Title: Ai no Nana
Genre: General (AAMRN/JAJRN/Pokémon x
Sailormoon Crossover)
Rating: 12 (PG-13 for Americans)
Author: Serenity Windchimes
E-Mail: star_princess@kittymail.com
Website: http://www.stas.net/5/stardust
Comments:I need an Author's note before I
start. So no comments. All is heading there....
This would be my hardest chapter to write..... I can't really think of what to open it with. Isn't that sad? Writer's block. Hate it. *insert about 3 weeks here* Overcome by... you'll never guess this one... Neon Genesis Evangelion! Or the theme song. Combined with a brilliant fic I read of my internet friend's (pkmn x sm =P) I overcame the dreaded writers' block! Huzzah!! Now all I have to do is put that song on repeat and get Eva out of my head -_- Oh, yes, actual fic related comments. Another net friend of mine (Matthias) kindly pointed out that the outers say 'Crystal Power' instead of 'Planet Power'. Seeing as I can't be bothered to change chapter one and then change these comments, Ch. 1 is remaining as is but I will switch to Crystal Power from now on. And Venus-sama's ark is from the game, Pretty Soldier Sailormoon. It's basically this teleportation thing that can take you to the moon and about 5 locations in the world (Rias in Turkey, some place in Canada, A place in Switzerland etc.) Oh, and I've made my decision - Chibi-Senshi will also be in Japanese format, it looks weird to say 'Sailormoon and Sailor Chibi-Moon la di da'. Just stick with it, okay?
Chapter 2: Instinct of the Heart, Trial of the Mind
Everyone was looking at her. Now was the time. She had to tell them, to let them down and hurt them. She didn't want to do it but it had to be done. And who better than herself - Sailormoon - to do the job? She always got stuck with the dirty work.
She opened her mouth to speak before abruptly shutting it again. She couldn't tell them. It wouldn't be right.
But would it be right to leave them in the lurch? Leave them to be hurt, possibly killed, while defending her? No, that wouldn't be right either. She would have to hurt them to heal them. You always hurt the one you love. But still -
"I'm not needed, am I?" A soft voice whispered. She looked up and saw the speaker - Mystery. Eternal Sailorfantasy. Her eyes were full of hurt and concern, but mostly hurt. She looked torn.
"No it's not like that! It's just..... It's just that......" She turned away, as did the younger girl. The one who she had always referred to as her sister - even though she wasn't. They were just close. But now it felt like she was a million miles away.
"I won't get hurt! Serena! You know I'll be fine! Plea -"
"That's enough!" She called for silence and she got it, using the short shock her command had brought to take a deep breath. "Sumi-chan, if all of us are killed by him, who would save the future? We need a princess to take over, and she would need guardians. Sailorstar will be the queen - she _is_ second - and you shall be a protector. That's how it works, you know that."
"Bu -"
"Sailormoon, I'm surprised at you! Are you really going to risk Chibimoon's life for some dumb idea? Tsukino!" Every head turned to the speaker. The princess of the stars. Kitty. The most immature member of the group and the most mature at the same time. However many personalities she had, one of her few undisputed talents was psychiatry and comebacks. This time she'd found a nerve that she was going to stick with - the same one of most women. Their children.
"Chibimoon will be fine." Sailormoon replied.
"Not if you die she won't be." Fantasy had caught onto what Star was doing and helped her fellow 'Dreamer'.
Eternal Sailormoon couldn't quite stand up to this kind of opposition. She lost her cool and, as she remembered her status, she remembered the unfair authority that she had over them. "Listen to me! I am the princess and I will do as I see fit to! Even if that means sacrificing myself and the future for a new one! AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO OPPOSE THAT!"
Dreams.... they come true.
But this time he felt different, it was his dream, lifelong ambition even to be there, but he didn't notice it. Tears, memories and heartbreak do that sort of thing.......... Life even.
Brock was sitting on Nurse Joy's bed with her arms around him, crying into her soldier. There was too much to remember, too much pressure, too much..... Just too much dammit! He punched the quilt, but that brought no relief. What would? He didn't know. He couldn't think straight....... just Too Much.
Joy rubbed the back of his neck and tried desperately to calm him, but, not surprisingly, her efforts weren't rewarded. She was still in shock from what he'd said, but she guessed that his needs preceded her own - at that precise moment she didn't want her son to wake up and add to the list of hysterical males in the center. Even if that was a bit harsh.
So she sighed inwardly and carried on rubbing. After a time - what felt like hours - the sobbing subsided and she felt the boy fall asleep. She sighed again and laid him down on her bed to sleep before picking up her baby and heading to the center. She had a sick Rattata that needed taking care of......... it would probably help her to blot out what Brock had told her anyway.
Silence. Shadows. Shock. Serenity. Each of those added to the tension again and again, heaping on top of each other to form a pile 6 miles high. Depression. No, that didn't help either, but it wasn't put onto the bonfire. It was the fire that lit it.
Silence from words that were not to be spoken. Shadows are beings of the night. Shock from the human heart. Serenity is the reason wars are fought. Depression..... the flame that consumes the soul. The phrases and thinking that repeated themselves over and over in Misty's mind were enough to drive her crazy. She stared at the girl - woman now, really - who'd caused them to be with hatred on her mind...... But she could feel none. She switched her gaze to fall across the group of stunned senshi, tracing each face with her eyes, purposefully avoiding her leader. Eventually it fell on the new kid - the purple senshi. Or violet, if you didn't want to confuse with Saturn. She switched her gaze over to Saturn and almost laughed. Saturn was really the youngest of the present senshi (not including Chibichibimoon, no one was actually game enough to figure out where she fitted in seeing as she only appeared when she wanted sugar) but she was still called the baby. Some dumb reason about Saturn constantly killing herself and reversing her age.... That would have come in handy for Queen Beryl, she mused lightheartedly. What was she meant to be thinking about anyway? She guessed she really _was_ the baby, everyone else could concentrate on crisis situations.
But was this really a crisis?
Desperately averting her gaze from those who trusted her, she turned her eyes to the ground. Almost in a submissive position, although everyone there knew that that was not the case. Her eyes, though holding shame, held a fierce determination. She wouldn't back down. That was her silent vow, and she _would_ stick to it.
Just as she decided that, she felt a tug on her sash.
"Aw, come on Odango, give Myst a break." Looking down she saw Soldiermoon looking almost comical, sitting cross-legged on the floor with her sash in one hand, peering up at her. Actually reminding her of their time on the moon. She smiled, he'd had a soft spot for Mystery then, too. Looking into his face, which had suddenly seemed to lose 10 years to her eyes, she felt inclined to give in......
"No!" She yelled, jerking herself away from his grasp. "Ash, things change and we don't need everyone to get hurt! Why don't any of you understand that?" The entire group bowed their heads in shame at her tear-filled gaze, all except Fantasy, Star, Sun, Moon and, ironically, Chibidaydream.
"Listen, I'm leaving now." Sailormoon turned to walk back to the palace, the place where Venus-sama's ark was located. She would use that to return to Tokyo. Before she left the area, she issued one last command. I'm expecting the inner and outer senshi to meet at my house in 48 hours. Chibimoon, go home, and take the other girl with you. Chibi-Chibi, you're leaving as well. Go back to Galaxia. Goodbye, everyone." She disappeared among the kingdom ruins, leaving a shocked group behind.
"Well, I think that's it. She's made up her mind and we have to obey. There is no alternative anymore." Sailormars also turned to leave, but not before embracing some of the other girls, the ones she would probably never see again.
"So you're all just going to give up? Man, adults are weird." Everyone turned to face the speaker. Surprise surprise, Chibidaydream, 4-year-old with attitude was the speaker. "That's just dumb. She's hurt and upset, now just go on acting like you're going to obey her and totally double-cross her by turning up and doing something really nice for her, that'll add the guilt trip as well."
"Excuse me!!??!!" Fantasy yelled. "Why would we treat her like that??!!?? That's really rude, Crystal!!!"
The kid blinked. "And you knew my name from what strange twist of fate?"
Fantasy blinked. ".......... I don't know........"
Crystal shook her head to clear it. "o....kay.... Now the alternative to the guilt trip is just turning up and refusing to leave. Or monitoring her fights and turning up to save everyone's butts just in time."
The 'forbidden' Senshi looked at each other and nodded. "Plan C."
Joy was now beginning to worry about the two young trainers. It was already noon, and no word from them whatsoever. If they were a couple and off doing *ahem* 'couply' things, they would've been back by now.... Attention spans weren't so high among those two anyway.
She sighed and sat behind the front desk to wait for them, letting her mind wander over the day's happenings. Her baby hadn't woken up 'till 10, thank God, but that didn't mean she got any extra rest. No rest for the weary, as they say. Or is it wicked? Whichever, she must be one of them.
The Rattata had been in a bad way when it came in the week before. 5 cracked ribs, its nose was bruised and bloody and to add to that nice little list was its fear of humans. Its trainer had brought it in and she automatically asked what happened. She watched the 'trainer' think desperately to recall the excuse - he didn't look too worried about the rattata when he brought it in, but that changed when he was quizzed - and then she kicked him out. There was no need for him in her center. She sighed again and tried not to think about things like that.
Her mind drifted over her worries to the time she first met Ash and Misty. They were both only 14 and highly argumentative. She remembered saying making them blush considerably - the fighting/caring trick. That one always worked a treat on her brothers and sisters. But it turned out to be true, she was always at battle with her husband, and now she was deeply in love - but the fighting hadn't stopped yet. Hopefully that would be out by the time her baby was old enough to yell 'shut up'. Her husband was currently away at a Pokémon conference, there seemed to be lots of those lately.
Thinking about love and Pokémon only made her think of Satoshi and Kasumi again. Ash seemed to have changed little in his energy, never sitting still for a second. Alot like another girl who came in with a pikachu a few weeks earlier - Catsy or whatever her name was. Weird little pikachu, too. She called it Forever or something, said it was short for Pikachu Forever. Bizarre girl. Above all, this thing was _white_ and black. Just white and black - oh, and it had a little yellow star stuck on it's head. She sighed. 17 year olds are _not_ meant to still be turning growlithes into suicunes with paintbrushes. She was extremely hyper, actually, 10 times worse than Sato-kun had ever been. It was quite strange though, because she sorted out a brawl between two trainers like _that_. In the most mature way possible. Now why does this girl linger on my mind!! She thought, irritably. I was meant to be thinking about people I know!
She tried changing her thoughts to Thomas, who was currently trying to draw on the computer screen with a pen. Oops, better take that off him... She quickly took the pen out of his hand, grabbing the first thing that came to hand as a (hopefully) safe substitute. It was a cold, metal square, and she looked down at it, she felt compelled to look at it. She was looking at the back of a picture frame. She sighed and turned it over.
It was a picture of the center, all those years ago when she worked in Vermilion. It was taken when Surge had just conceded his first defeat, by Ash of all people. She smiled as she looked over the picture, studying each face intently for signs of change.
In the middle at the back stood the huge Lieutenant, Raichu in arms and a smile as big as his muscles. She grinned. That was before she married him, now the smile was even bigger. On either side stood his two trainers, that girl, what'shername, she forgot, and the other man of the gym, what'shisname. They ended up in a steady relationship, latest she'd heard was that they were engaged. Mr. and Mrs. Nameless, she mused.
Around them were the people currently staying at the center, and their Pokémon. Nurse Joy herself was standing on top of the center, along with her Chansey. She blushed as she remembered the argument she had to go through before she agreed to Surge's idea, then laughed at the memory. She actually looked very..... Superwoman-ish on top of that building.
She switched her thoughts again and returned her gaze to the centerees, as she liked to call them. Most of them she had not heard from again, although she remembered that one boy, her baby's namesake, had become a top trainer and was being put into the new Elite Four. She laughed as she saw his picture again, he was so immature back then. Only 12, he had his tongue out in a very un-gentlemanly gesture. But the boy's natural good will shone through, even in this photo, and it didn't ruin the picture a bit, besides, it would probably be good for blackmail if she ever got invited to his wedding - assuming he got married. She'd probably have another function to flash the photo at, anyway.
Briefly, Joy interrupted her thoughts and caught her son as he toppled off the desk with one hand. "Babies have no fear," she remarked to no-one in particular. She put him on the floor, then, watching him automatically head for the power point, picked him up again. She sighed. "So woe betide the mothers."
It was time for a little nap, she decided. She had too many kids to worry about, but she was _so_ going to chew out Sato and Sumi-chan when they got back. _If_ they get back at all, she shuddered, returning her attention to her son, blocking out all thoughts of death from her mind.
When she came back from placing her son in his playpen - numerous attempts at the cot hadn't worked, and she wasn't desperate enough to try sedatives - again Joy sat behind her desk and watched the door. The day had been fairly quiet, aside from the occasional snore from Brock or the odd trainer wanting a rejuvenation done, nothing more. Right now the lobby was empty, and she knew that all centerees were still asleep - Misty screaming on and off from midnight 'till 3 in her sleep and Brock's panic dash must have been huge factors in that. She needed a drink. As she got up to make one, her foot landed on the picture frame. Must've dropped it, she mused, bending over to pick it up before sitting down and studying it again.
This time her eyes fell on Brock, and she wondered over his mental progression. He still went crazy the first time he saw her, but as soon as the minor fact of her marriage became involved he gave up, though she'd heard several complaints from the local Officer Jenny. He seemed to have become more open, freely expressing his feelings on all matters. It was obvious that he held Ash and Misty close as siblings, nothing more. He'd also started to show some of the energy Ash had, like it was contagious or something. He seemed to now use the 'pretty girl thing' as an ongoing joke, and the other 2 teenagers gladly played along, although she did have some doubts as to whether it was serious or not when he was alone. Sighing again, she changed her train of thoughts to Ash.
His energy level seemed to have _risen_, of all things, although it was headed in the right direction now. Gone were the days when he would use it on impulse and make a fool out of himself, he actually seemed semi-reserved now. Semi. Or maybe 1/8 reserved? Whatever, it was enough to make him look mature, which, she realized with a start, he was. Or he could be. When she overheard him talking to anyone he was a nice, normal, good-natured young man, when he got together with his friends and they were having a laugh he was just slightly hyperactive.
But his appearance had certainly changed. His hair was still messy, but was that kind of messy that could look neat. He had definitely grown, being about 6 feet 2 inches, she guessed, about and inch taller than Brock. And either he trained with his Pokémon or walking everywhere was highly underrated, must be doing wonders for his body as well as his legs, she mused. He was cute! Although as a married woman she wasn't meant to say that.
Her thoughts quickly switched from Ash to Misty. The girl had always puzzled her, she was good at judging characters but couldn't quite put her finger on this one. She seemed to be hiding things, when she had asked Ash about her it was evident he didn't know much. She had an air of... grace? No, that wasn't it, she'd had that since she was born - being of the Cerulean Gym Joy had naturally known her from a young age - but it was something along those lines. Her sister's seem to be missing it. It was an air of..... majesty. Majesty? Misty and an air of Majesty? That just didn't fit together. But she had noticed the tell-tale signs of a good upbringing, not just a good one a _royal_ one, but there were no royals in the Kanto/Johto regions. She knew that she had not been taught them, so maybe she just picked them up from TV when she was little or something acceptable like that. She'd noticed now that the girl was more relaxed than she'd ever seen her, even at home where she was surrounded by girls. Maybe she was just one of those girls who preferred guys overall, Joy thought, wincing, hoping Misty would not be one of those 'easy girls' you see lying dead in the gutter.
Like the other 2, her energy levels had risen during the time she'd spent with them. She seemed even more hyper than Ash, but was obviously able to contain it more effectively. Also, a few of her hidden talents seemed to be popping out - including a singing one that Joy herself had never known about, and was certain she was not meant to. She just heard someone singing and since Misty was the only other person in the center, put two and two together. It was quite funny to watch, since whenever she was singing and Ash or someone came in she'd turn bright red and act like it wasn't her.
The picture showed some of her hidden energy, her and Ash where both in front of and on either side of Brock, leaning inwards facing each other with their heads towards the camera. Quite a cute pose really, Brock was pretending to climb on top of them and use them for the 'tiered' handstands performed in the local park, but all that was really evident was the huge smile on his face. Misty had obviously been trying to look 'cute' and it had worked, she looked about 2 in the picture with her big eyes and cheeky smile. Ash was just Ash, looking happy as can be with his Pikachu on shoulder and friends on each side. He'd been in stitches just beforehand, seeing as Misty had 'disturbed' Squirtle and gotten satched just before the photo. Probably the reason why this was on of the then-rare pictures of her with her hair down.
Something in the picture caught her eye, and she looked closer. Misty seemed to be wearing a necklace, one that she'd never noticed before. It was gold, but more than that couldn't be distinguished through the photo. She drifted her eyes over the picture one more time before sighing and placing it back on her desk to collect more cobwebs. Bored, she tried to think of something else to think about, traversing the room with her eyes. Tommy, she noticed with a sigh, was finally asleep - he looked so kawaii in his pen like -
Her thoughts were disturbed by a gentle voice floating through the open window to her.
" ' - under a bus,
I got hit by a train,
Keep falling in love,
Which is kinda the same' - Ash, if you were walking any slower you'd be going backwards." She looked out the window and saw Sato-chan and Sumi-san walking towards the center, laughing and talking as they went. And Misty was singing. Obviously.
"Ah, change the song, Sumi-chan, that one's annoying." She sat by the window listening to their conversation - it wasn't eavesdropping, just a more convenient way to get answers.
" 'I've got an ex-boyfriend who calls me up,
To blame me for his life,
I get bunches of roses, from another guy
And hate mail from his wife -' "
"Sumi-_sama_!! That's bye the same group!!"
Joy heard a giggle, followed by Ash's own laughter.
"K, I'll find a new one, _master_. And what's with all the Japanese, anyway?"
"Change is good." He replied.
She just laughed and started singing again. " ' -cause nothing that I have right now.....'" She stopped.
"And? What're the next words?" The boy asked teasingly.
"I'm not sure." Nurse Joy could practically hear the blush in her voice. Then the girl laughed. "Anyway, baka! It's the same song!"
"Hey!" after that the conversation seemed to deteriorate into giggles and laughter.
Soon enough, the two teens came running through the center doors, still laughing, then Ash caught her from behind and pulled her up against him, so her back was more or less touching his chest as she squirmed to free herself.
"Ash! Lemme go now, please?" She tried to turn to face him, but he held her firm there.
"Myst, the puppy eyes aren't gonna work when I can't see you! Anyway, why would you want me to let go??? I just _have_ to be the most wonderful, handsome, charming,"
"Con-artist that ever lived? Yeah right, pull the other one." To which he gave a quick tug at her hair and they continued on the play fight.
Joy watched the proceedings with interest, then noticed their attire, and got a slight shock from Misty's clothes, she was usually more conservative that _that_. But maybe it wasn't so bad, it was just what most girls nowadays wore. A bikini top - though not triangle, she noticed - and tight-fitting jeans that hugged her legs. She was barefoot and her shoulder-length hair was swept back on one side with a small blue and white star-shaped clasp. The pair must've stopped to make daisy chains before, since she had a few trailing through her hair, giving her a wild, back to nature beauty that the older woman approved of in a secret way. Ash was wearing a loose white tee-shirt with a pair of faded blue jeans and a belt - she'd never noticed one of them before, and the buckle was in an odd shape, like a crescent moon. Like Misty, he was also barefoot, but he was missing the nail polish on his toes.
Ash and Misty were still talking playfully, flirting - even they would call it that, but flirting was no big deal anymore. Misty still had her back against him, but her head was on his shoulder, looking up at him with dancing eyes, while he spoke to her with a slight laugh and made her blush. Joy decided it was time to break them up and find out what they'd been doing - they certainly seemed much too close for 'just friends'.
"Ahem." The nurse cleared her throat, and, raising an eyebrow, gave them a quizzical look. Both blushed immediately and split up, Misty spinning away from him with an embarrassed look on her face.
"um, HELLO, um, I'm lost, um, yes?" Ash and the Nurse blinked. Misty flopped back into a chair, briefly thinking of something productive to say, before giving up and looking to Ash.
Ash seemed to have a better response than Misty's. "Heya Joy, what's up?" He sat down on the chair opposite Misty and looked up to her, waiting for an answer.
The nurse pushed herself back onto her desk, enjoying the suffering she was putting the young couple through. It was humorous. They both had the same slightly nervous look on their faces, both giving her a tentative glance.
"I think I should be the one asking you that, young man. Just where were you two this morning, and weren't you just a leetle too close for friends??" She watched them both blush and quickly glance at each other, smiling to herself at their reaction. Maybe I'll move to Saffron, she thought, I could probably do with some _real_ psychic powers. The she grinned outwardly and waited for their response.
Ash recovered quickest. "We were just playing, Joy, we always do that. You know that."
"He's right. You know most stuff that's happening, all the gossip, don't you, Joylene?" Now it was the nurses turn to blush as Misty quickly turned the heat back on her. The nurse shook her head and regained her composure quickly, though.
"Yes, but I've never seen you that close before. I'm sorry, but if I got out a ruler I'd have measured 0mm between your back and his chest, miss."
Misty sighed and laid down atop of the row of chairs. "Yeah, well, we're friends, friends do that sort of thing." She watched the older woman's reaction for a second. "And before you ask, we're closer now because we were up half the night and all morning wandering round town talking. You get that with insomnia."
The nurse blinked. "You know, insomniacs have the closest friends" Ash said in an all-wise voice, with that annoying knowing look on his face. Misty giggled, and even the nurse had to stifle a laugh. It was glaringly obvious now that they wanted to play, acting like a couple of 5 year olds, and the nurse found it hard to resist. But she _had_ to check out their story first.
"You know Misty, your hair's very knotty and that twig is _not_ high fashion." Misty's hand didn't even go up to check as she sat up and gave the woman an incredulous stare.
"Joy, there are no trees around here for miles. It's open country. And yes, there are bushes, but none are actually big enough to hide in even if we wanted to." She spotted Ash's blush out of the corner of her eye, then turned her gaze back to the adult and shrugged. "Anyway, it's not like we didn't look..."
"WHAT!!!!!" Joy jumped up off the desk with a shocked expression on her face. Misty and Ash collapsed backwards onto the chairs in fits of giggles and laughter, and, after about 5 minutes, they eventually heard Joy's laughter chiming in with theirs. When the laughter had subsided, Misty turned around so she was facing Joy on her stomach, and Ash sat up again, while the nurse hopped back onto the desk.
"So, Joy, where's Brock?" Ash questioned.
"Yeah, is he okay now? He was really upset yesterday"
She watched their faces, both seemed to hold a kind of tension. "Oh, he's still asleep," she heard a joint sigh, "On my bed."
"That was pretty harsh, Serena" Chiba Mamoru spoke to his wife. She was sitting opposite him, curled up in an armchair staring out the window, and for all the world cared she could be somewhere else far away. But Darien knew better, and so, he persisted, convinced that his efforts would earn him a response.
"Come on, Odango, you know they're only worried about us. They only want to help. I know you can see that. So why don't you just let them? It's not like anything's going to hap -"
"That's crap Darien." She turned to face him, finally 'rewarding' his efforts - though perhaps not how he'd have thought. "It's not like anything out of the ordinary's happening, is it? We've only been betrayed by one of our own - "
Well, yeah, that's who usually betrays you, Mamoru bitterly thought.
" - and will probably all die within the next few weeks, but no, nothing's gonna happen because we all live in magic fairy lane, don't we Mamoru?" Her voice was dripping in sarcasm, and Mamoru was quite shocked. He wasn't used to this kind of treatment from her, let alone this style of arguing. It was almost.... intelligent. But then again, he'd always known that she wasn't the dimmest of bulbs, although she wasn't the brightest either. But by the time he'd gotten over her words and turned back to her, she was already lost again, staring absently at the clouded sky, lost in deep thoughts of pain and betrayal. He sighed. Only one chance left, only one why to win her now.
"They're gonna turn up anyway, Usagi. You know that. Just let them come. It'll be fine. Some on, please?" He looked at her, wondering if his bet would pay off this time. It did.
She turned to look at him, carefully weighing up her reply. Eventually, she just turned and walked out of the room, but before she did so she left three last words hanging in the air. "Let them come." Then she walked up the stairs to their room and shut the door.
Kitty sighed as she flopped on her bed, bored with yet another center. Digging around under the mattress for whatever treasures the last absent-minded trainer left she came across several sheets of paper. Pulling them out, she was amazed to find a Playboy resting in her hands. She looked it over then threw it to the other side of the room, before falling to her knees beside her bed, wondering just how many more there were.
"Pika, pika chu pika?" A small, almost babyish voice rang out. The girl turned around just in time to get a face full of white Pika-fluff as the small creature launched herself at her trainer. She laughed, detaching her Pokémon as she stood up.
She looked over the pikachu. "Oh, look at you Forever, your fur's all messed up! Come on, let's go sort it out." She took the happy Pokémon to the adjoining bathroom, finding a small brush amidst the junk on the side before brushing through the pikachu's soft white fur, humming a little tune as she did so.
"'You're, here, there's nothing I fear, and I know, that my heart'" She stopped singing and sighed at her Pokémon's pained expression, automatically calling her laptop to her hand and throwing on a MIDI. "There, happy?"
Pikachu Forever squirmed out of its trainer's grasp and leant over the keyboard, selecting Moon Revenge and pressing play. "Chu pi" (Ecstatic) She seated herself in front of Kitty again and waited expectedly for her brushing.
Instead, the girl rumpled her fur and laughed. "You know what? You're as spoilt as my dog at home." She laughed at the memory, then cringed as the all-familiar feeling of homesickness crept into her stomach. But she couldn't go back, she'd have to give up her Pokémon. Stupid customs, what do they think a Pokémon's gonna do to Australia when it's the only one of its species in the country? Didn't they study reproduction? It was as bizarre as when they confiscated the popcorn she had been sent for Christmas. "Should've stayed in England..." She whispered mindlessly. Then she grinned as she remembered meeting Usako for the first time. "Then again...."
"Chu pichu!"(Maybe not) Forever chirped happily, studying herself in the mirror. Her white coat was nicely brushed, yes, black stripes and tail-bit glossy, yes, and insignia fine...... yep, all perfect. She thanked her trainer for the good makeover, then scampered off towards the heating duct as Kitty laughed at her outrageous display of vanity.
Bored again, she lay back onto her bed and wondered over the events of last nights, wondering if the princess would ever use her or not. She never liked to admit it, but she longed to be in battle again, it had been a long time since she'd had that sort of adrenaline rush. Well, if I wasn't such a wimp I'd have got it at that last theme park we went to, reminding herself of Brendan's words when she'd voiced her adrenaline rush problem - 'If you weren't such a wimp and actually went on the 50 story drops you'd get one sooner' - and giggled. He was right. As usual. Bloody Mr. Perfect, she mused. And a great friend too. But there was nothing between them. Never had been, never will be - it was just that sort of friendship.
She sighed. Thinking about the war always put her down. She just wanted to know how Charon always knew everything, it was like he had a supercomputer in his head or something. There was just _no way_ he could have found that underground base, she herself had hidden it, with Mystery _and_ Brendan in case she made a mistake (at Haruka's insistence, of course) and they'd even checked for it using all of their powers, so there was just no way. It was too confusing to think about. She thought again of the scene when they'd hidden the base, there was no-one for miles. But there were plenty of trees...... Wizard Eye! But Charon wasn't a mage, was he? The only senshi with magical capabilities were the Dreamers - herself, as a witch, Brendan as a mage, Mystery as another witch and she guessed now that Soldiermoon had shown up he was a mage too, whether he knew it or not. But he wouldn't have... would he? She had to call her NOW.
Rising quickly from her bed she looked over her Pokémon, deciding which to take 'just in case'. Choosing to leave Forever where she was for fear of a thunder attack, she played lucky dip with the Pokéballs, drawing out the first one she touched. She looked at the ball in her hand. Creampuff. Perfect. She quickly sifted through her bag for the necessary earplugs (come on, how many trainers had a Jigglypuff and no earplugs?) and then walked out the door, carefully locking it behind her as she left a telepathic message for her pikachu.
When she entered the foyer there was a business-like air about her, and almost every head rose to look. She was well known for being strange and acting (and looking) about 12, although 1 glance in the right direction clearly showed that she was above 16, at least.
Pushing her way through the crowds of bustling people Kitty made it to the front desk, asking in her polite adult way for Nurse Joy. Well, that was the way she talked when she wanted something from an adult, anyway. Something she picked up from her secretary mother.
The senior receptionist looked at her over her glasses, then her face broke into a smile. She liked this girl. "Yes dear, I'll just get her for you." She rose from the desk and walked towards the back room, leaving Kitty to stand alone at the desk. She turned around to survey the foyer, mentally trying to calculate how busy everyone must be behind the scenes. Every chair was taken, either by an anxious trainer or an accompanying friend, most people with their eyes glued to the Pokémon names and treatment list, waiting for the time when they could go to visit. Sweeping her eyes across the room she noticed kids her own age listening to walkmans - one was even singing loudly, very off-key too, although no-one else seemed to notice. Listening to the words and what little she could recognize of the tune, she giggled. It's 'I'm of little faith', not 'I'm a lettuce face', bozo, she thought light-heatedly as she carried on nosing around the room with her eyes. Natalie Imbruglia, Torn, her mind registered as she wondered briefly why everyone got that line wrong. This center was one of the biggest in Johto - but then again, Goldenrod would need the biggest. Not so much because of Whitney - hell, she beat her with Creampuff and its temper - but because of the huge numbers of people flooding the place daily. And the magnet train. That must be incredibly painful for electric Pokémon, weren't they sensitive to magnets? Especially Magnemites and Magnetons. People weren't meant to be that cold......
"Excuse me? Did you want me for something, Katrina?" Her thoughts were interrupted by the use of her real name - only extremely brave or important people used it, it wasn't exactly high fashion for her. But she turned around and smiled at the nurse anyway, hoping it didn't come out _too_ false.
"Oh! Hi Joy. Yes, I was wondering if I could borrow your computer for a few moments? You do have network neighborhood with the other centers, right?" The nurse frowned, she'd seen this one's hacking capabilities herself. But still, there was something about her that made her want to trust......
"What do you want to use it for?" She asked sternly, shaking away any thoughts of giving in without a full explanation.
The younger woman just laughed. "I figured it would be an easier way to find out where my friend is without wasting all my money on a dozen phone calls around the country." She paused. "As long as that's okay with you, that is."
Joy smiled, she didn't think she'd have a problem. "Sure. You know where it is, right? And the password?" Kitty nodded. "Good. Go on then. Now, I have a Clefairy in a bad way here, so I'll leave you to it. Drop in on me afterwards, k?" She spun and walked back into the emergency room.
Kitty let out a sigh of relief. That was one of the better Joys in this center - she was the youngest and coolest, the other Joys would've asked her who and why straight off. She turned to walk behind the desk, smiling to the receptionist as she passed, then paused. Drop in on me afterwards? What the hell?
She sighed and let it go, sitting in front of the screen and quickly accessing the neighborhood. Flicking through the list of centers she came across one that stuck in her mind - Violet City. That was where they were last time she'd heard, right? So if she gets a check on where they were first it should be easier to figure out where they are now.
Kitty clicked on the button labeled 'List Centerees' - centerees? - and quickly read the pop-up that appeared. First name, last name, Pokémon checked in?, badges, Pokédex, the list went on and on. She moved the mouse over to 'search by name' and typed in 'Mystery Williams' before pressing enter.
The screen went blank, and a message appeared on the screen - 'Please wait 5 minutes while we process your request. Thank you!' She sighed, and wondered if there was anything to burn in the office area.
As soon as her eyes had settled on a rather flammable-looking piece of furniture the computer started beeping. Her attention diverted, the office was saved from the bonfire/possible explosion as she turned back to the screen.
"No records on file? That's impossible!! I'm sure she has an alias somewhere, what is it? Damn, why do I only know her screen names?" She started to rack her brains, trying to recover any name Misty might use. Mistaria? Did she ever use tha -
"Who are you searching for, dear?" Startled, she spun around to see the receptionist, watching her over the top of her glasses with an amused look on her face. She blinked, momentarily losing her composure.
"Oh, sorry Ma'am, I wasn't expecting you."
"That's okay dear. Now, who are you trying to find?" The lady spun back to her computer, logging into her own high-tech network. The screen looked like something from the Evangelion Magi computers, not a quaint little PokéCenter in Goldenrod, Kitty mused. Then again, this place wasn't exactly quaint....
"Come on now Katrina. I haven't got all day. Who're you trying to find?" Her fingers were poised over the keys, ready, waiting.
Kitty shook her head to clear it. "Sorry ma'am. I'm searching for a girl by the name of Mystery Williams, but the last PokéCenter she told me she was at contained no data of her arrival or departure."
The lady turned to look at her again. "Is this girl on a Pokémon journey?"
Kitty thought for a moment. "No, I think she's travelling with a friend. It's his journey, she's just tagging along for a bit. Something about a bike."
"Well then, she'll be registered under Ash Ketchum. I'll do a search now and......." The info ran up the screen in seconds. "She's currently staying at a Pokémon center between Azalea and Goldenrod, roughly 20 miles north of the forest and 30 south of the city, near the day care, with her friends, Harrison Takeshi and Ketchum Satoshi."
"I'm sorry, I understand very little Japanese, ma'am. That's Brock and Ash, right?"
The lady nodded. "Yes, that's right. I've heard that she's moving on in a few days, so if you'd like to talk to her you'd better ring quickly."
She grinned. "Yes, thank you ma'am, that's just what I'll do." Quickly, she turned and exited the foyer, immediately blocking thoughts of adults from her mind and concentrating on the current problem.
As soon as she reached her room, she sat down and dialed the numbers into her courtesy phone, hoping desperately that she wasn't too late to save her friend.
"Ring ring! Ring ring! Phone call, phone call!" Nurse Joy quickly rushed to the phone before it could start again - that voice was _so_ annoying! What happened to a simple ringing sound?
"Azalea Day Care PokéCenter, Nurse Joy speaking. How may I help you?" She looked pleasantly into the black 'sound only' screen - sound only? Why would someone talk sound only? Only people in need of dire secrecy rang sound only, she thought, worried. And why was there so much static?
"Joy? Hiya. Does a trainer by the name Ashton Ketchum happen to be staying there at the moment?" A young, urgent voice spoke over the static. It seemed to belong to a girl, 14 years old max - and that was pushing it.
"Excuse me for asking, miss, but what exactly is the nature of the call?"
The voice paused. "It's... Oh, Joy, I'm sorry, I just can't tell you. Please tell him that it's important." Now it seemed even more young and innocent. "Please, Joy?"
Joy sighed inwardly. She had always been a sucker for young kids. "Okay, but keep it short."
The girl seemed to pause a moment, the sharp intake of breath being the tell-tale signal. "Okay. I promise."
"Right. Please hold." She pressed the little button next to the receiver, quickly checking that Ash wasn't already on the phone. "Ash!" She called up the stairs. "Phone call!"
"K....... Put it through please, Joy!" Joy sighed and pressed the button as she returned the receiver to its cradle. Why didn't she feel right about this?
"Hi. Is that Ash?" He listened to the urgent voice. Why did this one seem familiar?
"Yes, speaking." This girl puzzled him.
"How am I meant to know if it's really you?" The static on the line seemed to get louder....
"Um, I dunno." Why did he have such an uneasy feeling about this phone call?
"If you are who you say you are, fetch Mystery for me." The voice was demanding - who was this person?
"Sorry, but she's in the shower at the moment. Can I take a message?" Humor Lunatics.... Especially freaky ones who stalk you.
"Well, you're her boyfriend so you've seen her naked before, right? Just tell her that she has an important phone call."
"Excuse me? We're _not_ a couple, and as far as I know both virgins. So I am _not_ going to barge in on my best friend while she's in the shower!" Dammit Ash, hang up! Why couldn't he hang up on this girl?
"Sorry, my bad. Look, have you got access to the internet?"
Ash shook his head. "Sorry."
"Ugh. Then just.... tell her to get on the Heartline as soon as she comes out, okay? Tell her the cat wants to play."
That really puzzled him. And why did the voice have so much authority? "Give me one reason why I should." The static was getting louder.
"Because it might just save your lives." A flicker of the screen and then the line was cut. The screen only flickered onto visual mode for a second, but it was enough. He recognized her immediately. Kitty.
Dazed, he walked quickly to the sofa before flopping down and burying his head, trying to forget. But he couldn't. Crap. What happened to Kitty?
Why did the line go dead?
And why did she look so scared?
He didn't know. He only knew one thing for sure. And that was to do as she said. "MISTY!"
"Ash, I'm in the shower, can't it wait?"
"Get on the Heartline. NOW"
She turned the taps off quickly and replied shakily, "Wh- what did you say, As- Ash?"
He lifted his head. "Get on the Heartline, the cat wants to play."
Suddenly the door opened and, shockingly, Misty ran out, still forming clothes on her body. By the time she'd reached her door the ribbons had settled and solidified into a blue flowing dress that floated around her, like liquid. Her wild tangled hair all gave into the effect.
Not to mention her face.
She was scared.
In the middle of darkness, there was nothing she could do. Afraid of what she might see, she didn't wanna risk lighting it up, so she sat in the darkness. Besides, the darkness kept her hidden. Flicking on her other senses she immediately picked up the other entities - countless demons and.. him. Where were her Pokémon? Check for them, quickly..... she picked them up as well, all safe in their Pokéballs, all except Forever. She was.... where was she? Ah, unconscious in the corner. But still alive, that was the main thing.
"Naughty, naughty, eh Angel?"
She froze. It _was_ him. Well, she had to play dumb, then, she could take on the demons no problems, but him... Well, he was another story. They didn't have a track on his powers yet, and that was her supercomputer combined with Mercury's and theirs and Neptune's brains.
"Who's Angel? And who are you?" She said into the blackness.
"You're - "
"My name's Katrina."
"Yes, Kitty, I know, but you're Star name is Hoshino Tenshi, isn't it? Angel of the Stars? See, I know more than you think, _Kat_"
She narrowed her eyes. "What do you want, Charon? I haven't got all day."
"No more tricks like that. That's a naughty girl, we don't like to play that way, do we baby?"
"Tricks like what? Saving my _friends_? Jealous, Charon?"
Shockingly, her neck was grabbed and she was lifted off the floor. She couldn't move, and could only just breathe. The sound of laughing voices was heard, and then it was silenced as Charon took over again. "See, now, Kitty, when we betray the piper, we pay the price." Then he kissed her.
She didn't know what to do. She knew now that he'd finally solidified into a form that she could fight, but her cool, calm-in-a-crisis mind had deteriorated suddenly, losing the calm thinking that had gained her her reputation. Then one thing screamed in her mind. GET. HIM. OFF!!!!
She started to push him away desperately, he wasn't allowed to do this! This was bad! But despite all of her efforts she couldn't push him away, she was a small girl anyway and he was big, strong and determined. Finally he broke the kiss, forcing her to hover in front of him, sending a shiver down her spine from the disgust of it all.
He started playing with the buttons on her top. "You always were a pretty girl, Kitty, let's see what you _really_ look like, hmmm? Take it one step further......" Quickly he started undoing them, shocking her more and more. She couldn't move. What was wrong? She was immune to possessions, wasn't she? Well, she could move her head and face. She had to get out of here! Preferably while she was still wearing clothes. She laughed silently at her own thinking, and then quickly ran her mind over what had happened. It focused on one word. Angel. Angels.... not all were good, she thought, flicking her mind onto Charon. The senshi had been called Angels once....
She realized with a start that he'd got her top off and was trying to undo her bra. Thank God for clasps, she thought silently, and then tapped into her powers over sound, feeling the familiar golden glow of power wash over her as she sang.
"'Like an angel with no sense of mercy,
Rise young boy to the heavens like a legend....'" Charon latched onto what she was doing in lightening speed and quickly covered her mouth with his, forcing her into another kiss, sending her a telepathic message while doing so.
+Don't try it,+ he warned, +I am immune to sound. Your pathetic attempt will do nothing.+ She sent him back her own message of defiance. +No-one's immune to the language of the soul, not even the deaf. Now let go before the music intervals over and I kick your butt.+ She felt him laughing in his tongue. +Yeah, but you need to be able to sing to use your powers. You haven't got a chance. What'll you do about it then, Kitty?+ +You don't wanna know.+ +Oh, bite me.+
She bit his tongue.
He pulled back abruptly, hands on mouth, giving her the foulest look that she could make out even in the pitch black. Forming clothes over her body with the familiar ribbons, she leaned forward and spat out his blood. All over him. "Oops, did I do that? Sorry Sharon. Looks like you'll hafta give your trousers back to your mummy to wash, doesn't it?"
Slapping her across the face, he dropped her on the ground. "Don't think you've won yet, star princess. I'll kill you all. And your precious friends will be mine forever." Suddenly, his voice vanished, along with the darkness and feelings of evil in the room. Sunlight streamed in through the open window, far to bright for the young girl curled up on the floor, looking for all the world like a bundle of white silk and chestnut hair.
And abruptly, without warning, she began to shake.
"DAMMIT!!!!" She screamed as she flung the communicator across the room, smashing it against the wall. What the hell had happened? She couldn't reach _anybody_. It just wasn't right! If she didn't know what was going on, how could she help? Then she remembered Kitty's message and shuddered. Cats don't play, she thought silently. Cats just kill. Or be killed.
What was going on?
Awakened by the loud smash of the communicator, both Brock and Ash entered her room simultaneously. Hours earlier, Brock had woken up and gone extremely hyper, running around the center and surrounding country screaming like a madman, ultimately wearing himself out. Ash, meanwhile, had stayed in Misty's room with her until she kicked him out, claiming that maybe it wasn't working because his stupidity was blocking the signal. Willing to do most things for a quiet life, he'd wondered into his own room and pulled out some Anime tapes - Gundam Wing, Ranma ˝ and Neon Genesis Evangelion. When he finally got bored of those, he'd rummaged through their bags and fished out some more videos - mostly chick flicks from Misty's bag and porno's in Brock's - finally deciding on Coyote Ugly and, pretending he'd never even seen the others, sat down to watch it, ignoring the loud colourful sounds coming from Misty's room and the lunatic ones from outside, or wherever Brock happened to be at the moment.
Finally both of the boys had gone to bed, Ash checking in on Misty first before being rather unceremoniously kicked out again. He'd heard her playing some CDs for a while, but then he had fallen asleep and remembered nothing.
Upon entering her room he was greeted by bright lights, loud music and a crying bundle of blue flannel and red hair curled up in the middle of the room. Brock was sitting next to her with his arm around her shoulders, gently trying to console her to no avail. He held a bewildered look on his face and shot him a look for help as soon as he realized Ash had entered. Ash just shook his head, acting as baffled as he.
"Myst, what's wrong, girl?" He said softly.
She raised her head to face him and he felt like he'd been stabbed over and over with red hot knives, in the heart. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy from crying, tearstains covered her cheeks and her eyes held more pain than words can express, but she was still the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "Sato-chan, minna sono cortay pardo. Mitana sho noda forsay!!" (Sato-chan, I can't reach them. The signal's being blocked!) He raised an eyebrow as she buried her head once more into Brock's shoulder and cried her eyes out.
"Um, translation?" Brock gave him a questioning gaze, to which he replied with a shrug of the shoulders.
"In the morning Brock-o." He bent down and picked up the pieces of her communicator, and, after studying them for a few moments, turned back to the pair on the floor. "Kasumi, go to bed now. I'll fix this and you can try again in the morning. Night." He raised his eyes to meet Brock's. "Are you okay with her? Good. Okay, night Brock." Then he turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door gently behind him.
Darkness. Was this a dream? Was she dreaming? Who was she? Alone? No....... someone.....
"Something will happen........ your friends are hurt............ you are weak...."
"Your death will be my final release..."
"Sweet fire...... fires of passion...... fires of love...."
"Fires of love..... you have a loved one.... he does not love you back........"
An image played in the darkness.... Kissing.... "No, he kissed me, he loves..."
"He does not know love......."
"He knows mine!"
"He uses you for the experience....."
Was this her friend? No, yes, never? There was something warm.. familiar.. "You mustn't trust." And cold......
"I can trust.... It's not weak...."
"You must trust yourself. You are alone."
"You are weak among many, but strong you are alone..."
"You must trust yourself.... the fire that is you..... not the water that betrays..."
"Sweet fire......"
"Fires of passion.... burning brightly in your soul and mind... You must trust the fire that is you.... love it, be alone with the fires..... be alone.... as you are meant to be."
"No, we're born to live and love...... Never to be alone, never to hate...."
"But you are alone...."
"You are one among the many...... alone among the few yet your soul has no recognition...."
"I have friends..."
"Yes, you have the fires..... you have yourself."
"No, I have them, too...."
"You have the fires...." Slowly the darkness lifted to the dim flickers of firelight... The speaker was now visible, though non-recognizable...
"Who are you?"
The figure stepped further out of the shadows, dressed in a long, black cloak and radiating death.. security.... friendship? His face - the voice belonged to a man, a brother - was shadowed, his eyes staring into her depths and allowing none into his..... did it scare her? Or was it safe?
"I... am I."
"I know you are you, but who is you?"
"I am alone.... like you, though I am here to help."
"I am not alone!"
"For you have the fire..... the fires of passion.... the fires of darkness..... the fires of love...."
Suddenly he grinned, his eyes becoming a bright, flaring red as he finished.
"The Fires of Hell."
The room erupted in burning flame, filling with the sounds of tortured souls and dying screams.... People who were alone.. Like herself.....
"NO!!" Misty screamed and shot up in bed, wide awake and covered in sweat. Tears ran down her face as she gasped for breath, trying to make any sense out of the whole affair. With shaky hands, she reached out for the notebook and pen she kept beside her bed every night and wrote down the details. Rei could use it in the morning... If there is a morning, she thought, and shuddered.
When she had finished, she lay back on the covers, staring at the ceiling. She wouldn't be able to go back to sleep - not now. She started tracing shapes in the darkness on the ceiling, then abruptly stopped and recoiled as she saw the glow of fire outside her door. What was that?
The door opened and a dark figure was silhouetted against the firelight behind it - the figure of a man. She screamed.
"Misty!" Quickly, Ash left the doorway and sat next to his shivering friend, putting his arm around her and drawing her close for a hug. At first she recoiled from his touch, but when she realized it really was him and not the man from Hell, she fell into the embrace, determined to stay where it was safe.
Ash could feel her shivering in his arms, and it worried him. It was easy to tell that she was badly shaken - you could gather that much just by looking at her - but he had been horrified when she'd recoiled from him. Dreading the answer, he still had to ask the question. "Hey, what's wrong girl?"
She pulled away from him a little. "Oh... I just had a bad dream, that's all."
I'm not buying that.... he thought grimly. "Why did ya scream when I opened the door?" Something was behind it.
"Oh... My dream was about fire and a man. And I just.... You just looked...... It doesn't matter..."
Startled, Ash recalled his Cyndaquil and smiled a little, trying to brighten the mood. "Sorry, I just thought Cyndaquil would be a little better for everyone than turning on the lights - not as bright, you know?"
She nodded, and he laid her back onto her bed, quickly covering her with the bedsheets. "Okay, go to sleep now Myst, I think you need some rest." He smiled at her. "Ring Kitty in the morning, okay?" She smiled briefly, then the smile vanished as he turned to exit the room.
"Wait!" He turned around again.
"Ash, can I... um, can I sleep with you?" His face took on a shocked look that was evident even in the bare light. "Please? I don't wanna be alone...."
He softened. "Yeah, sure." He walked over to her and gently picked her up, holding her close against him, trying to keep her safe. She giggled and kicked a bit when he picked her up, but soon gave in to the stronger teenager who gently laid her down and covered her on his bed. She grinned at him.
"You know what? My dad used to do that."
"So I act like your dad? Wonderful Myst....." he slid under the covers beside her. She laughed quietly.
"Yeah, kinda. And like Brendan and Mamo-chan. They used to do that too." She stared up at the ceiling, lost in the past.
Ash raised himself onto one elbow and looked at her, amused. "You mean you used to sleep with Mamoru and Brendan?"
"Ah! No way!" She giggled and grabbed a pillow, aiming for his head. He'd been wise to the move years ago and expertly dodged it, laughing as he grabbed it off her and put it under his head before lying down on it.
"Ahh...." he sighed, "This is bliss. Goodnight Mist."
She started to lay back down. "Yeah, g'night.... hey! Now I don't have a pillow!"
He laughed and threw his spare at her, catching her in the head. "Go to sleep, Goddess," then he rolled over, determined to at least _attempt_ sleep while the girl of his dreams slept beside him. He heard her laugh and settling down, and after a while, assumed the girl was asleep.
10 minutes passed before the silence was broken and Ash's quiet voice rang clearly in the darkness. "Misty? You awake?"
"Do I really act like your dad?"
Her eyes fluttered open and she paused for a few seconds, staring at the ceiling - contemplating her answer. Eventually she responded to his question, picking her words carefully, "No, not really. The only thing that was similar was when you picked me up and put me in bed. That was about the only thing my father ever used to do for me."
"You don't sound like you liked him alot...."
"I don't. He joined a cult and went psycho, trying to make sure me and my sisters remained 'pure' our whole lives."
"What does that mean?"
"Well....." She decided that she might as well tell him the whole story. "He started to beat up my mother - I think he was raping her as well - and claimed that a man is the ruler of the household, and a woman is nothing. He started yelling at me and my sisters that our clothing was too revealing, saying that we would bring shame on him." She paused for a second. "Eventually, he moved away with my mother to some country in Africa, I think, but he had one of his cult friends over to check on us while we ran the gym. I remember the guy beating up Daisy one time - he'd caught her kissing her boyfriend, crime upon crime - and he was saying something about how if we wanted to live life as our earthly god had told us we had to remain out of male view, stay virgins until we married etc. etc. Apparently our good, loving father had found suitable husbands for us already and we were all to be married under the cult's juristiction when we hit 16."
Ash whistled. "This sounds.... insane, to say the least. Anyway, I thought you were Catholic..?"
"I am." She replied. "Just according to my father I wasn't. My sisters pretended to be Geneses so they wouldn't be beaten -"
"Members of the Genesis Cult. Apparently we were creating a new Genesis through our beliefs - they never liked me because when I was in their dumb school and they told me that I started laughing and asked if they'd been watching too much EVA."
"Yeah, you would do something like that," he chuckled. "What'd you say to the guy beating up your sister?"
"Well..... you know I'm one of the 4 senshi magic users, a.k.a. a witch, right?"
"Well, I kinda used my powers to pin him against the wall and told him to bug of because we were Catholics. He started snarling and saying that I should take my proper place in society so I applied more pressure until his nose started bleeding. Then he got really worried and promised to leave us alone, but before he left I cursed him so if he did any wrong against man, woman or animal intentionally he would lose a sensory capability. Once he'd lost all five he would die."
"Oh. So what happened to him?"
"He died."
"Oh. Well... I never really knew my father."
"Why not?"
"He killed himself."
"Oh. You know, let's get off this subject and go to sleep. It's too depressing."
Ash grinned and grabbed her waist, pulling her close up against him and resting his head on her hair. "Okay, but you've gotta go to sleep this time, Myst."
She sighed and closed her eyes. "I can't shut my eyes though, Ash."
"Well, their closed now aren't they?"
"Yeah, it's okay at the moment." She rolled over and burrowed into his chest. "But usually when I shut them I see that man... and the fires."
Ash held her a little tighter. "I'll keep you safe, you just go to sleep."
"kay...." After about 5 minutes, she hear his soft snoring and felt his even breathing against her. 'I'll keep you safe...' She shut her eyes and abruptly opened them again. Fire.... It was going to be a long night.....
Wait! Wasn't she the princess of Fantasy? She could fight bad dreams - dreams and illusions were her element. So, once more, she shut her eyes, waiting for the darkness to once more burst into flame.
Instead, the black-cloaked figure stood in front of her once more, red eyes gleaming with malice. "Your destiny is mine."
With a start, she realized she couldn't open her eyes, and inwardly screamed as she was once more pulled into the fires....
Hino Rei's head whipped up as she stared into the depths of the night sky. What'd happened? Something had, but who to? And why did it affect her? Troubled, she walked back into the temple, seating herself before the fire to begin her rituals. Maybe the fire held an answer.
After 5 minutes of fierce concentration she gave up. It seemed to hold no answer, or if it did it wasn't going to give it to her. She sighed and stared into the flames for a few moments, before quickly rising and walking towards House Tsukino. She'd promised Serena's parents that she'd give them back their sugar, now was as good a time as any. She walked outside into the frosty night once more, lost deep in thought as she traveled the 5 minute walk to House Tsukino.
Then, as if caught by a sudden wave of urgency, she turned and ran back into the temple, once more seating herself before the fire. Softly closing her eyes, she called upon the power of the Eternal Mars, feeling the fire run through her veins as she transformed.
When she opened them she was Eternal Sailormars, kneeling in front of the Shinto fire minus her wings. She raised her head once more to stare into the flames, hoping for one last insight, maybe one last way to help. Then she was caught.
Her mind and body seemed to become fire. Her visions grew brighter, her seemingly cloudy perception grew brighter and she was finally granted full knowledge of what the flames held. Her mind was deluged in pain. She couldn't back out now, she was too far in.
"?!" Startled, she jumped and quickly spun around to meet the voice. Against the dark walls of flame stood a sinister-looking man, hidden in the shadows by his long black cloak. He appeared to be.... not hostile, but certainly dangerous. Was it just her or did he seem to be.... bowing to her? Although not physically bowing, he seemed to give her the impression that her orders were final.... Maybe she knew him?
She took a step back, warily bracing herself for an attack.
"Your presence is not.... welcome here, Princess. I advise you to leave now." She gulped. The words seem to come not from him, but from the fire itself - the very room.
"Wh.. Who are you?"
The figure seemed to hesitate, as if weighing up its answer. Finally, with a great show of hidden reluctance, he responded. "I am the Keeper of the Flames."
The man took a step towards her, prompting Mars to move back. "Princess, I repeat myself. Your presence here is unnecessary. Leave NOW."
Narrowing her eyes, she stared harder at the man, her fear gone. "I refuse to leave..." she stated. "Until I know the fire's secrets."
In one fluid motion, he reached up his hand and tore off his hood, causing Sailormars to gasp. His face was blackened by charcoal, each feature distorted by fire, his nose and ears each burnt and scarred, the red eyes and burnt lips twisted into pure images of fury. He stared at her defiantly, then turned his gaze to the ground. "Princess Rei, I am forced to allow you through. Entry is _granted_" He spat out the word with resentment, returning to meet her steady gaze once more before vanishing in a burst of flame.
Mars shielded her eyes as the room brightened, the flickering flames heightening in intensity as the screams of millions of tortured souls became evident against the crackling of fire. She fell to her knees, sobbing, covering her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the screams. After what seemed like hours they stopped, the flames gradually dulling back to their dark, hellish form. Carefully, she opened her eyes and removed her hands, blinking in the dull light, anticipating her night vision. As she got used to the light she looked around, taking in her surroundings. Black floor, dull, flickering weirdo flames forming walls, no doors or boundaries of any kind, really..... Great, the fire took me to hell.
Looking up she could only see black nothingness, so she stood up and started to inspect her surroundings more thoroughly. After many minutes and still no way to escape, she sighed, standing in the middle of the 'room' and looking round thoughtfully.
What am I going to do?? She thought. Here's poor little old me, stuck inside the fire and not so much as a fire extinguisher. Of course, that would probably kill me too but I consider that fact irrelevant at this point in time. Why am I even thinking to myself? There's no point... Frustrated, she sighed again, wondering why she, the Princess of Fire, couldn't think amongst it.
"Now wait a second........." Quickly she pulled out her charm, maneuvering into her standard charm position. "Evil spirits...." She got no further. She watched spellbound as the walls around her shattered, becoming broken pieces of glass on the floor.
"Well done, Sailormars." She spun around quickly to meet the voice - it was the man from before, though thankfully his hood was on now. Taking up a fighting stance, she raised her head to meet his gaze - the bright red orbs staring viciously into her own brown eyes.
"Seeing as you successfully broke my.... illusion, shall we call it, I am obliged to tell you what you came for." He waved his hand. "Have fun." A flash of fire and smoke was once again his parting note, leaving her alone in an eerily lit room, nerves on edge.
Edging forward, she almost walked into a fire burning brightly in the middle of the room. Startled by its sudden appearance she took a step back and promptly fell over, landing roughly on her mid-back and hitting her head on the floor. Augh... this is gonna be bruised.... and that's gonna mean I can't wear a bikini... and it's almost summer!!! Augh!! Frustrated again she stood up, rubbing her back and muttering curses under her breath all the while, before slowly turning to leave. "This place isn't worth it.." She muttered.
Behind her a soft crackling noise arose, softly beating in time with her footsteps and breaths. Turning around, Mars saw what she never wanted to see again - a fiery figure clothed in a long, swirling black cloak. Sighing inwardly, she moved to turn again, when a voice startled her.
"So, you just run away then? Forgetting your friends?"
She froze. "What did you say?"
"Your friends.... come, let me show you." The fire - a Shinto fire, she now recognized - burst into bright flames, each the colours of the rainbow. Shielding her eyes from the intense light she raised her head to look into its depths, reflexively concentrating on her rituals.
A young girl, about 17 years of age, standing - no hovering alone in a room. Suddenly, the air is filled with demonic laughter and it seems as if she is being undressed, though who is performing the act is unknown.
The girl's sobs are drowned out by the maniacal laughter, barely audible above the racket. Looking closer, Rei realized that she was not crying but singing.... though inwardly she was screaming.
A boy a few years older than the girl materialized in front of her and forced her into a kiss, abruptly shutting off the music.
He held that kiss for a few moments before breaking away with a cry of pain and shock. Ribbons - familiar ribbons - formed around the girl, solidifying into clothes as she spoke scornfully to her would be rapist. Infuriated, he lifted his hand and slapped her, before disappearing, allowing light to stream through the windows and the girl to drop to the floor, stunned.
As she watched her, the younger girl began to shake... and it was then, when she lifted her head, that Sailormars finally recognized her.
Squinting in the bright sunlight, she tried to make out the scene before her. A young, 16 year old red head sat on a bench in front of her, beside a young black-haired man of about the same age.
On the girl's lap sat a baby.
Young age to start.... she mused. Mind you, there are younger ones.....
She watched as the boy turned to look at the girl, seeming to hesitate before deciding against his plan of action. As her turned away, she saw the baby lunge forward, the girl desperately try to grab him and miss, the infant landing head first on the ground. She saw an older man rush out of the door as the girl picked up her child, desperately trying to quiet the young baby. The one who just came seemed to be seething with rage, hatred and.... guilt? She wasn't sure. They had a quick argument and then the other boy took a step in between them as it intensified.
Another person arrived - this one being an older woman with pink hair. Beside her ran one of those Pokémon things from Kanto and Johto - a pikachu, she thought. This woman seemed to survey the scene for a second and then walk across the battlefield, retrieving the baby before walking back inside. The older man then burst into tears, running after her, while the other boy and the Pokémon seemed concerned for the girl.... she was swaying, before she collapsed in a heap, the unconscious look in her eyes giving her an eerie, possessed look.
She fell with her head tilted towards the sun, allowing Rei to get a good look at her. The boy seemed to scream something towards the building before gathering her in his arms and also looking towards the sun, and it was in that instant that Rei recognized them both.
"Kasu.... Sato...."
A darkened room with many worried people sitting around the table. 3 were standing.... the blonde one collapsed in much the same way Misty had, listlessly rolling her head to where the sun would have been.
The same room, but now a battleground, the stench of death hanging sorely in the air. She watched in horror as she saw the scenes of her last battle, the blood being shed sickened her.
Suddenly her stomach lurched violently as her mind was assaulted with worse memories - the destruction of the Moon Kingdom, watching the other scouts and then her die on "The Day of Destiny" against Beryl, the pain of losing Chad to that blaze.... having to watch it burn her house, knowing it was her fault......
She screamed. Long, hard and shrill.
The piercing scream shattered the fire, finally releasing her to her temple - her home. Shaking her head to de-transform she ran outside, determined to clear her mind of the past happenings.....
As she gazed up at the sky, something occurred to her.
The temple was never on fire, and Chad was still asleep.
The center's sirens wailed as the alarm lights flashed red. Outside, a multitude of police officers and centerees were tied together, unconscious. The center officials were also unconscious, and there had been and assurance that everyone else in the center was unconscious. Indeed, it seemed as though the whole town was dead.
The smash of glass was heard and all went quiet. A small, pink Pokémon exited through the center doors onto the street, looking left and right before entering the door again and disappearing behind the office desks.
Silently, 3 figures entered the center lobby - a man with shoulder length blue hair, a woman with long, red hair that stank of hair spray and a small, cat-like Pokémon, most probably a Meowth. Both the man and woman wore a white uniform with a red R emblazoned on the front - the uniform of Team Rocket.
All three stopped as they reached the desk, the pink Snubble running out of the center doors and into the Meowth balloon outside.
"He he he, this is gonna be the easiest heist we've ever pulled off Jess! Just tink of all da Pokémon we're gonna swipe!" Rubbing his hands together gleefully, the cat produced a bag of empty Pokéballs. "Take some and fill em up!" He said, indicating the unconscious Chanseys and Blisseys that littered the center floor.
"OOH!" James gleefully reached for a ball and took aim at the nearest Blissey. "Ready, aim, thr - oof!" he fell forward as his arm was caught mid throw by Jessie, catching him off balance and causing him and her to tumble to the ground.
"James!!! Can't you do something right for a change! Now," brushing herself off, she stood up, pulling him to his feet also. "Go upstairs and check the rooms, some people keep Pokémon with them." She turned and grabbed a couple of Pokéballs, throwing them at various hospital Pokémon around the place, watching each close and waiting for the satisfactory 'ping' of a successful capture before throwing the next.
As the Pokémon began doing the same her human companion turned to walk upstairs, taking with him and few bagfulls of Pokéballs. Hesitating as he reached the 4th step, he turned to face her, wondering if he should ask and face a possible early death. "Are you sure they're all...."
"YES!!!!!!" With a quick scuttling movement not unlike a criminal running from jail he raced upstairs, beginning the slow process of unlocking every room and checking belongings for Pokéballs.
About 40 doors later into the task James was singing a little tune, humming gaily as he swung open yet another door with a shattered lock and started to rummage through their personal things while the unknowing owners slept peacefully, slumped over whatever happened to be 'convenient' whenever Jessie did... whatever she did to them.
Within about 2 minutes the room was downgraded to stable, and, by the time he'd found the 2 Pokéballs, pigsty. He juggled them for a moment, happily wondering what kind of raise he'd get for this before chucking them down and volleying them into the crude sack by the door. He repeated this pattern several more times, each time adding more and more confidence in his manner before finally reaching the last door in the building.
"Hmmmm.... Katrina Starling. The Kat and the Bird. Wonder what her parents were thinking...." Humming jovially he tried the handle and was pleasantly surprised to find it unlocked. Walking in, he decided to make a little game, pretend it was him and his wife - Jessie of course - some time in the near (he hoped) future.
"Honey, I'm ho -"
"Pikachu!" The cry startled him. Spinning to his left he noticed a small pikachu - wait, what the hell was that? That thing wasn't a pikachu. It was white for a start - and it had this little star sticker stuck on its forehead.
"Poor thing.... guess Kitty Kat was playing makeovers."
"Pika...." Its cheeks started sparking dangerously, with white thunder. "PI-KAAAA CH -"
"Forever, don't..." James' head whipped up - What the hell? There was a small heap in the middle of the room that he'd assumed was an unconscious form, but it just spoke! The pikachu raised its head wearily and ran towards its trainer - obviously that was what it was - and proceeded to lick a hidden face in concern.
Eventually, after what seemed an age of shock to the man standing at the door, the girl lifted her head and just about broke his heart. Her face was red from crying and tears still streaked down her face, she made no effort to remove them. There was a mark where she'd obviously been hit, maybe slapped. Her hair hung limply around her face, sodden with the tears she cried. She seemed young - maybe about 14 - and anyone could see that she was shocked, perhaps even scared.
"I - I'm sorry about my pikachu, sir.. She's just re-really protective." She drew her knees up to her chin and rested there, rocking back and forth slowly, staring blankly at the wall above James' head. "She's not too good with people sometimes."
James hovered at the door a moment, trying to decide what to do. One more look at the girl and his mind was made up - bad guy or not, he wasn't _that_ bad. He walked into the room and sat down beside her, drawing her to his shoulder and holding her there. "That's okay, I think you need a little protecting."
The girl just nodded and burst into tears once more.
"Okay Jess, I don't tink we'll get any more from here. Let's just find James and get outta here!" Meowth swung an overloaded sack onto his back and, staggering from the weight, started to head towards the stairs. After about 5 steps he collapsed under the weight, spilling the precious cargo inside everywhere. Quickly jumping up again he dumped the bag next to him and started to climb the stairs.
"Hang on Meowth, I only have a few more to get here and I'll join you." The red-head threw a few more Pokéballs at the remaining Chanseys and turned around. "Okay, now I'm ready."
Meowth nodded. "JAMES!!!!!" He hollered up the stairs. "JAMES!! WE'RE LEAVING NOW!!!" He turned to Jessie, shrugging. "Guess he's not finished yet - hey, why are you covering your ears?"
Standing in the middle of the office area was Jessie, hands on ears and looking like a 5 year old trying to block out her mother's scolding. Her eyes were large and bewildered, almost... scared. The cat walked tentatively toward her, gently pulling on her sleeve. "Jess?? What's wrong? Jessie?"
She swallowed. "I can't.... I can't block out the crying! It gets through the balls.... I just can't block it.... It WON'T STOP!! SHUT UP!!" Picking up her sack she threw it against the wall, blankly watching the Pokéballs roll around the room with tearful eyes. "I... I'm sorry Meowth, but I think... I think I need to back out of this one. I'll... I'll go and tell James." She stood up and briskly walked up the stairs, wiping tears as she did so. Meowth watched her for a second before scooping up the Pokéballs and replacing them in the sack, worriedly checking for her every other minute.
Jessie swung open the last door and gasped in shock. James was sitting on the floor with a _crying_ centeree on his shoulder, and more shocking, a _conscious_ one. "What the hell....?"
Upon hearing her voice, James raised his head and met her gaze. "She was the only one not unconscious, Jess. I think she's been attacked by someone."
"Ohh..." She walked into the room and knelt by their sides, all thoughts of Pokémon instantly gone from her mind. She held out her arms and embraced both of them, hoping to offer the girl more comfort. Her right arm rested on something furry and she pulled back in surprise, looking for what she had just touched. A white pikachu with a star insignia poked its head out and looked at her indignantly for a second before turning back to its 'trainer'.
"A white pikachu.... James, what's her name?" James looked at her oddly.
"The girl or the pikachu?"
"The girl."
"Katrina Starling. Why?" He turned back Katrina. Jessie crawled up a little closer and shook her shoulder to get attention.
"Kitty?" The girl stopped crying and sniffed a few times.
"Flame?" Was her muffled reply.
"It was Charon......?" Please don't tell me it was Charon....
Kitty nodded into James' chest. "Yeah.."
Jessie stood up and walked towards the door. "James, leave all the Pokémon you've swiped here and take Kitty downstairs. We're going to Tokyo."
James stood up and easily swung the girl into his arms. "Tokyo? But isn't that in Japan.....?"
His female companion looked over her shoulder at him. "Yeah, but it's really important. Forever," the Pokémon in question looked up. "Get her stuff together and send it on, bring a small bag with her clothes and Pokémon."
The odd parade proceeded downstairs into the lobby, stopping to collect Meowth as they passed. James took Kitty, Forever and her bag out to the waiting balloon while Jessie informed Meowth of the proceedings. "Drop the Pokémon, get your stuff. We're going to Tokyo."
There was a very shocked Meowth in the balloon 2 minutes later.
Rei waited anxiously for the boy at the other end to return. She'd made this call on an impulse decision to call a Dreamer, and, after having no luck with Kitty, she tried Brendan. He had just run off to find yet another book on fire magick, and she could just hear him returning now.
"Okay, Rei, you still there?" His voice was slightly muffled by sleep and static, but it was easy enough to make out.
She nodded. "Right."
"Okay, he said he was a keeper, right? Well, the only actual keeper of fire is a witch - and he doesn't sound like a witch. What happened again?"
She hesitated a second, staring out at the night sky again. "I transformed and started to perform my usual rituals to gain knowledge from the fire when it kinda exploded, and took me to this place where the walls were made of flame but they weren't?"
"You mean like those false fires in the heating shops?"
"Yeah! Kinda like one of those! It was dark there and the floor seemed to be black polished flame, if that makes any sense."
"Keep going."
"Well, this keeper guy told me to leave and all that but I refused. Then he kinda teleported out and left me trapped there, and then he came back again, but the next time he left there was this fire that I walked into -"
"That was smart."
"Quiet you. Anyway, the guy came back and asked me if I was going to run away and abandon everyone because I was about to leave and then he showed me all these dark memories from all of your lives. What does it mean?"
"Okay.... Seems like your fire was protecting you from this for a long time - its 'secrets'. When you transformed it had to obey your will."
"The man is.... well a keeper can be many things but in this case I think he's..."
"You think he's a what?"
"I think he's a demon."
Whoo-hoo!! 1 more chapter down, ummm.... lots more to come!!
I think I changed the title for this chapter about 3 times? Something like that...
Oh, and I'm _very_ proud of myself!! I've learned (kinda) how to touch type! So from where Rei's in her little fiery hell thingy it's all touch typing. One piece of advice kiddies - if you're an Aussie and are thinking of taking a Yr. 9 computer class _don't_ do CBB... it's just touch typing -_- And I quit Shop A for it!!
Oooh, yes, I finally shoved TR into the fic... I was determined to fit them in sometime when it wasn't 'just convenient' so I thought a little and decided that that would all fit together perfectly.
And another thing I've noticed. My personality doesn't seem to fit in with the tome of this fic, does it?
'The Heartline' referred to is the Sailor Communicators - you know the little heart shaped wrist things that they use to talk? Well, Heartline is what I thought up as a short name for them so that's what I used, and not just the Inners have them, now every Senshi does.
As usual all comments go to star_princess@kittymail.com
Okay, flowers, Ja ne!
© Serenity (Windchimes), Saturday, 20/1/01, all rights reserved. }: P Smile!