, she truly did not want to give up
She had almost been found out, yet didn’t want to stop!
There would have been more to see, had she remained a Mr.Mime
Having a good time once in a while, could it really be a crime!?
She thought about returning as herself, before cracking a smile
Doing something like that would simply not be her style
Although in truth, she would do anything to not soon
Have to spend another night with no one but the faceless moon
She has likened herself to the moon ever since birth
Soaring majestically, far above the lively earth
Floating all alone over a million miles away
Everyone looks up to it, but never have anything to say…
And so began the passing of yet another unfulfilled night
She was free, but without another soul in sight
The silence and solitude she had come to know so very well
Instead made her feel like she was locked inside a cell
Spending her days researching, she was called Earth’s mother
For she knew more about life than any other
But learning the ways of creatures big and small
Did nothing to cure her emptiness, at all!
Though so very wise, she was not deluded
She knew that all her life she had been secluded
And by knowing so much, yet experiencing so little
Her will to live had become rather brittle
Born legendary, her existence was one of limitless possibilities
She was blessed with a long life as well as incredible abilities
One would think her goals in life would come rushing
While in reality, she truly had nothing…
Her greatest wish was actually far from vain
She was not interested in power, money nor fame
Although the longing was there, the solution remained unknown
Perhaps something akin to a family, one that she could call her own…?
A mother, or someone who is loving and kind!
An older brother, always having a superior mind!
Just… Anyone! Someone that’ll keep her from going insane!
With something like that, she would never feel lonely again!
A storm was picking up as the air filled with snow
But in her normal form, she was never cold, hungry or slow
She knew that she would be fine through this whole ordeal
And kept moving until she suddenly heard a sorrowful squeal
Although her night had already been blown
She knew that she just couldn’t leave it alone!
She moved closer as the storm had lost its stability
And whoever it was would have reduced visibility
“-addy, no!” a light voice pierced the storm
As in the haze of snow, Mew began to see a form
For right in the middle of this unforgiving blizzard
Stood a young Squirtle, hunching over a collapsed Charizard
“Daddy! No! Please don’t die!”
The child wailed as he started to cry
Mew did not have to be a wise one most distinguished
To notice the flame on his tail had already been extinguished…
“Please! My daddy’s dying, help my daddy, you!”
The child continued, unfazed at the appearance of Mew
He could not exactly be picky on who to ask for assist
As he could only make out a pink blur in the powerful mist
Mew approached the Charizard’s massive size
This storm had obviously taken him by surprise
They must have just been outside flying
What a horrible way to end up dying…
While healing was not hers but Celebi’s specialty
She thought that fixing this should not be an impossibility
Perhaps if she were to all the cold inside his body drain
Like a phoenix, he would spring back to life again?
She had barely gotten started before the entire
Charizard suddenly burst into fire!
The Squirtle jumped back, receiving a scare
While Mew just hovered closely to the mighty flare
“GRAAAAAHHH!” the Charizard yelled
As his entire body felt like it was being meld
After a few moments, the ball of fire ceased its burning
As the Charizard slowly felt his powers returning
“DADDY! YOU’RE ALIVE!” the Squirtle shouted
Never having lost hope, never having doubted
The Charizard was confused and started to look around
But nowhere the pink figure he had felt was to be found
The Charizard flinched, “If not for her, I would be…”
“Tell me, son… Who was it that helped me?”
“It was the spirit of Christmas!” the Squirtle said
As he stopped crying and started smiling instead
“Wait, was THAT Christmas?” Mew thought as she fled through the squall
Either way, she really didn’t want this night to end up in a Pokeball!
Forgetting about the two, even though it was not exactly biblical
She’ll never know that she had just handed out a true Christmas Miracle!
Still feeling down, she finally made it home
A place so secret, even its description shall remain unknown!
In all this secrecy, she was quite surprised to sense
That someone was in there… It made her tense…
Could it be her friend, master of the flora?
Even so, Mew sensed more than one aura
No one untrusting knew about her favorite place to hide
And so, she decided to carefully look inside…
“Welcome back, Mew! Happy Holiday!”
Celebi exclaimed in a most cheerful way
“Hey, there’s this thing called ‘Christmas’, and it truly sounds fun!”
“We have everything prepared, so let’s try it at once!”
Celebi was there, together with a strange crew
A Gallade and Kabutops, as well as that brash Pikablu
While Celebi claimed that they were trusty and would not tell
Mew still hadn’t gotten used to their presence all that well
Her home had been decorated with various things
Mostly weird trinkets, among them balls of glass on strings
Everything was less glamorous than what she earlier had gotten to see
… Surely, that tiny little branch was not supposed to be a Christmas Tree!
A few hours ago, this would have been great
Now? It all felt a little… Lightweight.
“Oh! Almost forgot…” Celebi said, picking up a mysterious rag
At closer inspection, it was more like a colorful and cubically formed bag
She used her psychic abilities to remove its content
Sent it flying Mew’s way and gladly said “Here’s your present!”
Mew caught it and began examining it
A bar of calcium, yet nothing special it seemed to emit…
Mew frowned, “Hmm… I don’t know if it’s a keeper…”
Celebi laughed, “Not like that, try to look at it deeper!”
That’s when Mew noticed what she hadn’t earlier seen
The calcium’s electrons were not twenty, but actually nineteen!
“It’s called potassium, an element the humans created!”
Celebi continued as Mew became elated
Mew wanted to start experimenting with it right away!
“This is incredible! Thank you so much!” she proceeded to say
“Don’t thank me, thank the others!” Celebi said,
pointing to their additions
“They’re the ones that got the present, and taught me
all of these traditions!”
“It was our pleasure” Kabutops said, as he decided to bow
“I know my way around labs, just don’t ask me how…”
“What’s with that bow, did age finally get your back?”
The Gallade snickered, shining with the color opposite of black
“Being humble is fine, but it’s not like there was a rule!”
“No need for all that stuff, these two are totally cool”
“Maybe you could stand to learn some respect…”
Pikablu mumbled quietly, hoping to interject
“Hah!” the Gallade said, “I can’t believe I’m hearing that from you!”
“Mr. I’m-gonna-beat-up-legends-so-I-can-be-a-legend-too!”
The bickering went on as Mew deeply sighed
However, she did not feel the usual instinct to hide
Rather, watching he chemistry between these three
Filled her up with what she would later identify as “Glee”!
‘Twas not a family, but some components were there
Siblings fighting each other, but never ceasing to care
Far from what she had experienced at the magnificent ball
Could THIS be Christmas? It was a human tradition, after all…
If this was the proper way to celebrate Christmas or not
It didn’t really matter, because she was enjoying it a lot
And even though her true holiday mission was far from clear
She knew that she would get another shot at it… Next year!
Chapter End
Somewhere in a dark, damp cave
Sits old man Mewtwo, dignified and grave
“Christmas? Bah! Humbug!” he started to exclaim
And finished it, because in the end no one else came
There he’ll sit forever, known by nothing but his name
Since he prefers to be alone… What a shame…
But rest assured that if celebration WAS his aim
That party would be anything BUT lame!
Using his charms, he would get the most beautiful dame!
Even her strongest suitors he would be able to tame!
The ones that would question him would be looking for a maim…
Humans, Pokémon… They all implode the same!
But in the end, sitting alone in a cave was all that became…
And he himself knows that he has only one person to blame…