Title: Ai no Nana
Genre: General (AAMRN/JAJRN/Pokémon x
Sailormoon Crossover)
Rating: 12 (PG-13 for Americans)
Author: Serenity Windchimes
E-Mail: star_princess@kittymail.com
Website: http://www.stas.net/5/stardust
Comments: Hmmm..... I'm starting to think
that I should add dark somewhere in the genre. That's where it's
heading. On that thought, can anyone tell me what genre this
should be? Misc. I guess. Oh, well. N/M.
Things start to heat up a little in this chapter, and Team Rocket
might make an appearance. Yay! If I can fit them in, but they
*will* be in this fic somewhere. They have a key role to play. So
don't fret, rocketeers. It will be okay....... Oh, I should add
this in as well. The time line is 2 years after the SailorStars
series and in the middle of the Johto. So Usagi is 18, Ash and
Misty are 16 and Brock is 21. TR are 22. Usagi did not become Neo
Queen Selenity until she hit 22, which is why very few people
refer to her as their queen.
Chapter 1: The Flight of Daisies
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
The sound was enough to drive anybody mad.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Hours had passed - 2520 Ticks - but the noise barely affected the two boys in the corridor. Brock, the elder of the two, twitched nervously in time to every beat, not yet recovered from his 'breakdown' earlier. His younger friend, Ash, seemed unaffected by his surroundings, lost in his own world of worry. The only thing that broke the monotony was the occasional glance at the door by both men, but every time the result was the same - behind closed doors.
It was obvious to everybody present that Brock blamed himself for Misty's situation. Maybe he could have controlled his anger, his sorrow. But why did he blame himself? She passed out when Ash was with her, so technically she was Ash's responsibility at that moment in time. Then again, _he_ stirred her up. _He_ upset her, _he_ scared her to the point of unconsciousness, _he_ blamed her for what wasn't her fault - and it wasn't really her fault, babies lunge forward all the time - so therefore it must be his fault. But maybe that was going to happen anyway? He'd heard Misty talk about destiny to Ash, when they thought they were alone. So could it be that it wasn't his fault? Or was it? He sighed. Thinking was depressing him, staring....... pacing....... pacing would work. It mind clear his mind somewhat.
Ash's gaze followed the older boy as he rose out of his seat and started to pace across the floor. But Brock could not hold his attention for long, and soon he was immersed in his own thoughts again. The scene was familiar, but he couldn't think what scene or where from. Deja Vu annoyed him. He knew the answer was there, he just couldn't pick it up. Was this like the time when they rescued his old Charmander, when it was in critical care at the Pokémon Center? No, that wasn't right. _This_ scene wasn't familiar. But what was? It was... It was...... He almost had it. He could feel it just within his reach. Concentrate, Ketchum, you'll get it soon, he thought. You know something was right. Something _did_ feel right sometime today, just pick up what it is. He furrowed his brow. Why couldn't he remember?
With a shock he realized that he used the word 'remember'. Remember? This was Deja Vu, something you'd never remember in a million years. And what was there to remember anyway? Misty and Brock had a fight. Nothing new, no big deal. He tried to force himself to believe that, to forget that he _had_ to remember something. But he couldn't. It was too important. Would Brock know? The younger trainer switched his empty gaze onto Brock, watching intently as the pacing young man came into focus. No, he needn't worry him further. Poor guy was under enough pressure as it was, didn't need the extra hassle. But what did he do?
The walls shook in their underground hideout, and still Usagi sat there. Was everybody still there? Still okay? Would they survive this time? There wasn't much time to think, they needed to escape! But how?
"You guys! Stop waiting around here, we need to transform!" Rei yelled above the chaos some much needed orders. Usagi nodded and stood up, holding her locket. Everybody turned to her and prepared themselves.
"Henshin yo!"
"Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!"
"Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!"
"Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up!"
"Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!"
"Uranus Planet Power, Make Up!"
"Neptune Planet Power, Make Up!"
"Pluto Planet Power, Make Up!"
"Saturn Planet Power, Make Up!"
"Fighter Star Power, Make Up!"
"Healer Star Power, Make Up!"
"Maker Star Power, Make Up!"
"Tuxedo Rose Power, Make Up!"
"Moon Eternal, Make Up!"
Finally, they were ready. Ready to fight, and ready to die. Escape would be high on their list, but whatever they did, they had to warn the others - the outsiders. They could not be killed also.
"Come on!" Neptune cried. "There is a back way, we must leave quickly!" She broke into a run, running towards the silver screen at the back of the room. The other Senshi quickly followed, though not quite sure of what she was doing.
"Deep Submerge!" The powerful attack went speeding towards the screen - was that just a cover for a secret exit? Neptune built the place, she must know - but all it resulted in was a wet screen. "The exit is behind that! We must find a way!"
"Space Sword Blaster!" The talisman just bounced off it.
"Venus...." Sailormars studied the screen for a few seconds.
"Wait!" She cut Venus off mid-attack. "I know what to do. Mars!" She pulled the arrow into her hands. "Flame...." Carefully, she aimed it at the top left corner of the screen. Please let this work, she prayed. Don't let me fail them....... "Sniper!" The arrow let loose, puncturing a hole in the top of the screen. Slowly, the puncture became a rip, and finally the tear traveled down the seam to the bottom edge, leaving one entire side of the screen open, easily big enough for a Senshi to pass through.
Everybody stared at her in wonder, temporarily forgetting the chaos surrounding them. "With that sharp arrow, you really are a true Senshi, Sailormars." Neptune smiled. "You're experience is rivaling mine already!"
Mars smiled at her, grateful for the support. The true meaning of her words was lost on everybody else, but for a second in time everything was peaceful for her. Then the door flew open.
It slammed against the wall with a resounding thud, the sound echoing in the stunned silence that followed. In the doorway stood a young man, perhaps about 18, dressed in the fighting attire of a male Soldier Senshi - tee-shirt, loose trousers with tight ends, a head sweatband, fingerless fighting gloves and heavy boots - wearing the grey colours of Charon, the 10th planet - the last Soldier Senshi, lowest in rank and power. On his face was an indescribable look of hatred, and, as his eyes glowed a fierce black, the scene behind him lit up - thousands of demons, a forbidden army of devils standing among the wreckage of their once-gorgeous hideout, each one holding the same hating look on their faces, the only difference was that they were smirking, seeming to get pleasure out of an unknown ideal. No sound was heard, save for the heavy sound of Charon's breathing as he stared at the Senshi in contempt.
"Hello, _girls_" He spat out. "It's time to pay the piper." He turned to his forces. "Attack!" The army of demons advanced on the senshi, the dark, black colours seeming to form an endless, advancing ocean, and as it fell onto them they prepared to fight to the death.
In the midst of the chaos, nobody noticed a small, grey cat walk out from behind the screen.
"Chansey! Chan, chansey-sey-sey!" Ash looked up as the pink Pokémon emerged from Misty's room, followed by the equally pink-haired nurse. He had long since lost his train of thought, having to sort out one of Chikorita's little 'tiffs' in the nursery downstairs, but he had not stopped worrying about Misty. Brock had finally wearied of pacing and fallen asleep, snoring lightly on the chair beside him, but Ash couldn't take his mind off her. Nurse Joy was as tired as he was - both having been up until 3:00 AM so far with so much on their minds - and she answered his questioning gaze with a nod of the head.
"You can go in to see her now, she seems slightly worried and keeps asking for you, saying something about 'don't let him get Ash too.'" Ash's eyes widened, was she talking about Brock? The nurse just shrugged. "I figure you might have a better chance of calming her than me, so go right in. I'm going to bed." She yawned. "G'Night, don't stay up too late." And with that, the two pink beings turned and walked - no, staggered - down the corridor, stumbling into the hall light before managing to turn it off.
Ash smiled. He needed some comic relief just now. Red Nose Day sounded great. But he had a greater problem at hand.
In her room no lights were on. The only light in the room came from the sweet moonlight that seemed to flood it, filling every corner and space. Ash was surprised, he'd never seen moonlight that bright before. He lifted his gaze to the window and saw her for the first time in hours. She was dressed in a hanging, blue nightgown and seated on the window, seeming not to notice his arrival. She stared up at the moon, and as he made his silent way closer he could see the tear rolling down her face. For some reason her seated.... no, staring up at the moon like that was familiar, although he'd certainly never seen her do it before. Why did he keep thinking...?
"Usagi-chan......" The name came out as a whisper, a sad, lonely voice filled with pain and fear. "Usagi-sama!" She said it louder this time, as if yelling at the moon. "Usagi-chan! Tsukino hikariwa Ai no Message!" She calmed down a little, and whispered the name again. "Usagi-chan...."
Ash was shocked. The Moonlight Carries the Message of Love? What the hell was that meant to mean? And when she panicked, she... she seemed to be calling to the moon, like this bunny could hear her through it..... And her eyes. Those big, aqua eyes that were usually filled with emotion were empty..... A trance? Or could she be psychic? He wasn't sure, but as he looked at her, he realized that she had resumed his staring, looking up at it with her eyes full of dread.
He walked over to her and put his arm around her shoulder, surprised when she did not react. He realized that she knew he had been there all the time, and had been waiting for him to come closer. He sat down beside her and she pulled his arm around her, leaning back against his chest as she stared at the white moon.
Ash's fingers instinctively reached for her hair, playing with it beside her face. The long, red hair that hung over her face annoyed him. He couldn't understand why she did not care about it, it would annoy him to have it in his eyes all the time. So he pulled it away, pulled it off her face to frame it before resuming twisting strands around his fingers.
After a time, he, too, looked up at the moon and felt a pang of homesickness. Homesickness? For the moon? But that was what it was, no other word being fit to describe it. Suddenly his head hurt. Misty... Rabbits.... the Moon...... What was that connection? He couldn't think. He began to search the surface for something, then mentally slapped himself. It wasn't on this side! It was -
"The palace is on the other side, Ashton" Misty whispered. She felt his body tense up with shock, not quite realizing the meaning of what she'd said yet. Then it hit her. She wasn't with _him_ anymore! Why did she keep treating Ash like he was her prince? He wasn't. The Senshi were all together now, that she was certain of..... Even if they never spoke of him and she'd never met him, she knew that they were together. She had never met Sailor Earth - Mamo-chan's past sister - but she knew that she was around. But did she want to find her prince? The question echoed around her head. Did she really? No, she decided, I'm happier here. This may not be where I belong but this is where I stay.
"How did you know what I was searching for? And I never told you my name before, Misty." Ash's sharp, shocked voice broke her chain of thought. She had to start a new one, and she had to start it fast, otherwise he'd be onto her like a shot - he wasn't exactly thick anymore - and then she would have to find her prince. She turned to face him with a small, mischievous grin on her face.
"How did you know it was there to look for?" She decided to ignore the second question, having called him it by a default reaction to something..... But what? She was usually good at hiding her instincts. Why was she letting go in front of Ash suddenly? Misty turned her head to look into his honey brown eyes, waiting for her answer. He seemed to be hesitating, as if not sure himself.
"I'm not quite sure," he confirmed her thoughts, "But I thought there was something on there, Deja Vu, I guess, and I wanted to see it again. That's all." He looked away from her, up at the moon again. "Tonda sorlo fordada ko"
The last sentence was muted, but Misty heard it. 'I guess I kind of missed my home'. She realized with a start what he'd just said, and then the language that he'd used. Moon. Tsuki. The language only known by citizens of the moon and herself. So how could he know it? She looked into his face again, studying it for awhile. He didn't even know what he'd said, that was obvious. He would have no idea what to say if told to say the same sentence again. So where did that leave her? She wasn't sure. It didn't matter though. The only thing that mattered at the moment was Usagi, and the other Senshi, Inners, Outers and Starlights in particular. Had he gotten to them yet?
Ash cleared his throat. He needed to clear some things up with her. "Misty, when you were saying about 'Don't let him get Ash' earlier, what did you mean?" She froze. Had she said that? Yes, she had, she remembered, but she was not talking about Ketchum, she was talking about her prince. But why were they so similar? Could they be the same person? Surely she'd have met him if -
"Misty?" His gentle eyes peered into hers. "Are you okay?" She nodded. "Who were you talking about?"
She buried her head into his chest and then whispered out 2 words. "The traitor." They were spoken with such contempt that they startled him, each word dripping with hatred and malice. "He's trying to hurt her, he's after me, and you... I think." Her words softened into her normal tones, but, even though each word still rung with the same emotions, Ash was no longer frightened. "He's going to hurt us all, and he's got an army.." She tore herself away from him. "I have to go help Usagi-chan! I have to protect her!"
She started to get up, more frantic now, trying desperately to help her princess - her Sas - until Ash wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close for a hug, designed to keep her safe and still.
"Misty, what would you be able to do? You've only got your Pokémon, I'm sure these others can look after themsel -"
She shook her head against his chest again. "No, no, I can help! An agent of love and justice, I am the pretty sailor suited sailor soldier - "
"Sailorfantasy," They both chorused. Misty pulled back in shock and Ash gently looked down on her again.
"And in the name of illusion, I will punish you?" He questioned. Her shocked expression caught his eye further and he traced her face to her eyes. He wanted to find out what secrets they held, why she was shocked, who she really was. Looking down into her deep, ocean eyes he knew all of her secrets, the ones she would never tell to anyone but him. She felt the same when she looked up, up into his eyes shining in the moonlight, the eyes of her friend, her love - could they even belong to her prince? - She decided not to worry about that, it was not important, all that mattered were his eyes and the moonlight, and finally, silhouetted against the moonlight, they closed their eyes and kissed.
When they pulled back she nodded slowly. "Yes, yes that is it, but, how do you know? Do you know wha - "
Ash put his finger to her lips. "I didn't. That just seemed like the right thing to say, so I said it. Why does it matter? Who is Usagi?" He gently questioned her, not really caring about the answers.
She turned away and buried her head in his chest again, carefully picking her words so as not to trip over herself. "Usagi..... Serena is..... She is the white moonlight. She...... She always helps us whenever we need her and she is our leader. But she is in danger. The legend has failed, she has stopped using the message of love and she cannot fight well without it. Usagi is like my sister and I.... I don't wanna lose her, but I can't think of what to do without going to her!" Misty was almost in tears now. "But she..... She had a meeting with her small group - Rei, Ami, Minako and Makoto - and they forbade me to go near them! They said it was 'too dangerous' and 'if I was not called for help do not give it, it is not needed at the cost of sacrifice'! I know it's gotten worse, he's getting closer, stronger, but will they.... will they be able to call for my help? Or the others? We can't save them if - " As she sobbed out the words, Ash felt a strong desire to take her and put her back with these people who meant so much " if.... if we can't go near them, how can we save them? They even banned her daughter, said it was 'too dangerous for 5 year-olds' and 'don't come near'! I haven't seen her since and I don't know...... I just don't know Ash, I don't know....." She trailed off, her sobs overtaking her words and Ash, for his part just held her until she calmed down.
When her sobs had finally subsided it was 6:00 AM, but the moon was still as high as ever. Winter mornings were good like that, dawn never broke until 7:15. Slowly Ash got up, trying to ignore her fearful gaze following him as he stood, his head hurting from an overload of... memories? And his knees stinging from sitting down for 3 hours.
"Come on Misty, you'd better get some sleep, hey? See Brock in the morning. I'm going to bed, g'night." He ruffled her hair and turned to leave.
"Wait!" She loosely held his wrist, holding him back. "Stay here....Please? Stay by the window with me...." He hesitated, turned and pulled a blanket off her bed before seating himself back next to her. She smiled at him as he gathered her to his chest before laying the blanket over them, leaning against the window for support.
As the couple drifted off, they realized what had felt so right earlier - they way he held her was right. It was right to be _her_. They let that thought comfort them amongst the confusion in their heads, and they finally slept peacefully, watched and guarded by the soft, white moonlight and, later, the shades in the rising sun, both as opposite and similar as the couple themselves, both sharing the secrets of the day ahead.
The noise within the underground chamber was unbearable. The heavy, labored breathing of the Senshi, the dying screams of countless demons - dammit, why did that affect him so much? - and the manic laughing of _him_. Soldier Charon was standing at the doorway, watching the Senshi fight his army, knowing that each time a demon was defeated more would replace it, knowing that each one returned from the afterlife within days, knowing - no, don't think like that - _thinking_ that he was unbeatable.
Tuxedo Mask broke his chain of thought and dodged another attack. With a single, quick spin he brought his sword across and decapitated 2 more, desperately trying to ignore the screams all around him. Whenever he got a short break he surveyed the scene, checking to make sure that everyone was okay. To his surprise, and immense relief, Eternal Sailormoon was fine. She had taken it so hard when they said that her Sas was not to be trusted, but then again, she took it hard whenever someone said anything about the baby of the senshi. She'd been like that since they had to forbid her for her safety which, although agreeable, hurt Usagi greatly.
As he watched his wife fight he became aware of intent footsteps behind him. He spun around to intercept the attack with his sword, and, to his surprise, realized that this one had a sword himself. Coffee break's over, he thought grimly, and he began to parry and counter the blows with his own sword.
'Tsukino hikariwa Ai no Message.........' The phrase repeated itself in Sailormoon's mind, over and over and over. She couldn't get it out of her head, even in the midst of the heated battle she could not forget it. She smashed her Eternal tier against the head of another demon and watched him fade for a few seconds before having to worry about the next one. The Senshi had formed a semi-circle with an open end at the screen so nothing could get behind them and their escape route was still open. Sailormoon was at the head of this circle, Sailormoon got almost every damn demon. She was going to have to spend hours cleaning the blood off her tier, damn it! It took so long....... ugh. 'Tsukino hikariwa Ai no Message...' The phrase repeated itself in her mind again, though this time it was whispered, softly, and she only just heard it.
"The moonlight carries the message of love..." She repeated, turning it over as she absently dodged one claw and received a kick to her side. She spun around quickly to face the kicker and delivered her own roundhouse kick to the face, sending Demon number 432 into one of Sailormars' fires and straight to hell. She used that momentum to fly into the air, but watching the happenings from her vantage point made the situation seem hopeless. Who was she kidding? It _was_ hopeless. But she had to try.
As she flew down, Luna made a couple of red imprints on a demon face. It seemed that the monster was trying to use the gap where Eternal Sailormoon had stood to get on the inside of the circle, she realized with a start that she'd left the gap there in the first place. She performed a quick 360 as she descended and surveyed the inside, desperately hoping nothing had broken through. Nothing had. She sighed as she landed, then, using surprise as her element, grabbed her tier and swung around to face forward, battering a few more demons backwards into a Deep Submerge on the other side of the room. And then she prepared to fight again, blocking any thoughts from her mind but the battle. 'Tsukino hikariwa Ai no Message...'
Unnoticed amongst the chaos in the room, a three small girls, one about two, another four and another five, edged around the room in the shadows, lead by a kitten and the five year-old child as the aimed for the spot in the center of the wall. It, as Miss Four had pointed out, would provide the best place if seen, for she and Miss 2 could guard while leader took them home. They would also be in a prime place to save the senshi and attack 'Girly'.
The other two girls had been confused when she used this term, not quite sure on who she meant. It turned out that 'Girly' was a term used by her parents for Soldier Charon. Not surprising, really, the kitten mused. It was common knowledge that dreamers seemed to take advantage of the fact that 'growing up was optional', although they had all seemed to calm down when their children were born. Unlike her parents, who had been, in her opinion, stuffy and boring forever. She shook her head and returned to the task at hand, sweeping her eyes in both directions to watch for danger.
"Space Sword!" Sailoruranus called her sword into her hands and charged. She managed to spear and kill several demons before finally losing her momentum, causing her to use her attack for what it was intended for. She was one of the lucky ones, her attack took seconds to execute and was easily used, whereas one such as Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss took long enough for the attacker to be injured, if not killed. "Blaster!" She released her sword and watched its course as it flew through many demons, disembodying and decapitating them completely. She only took her eyes away for a few seconds to drop-kick the nearest demon, one who was attempting to kill Pluto by her side.
As she reached her hand for her sword her eyes held Charon's for a second. She shook off the eerie feeling they had given her and charged back into the foray, pausing only to launch an attack every few minutes.
Things are finally starting to go wrong, Charon mused. He had to admit that they put up a good fight, but then again that was to be expected from someone with that experience. His eyes traveled down the line of senshi. Sword against sword. Talisman against demon. Arrows of fire flying every which way, he was surprised that they had not yet hit an ally. Sailormercury sang as she tried to gain time for an attack, her voice actually driving some weak-willed ones away with the pain. Perhaps the most comical of the senshi was Sailorneptune, thwapping whatever came near with her mirror. 7 years bad luck when that one breaks, he thought. Or maybe more? It is your life, you silly girl.
The sound of the Eternal Tier clashing against metal tore his eyes from Neptune to Moon. She was lying vertically against the screen, 20 or so demons pushing past Jupiter and Saturn to charge her. He saw her shut her eyes, he knew what she was waiting for. Her death. His glory would be to see this moment, the result of all his efforts. He watched her face, searching for a sign of fear. But he found none. She was too strong, this girl, but that was nothing that couldn't be dealt with by a sharp sword.
"Here!" The 20 demons charging Sailormoon stopped and looked up at him as he through a dirty metal sword towards them. "Through her crystal, then drag it across to her heart. I want to see her suffer." They nodded and the leader took the sword, preparing to charge.
The three Chibi-Scouts watched in horror as Sailormoon prepared to meet her death. They saw her fingers move to her communicator, desperately trying to warn her friends. They saw the demons move in closer for the kill. They saw the horrified looks on her friend's faces, and the smug one on Charon's. But, as they moved forward in an urgent attempt to help, what they didn't see was Sailor Chibi-Daydream as she desperately ran forwards, ignoring the opening words to 'Twinkle Yell' and 'Cosmos Galaxy Storm'.
Sailor Chibi-Daydream was a pretty thing. She was only 4 years old but already had thick, straight, black hair down to her waist. Her eyes were as blue as the sky, yet as green as the sea at the same time. These were the eyes that she shut as she pulled to a stop in the middle of the room, desperately throwing her hands in front of her as she bent over, praying for the energy to save her queen. What would her mother do? She shut her eyes tighter and concentrated, shocked at the amount of golden energy that formed around her. Melody. Harmony. Music. She pushed it forward, trying to transfer it from her to Usagi - why wouldn't it work? Her mother always did this... She opened her eyes for a split second and saw she only had seconds left. Now or never. Think, think! What did her - ah! That! She quickly hummed a couple of words, "I watch the sun go down when....." The power started to switch to Usagi. Finally! She broke her concentration looked up towards her queen.
Eternal Sailormoon was emitting a golden aura. Startled, the bad guys moved back cautiously, watching her form as it glowed brighter. The girl seemed startled herself, wondering why this felt so familiar, and then how it had happened. Her entire body seemed to be screaming at her. 'Tsukino hikariwa Ai no Message!! The Moonlight Carries the Message of Love!!' Think, girl, think! What was meant by it!?
"............Storm!!!!" Sailor Chibi-Chibi-Moon released her attack, quickly hitting Moon's tormentors in the back, not killing or wounding but knocking them off balance a little. As she looked up, a stunned expression crossed her face. "Chibi-Chibi!"
"Twinkle Bell!" Pegasus appeared above Sailor Chibi-Moon as she looked up to her queen.... Her mother. When she saw Sailormoon her face took on the same expression as Chibi-Chibi-Moon's as she slowly took in what was happening. "CRYSTAL!"
Sailormoon heard the yelling around her, did they want her crystal? Again? Can't villains be original? She looked up and noticed that Charon had a shocked expression on her face. She was still glowing the golden colours of melody - she knew what it was from Misty, Kitty and Brendan - but this was slowly being overtaken by her own silver power of the crystal. Then a voice clicked.
"Chibi-Moon!" She cried, wondering where her daughter was. When she saw her, she seemed to be in shock, watching a girl in the middle of the room who was breathing heavily. She did not recognize her, but she was in a sailor fuku and came with Chibi-Moon, so she guessed that she was from the future.
She noticed a bright light surrounding her area of the room, and, looking around her realized that the fighting below her had stopped. They were all looking at her! Why? Her eyes traveled across to the Chibi-Scouts in the center, and realized that the only one who _wasn't_ staring in shock or - in Charon's case - anger, was the violet sailor, the unknown one. She was making elaborate gestures with her hands at her, as if pointing a gun and firing. Sailormoon was puzzled. What did that mean? She shrugged at the child. 'I don't understand,' she mouthed.
Sailor New gave a long-suffering sigh and pulled both of her hands in front, as if holding something. She then spun around and held one hand above her head, as if performing a kiss attack. Oh! She wanted Usagi to attack! Right, she could do that!
"Silver Moon!" The new senshi clapped silently as if to say 'Well done...' sarcastically. Every other senshi just nodded and started to collect their powers.
"Crystal..... Power...." Charon stepped behind the door.
"Mercury Crystal Power!"
"Mars Crystal Power!"
"Jupiter Crystal Power!"
"Venus Crystal Power!"
"Uranus Planet Power!"
"Neptune Planet Power!"
"Pluto Planet Power!"
"Saturn Planet Power!"
"Tuxedo Rose Power!"
"Cosmos Crystal Power!"
"Daydream Prism Power!"
"Moon Crisis Power!"
"Sailor Planet Power!"
As they fed their energies into Sailormoon, her glow became brighter than ever before. It now hurt to look at her. Determined not to be distracted by the power coursing through her veins, she shut her eyes in a desperate attempt to finish the attack.
It worked.
"Kiss!" She cried as the silver beams flew out of her tier, killing every demon, even reaching out to the senshi and affecting them. Chibi-Daydream, who had never seen the likes of this before, screamed in fear as the beams flew towards her and turned to run, but as she turned she caught Chibi-Moon's eye, Chibi-Moon was....... reveling in the power. Was it safe? It had to be. She too closed her eyes and welcomed it, feeling the ecstasy wash over her as her power became stronger.
Then a bright light came from every senshi. Each one started to float, until all were parallel with Eternal Sailormoon. Sailormoon spread her arms wide, encasing every senshi in her light, and finally she encased herself. It was finally going to happen.
Soldier Charon put his head around the door. Shit, he thought. New powers. He left the area, vacating as quickly as possible. He did not want to be purified, although the extra power could come in handy, but it was not worth it. He returned to Johto.
Simultaneously every senshi outside the chamber stood up and ran outside, not caring who saw them or what would happen. They had to get to the moon. How to get there? Oh! Venus-sama's ark! Each glowing girl and boy made it to Rias, to get to the ark. This was important! Senshi who hadn't seen each other in years reunited there, and stood on it to leave. But where was Misty?
Misty shot up, awakening Ash as well. She was glowing in the silver colours, but was not alarmed. She knew what was happening. Ash, however, did not, and seeing your best friend glowing when you've just woken up at 9:30 in the morning was not good for him. He yelled in surprise.
She looked at him, noticing the faintest trace of a moon on his head. No way? Well, she would've had to take him now anyway, to stop him from raising the alarm. She grabbed his hand.
"Shut up for a second, Ashton." She said. "I'm taking you with me, but hurry up! We have to get there fast!" She ran outside with him, using her hands to open up a glowing portal and dragged im inside. "Come on!"
Just as they were about to leave for Rias Misty turned up. Kitty sighed. Phew, she thought, I didn't wanna leave without the baby! But who was that boy? She looked harder at him until it clicked. OMG!
Brendan, the boy next to her, had his face screwed up in deep thought. Who was that guy.......... No way!
Ignoring the discerning murmers around them, the two dreamers ran up to the newcomers.
"Mystery! Ashton!" Kitty yelled, forgetting to keep her mouth shut, just for a change. Misty let go of Ash's hand and embraced the girl, before Brendan dragged both of them on board the ark.
"Ash, hurry up, get on, we'll be late." Misty looked behind her and noticed that now Ash, too, had started glowing and was showing his insignia fully. He had also lost the look of confusion, completely aware of what was happening. He ran after them and boarded the ship.
As they left for the moon, Kitty twisted her hands away from Brendan. "I can walk, you know! I'm not as dumb as you, I don't need support."
He just grinned at her and let Misty's hands go as well. "Yeah, but with you two we'll be here all day."
The chamber suddenly flashed silver and everyone disappeared. 5 seconds later, everyone reappeared on the moon, amongst the kingdom ruins, reuniting with the others who had now taken on the same experience as everybody else, encased in silver light and floating parallel with their princess. The ruins slowly formed into the moon kingdom as it was, the only difference being the lack of people. The glory and beauty of the kingdom was restored, but Kitty doubted anyone would live there. She decided not to worry and finally gave her mind over completely to the crystal.
It started first with Tuxedo Mask. The light around him spiraled out, leaving him in his new transformation. Super Tuxedo Mask. His cloak was white, and almost transparent. His rose was also white and the clothes he wore, although the same, made him look more elegant. And he lost the top hat. He held out his hands and a new sword appeared, with a shiny silver blade, white razor edge and a white encrusted handle. When he looked closely, he saw that the handle was encrusted with the signs of every planet. As he held it, a phrase popped into his head - 'Silver Rose'. A new attack? Possibly. This was the first time he'd received a power up along with the others, so he wasn't sure. He would have to ask Luna later..
The next one to go was Ash, turning into a Soldier Senshi, his first transformation. He wore the same outfit as Soldier Charon, but in white instead of grey. He too was amazed, having never been transformed before. As he looked up at the palace he finally got his memories back - the kingdom's destruction and the part he played, who he was, who Misty was, who everyone was. And he realized his powers. "Moon Dust Blind?" He murmured. "What the hell does that mean?" he shook his head and started to watch the others.
Sailor Chibi-Daydream and Sailor Chibi-Chibi-Moon's bubbles burst simultaneously and they looked at themselves. Bigger bow at the back, sashes longer and two transparent colours swirled together, transparent sleeves, actual symbol on tiara (in Daydream's case), heart shaped locket with wings and transparent wings themselves - yep, they were Super Sailors. Chibi-Chibi-Moon thought it was no big deal - she didn't really think much of anything - but she liked the feeling of being strong, it was almost like when she was Sailor Cosmos, and she liked that. She liked Usagi. Usagi was cool. Warm, strong and sensitive, she was alot like herself - cute. "Chibi-chibi!" She cried happily.
Chibi-Daydream read Chibi-Chibi's thoughts and laughed. All two year-olds are alike, she mused, comparing Chibi-Chibi to her own baby sister. She thought that the transformation was cool, but she wished that she was on the ground. Heights scared her. She looked down towards the floor, past her white bow and violet locket, past her violet skirt and at the ground, trying to estimate the distance. About 5 meters, she decided, forgetting her tendency to exaggerate. She looked around behind her, trying to catch glimpses of her wings, but all could she see was the pale violet back bow and the white-violet sash.
As she was about to scream, every other bubble broke. Her attention caught, she stared at the other senshi.
Each one was Eternal.
Star buttons for the inner and outer girls, Star lockets with wings for the highs. The long, trailing sashes and tiny back bows were placed on senshi, the sashes having twisted colours, though not transparent. They each had the same wings, and each hairstyle was added to with wraps or clips, but the high earrings were changed from symbols into stars while those 'planets' with earrings remained the same. Every girl lost her tiara, replaced with the insignia of their kingdom - their birthright.
The boys, too, lost their sweatbands, allowing their insignias to be fully shown. Seeing as they had no wings they did not have the capability to fly, instead they were granted the ability to teleport with small discs on the palm of each glove. They wore tee-shirts torn-off at the shoulders, and, while their outfits remained more similar to the original soldier's outfit, they seemed to take on two different airs at once : refinement and intimidation.
Finally, the senshi stopped looking at themselves and turned to their leader, Sailormoon. The silence seemed to turn into one of awe and respect as their eyes traveled over her new transformation.
Her wings had turned into a semi-transparent white edged with silver, and the shape had changed from those of the Eternalsailor to those of Queen Serenity. Her bow had gotten bigger, the edges of it now visible behind her skirt, although the sash had stayed the same size but had obtained the same transparency of her wings, with twisted silver and yellow colours. Her earrings had changed into stars with tiny moons and her choker was given the same design in yellow on silver. Her boots were red with the same design in yellow at the tip, the trimming being the silver colour that seemed to scream at you from her outfit, even though there was very little silver on her. Her skirt was trimmed with silver, above that were 2 layers - one of yellow, one of red - before the top trimming of silver appeared again, the heart being changed into the same yellow star/moon design employed on her choker. The bands at the top and bottom of her white gloves were red, with small silver stars at the top peaks, while the puffs on her sleeves were a transparent yellow/silver colour with red trimming. The heart-shaped locket on her chest which was also red, with yellow/silver transparent winged edges like the ones on her back.
She was the legend.
Eternal Silver Sailormoon.
Sailormoon herself did not yet know what had happened to herself or the others. Her eyes were still closed while she hovered in the air, and her face had taken on a serene look which fitted her name beautifully. Slowly she opened her bright eyes, taking in her surroundings and the people. Strangely enough, she seemed to know what she was already. Not once did anyone see her look down at herself, she seemed far too occupied with the task of locating and identifying senshi. She smiled when her eyes traveled to Eternal Sailorfantasy, and smiled again as she saw Sailorstar and Soldiersun. Only once did her face lose it's countenance, and that was when her eyes met Soldiermoon's. The shocked look on her face only brought forward a giggle from one in the crowd, Chibi-Chibi Moon. Sailormoon smiled and relaxed when she saw that the little star was there, happily giggling away to herself about whatever she found so amusing.
"Can you let me down from here now!!!!" She heard Sailorfantasy yelling and looked towards her. But was that Fantasy? Her face had a vacant, confused expression on it, and she seemed to be looking in Chibi-Moon's direction. No, it couldn't have been her, she mused. The voice sounded exactly like Fantasy when she was younger, but who could it be? She turned her gaze to the area where the 2 chibi-scouts were, finally noticing that there was a third. This child had cute, bright green/blue eyes and long, straight black hair that reached her waist. The girl was panicking, obviously being afraid of heights and not being able to see her wings. She turned her attention from her back to Sailorfantasy, noting with amusement that every senshi but 3 - Sailorstar, Soldiersun and Soldiermoon - had turned directly to her, seeming not to notice the minor voice difference.
She sighed and spread her arms a little, gently lowering the senshi to the ground, carefully watching the child's face for the signs of relief.
Finally, she lowered herself to the ground and started to speak.
"What news is there on Ash?" The shadows in the room hid the speaker's face, but not so much that you couldn't see how young he was. About 17 years of age, the man was speaking to a young teenage girl over the vidphone.
"He's in the next town already, will be of no danger to you, sir." Her voice was annoying, full of respect and awe - the kind that makes you sick. She was obviously one of those giggly you're-so-great girls, but the man seemed to enjoy her attention.
"And the princess? What about the Fantasy Princess?" There was a touch of urgency in his voice, this question seemed more... important than the other. The girl's tone seemed to sadden, suddenly full of anxiety.
"She seems to have gone missing," she replied. "Her and ash had a fight with the squinty one in their group, about a child or baby, I believe. She then had a breakdown of sorts and was put in the center hospital for the night. We haven't seen her yet this morning, which, as you know is unusual."
"She must have joined the others. It will be bad news if she gets involved, she tends to be..... protective, shall we say?"
The girl sighed. "I still don't see why we have to be spies, why can't we just stay with you like we used to? And what exactly is -"
"Enough!" He cut her off mid-sentence. "You will do as I say and no more. Is that clear?"
"Yes, sir." She mumbled.
"I will be back on the road on the morrow, heading for the next city. I trust you will continue to keep my confidence?"
She nodded. "Yes sir, goodnight sir."
"Fine. You are dismissed." The screen went blank.
"Ash and Misty are gone!" Heart pounding, Brock raced along the corridor, screaming for Joy at the top of his lungs. "Nurse! Ash and Misty _are gone_!"
Finally he reached her door, although by this time he hardly had the breath to knock on the door, let alone call her name again. Luckily for him, Joy and every other thing in the center had heard him as he made his desperate dash at 9am. She was already standing there with the door opened, and it was obvious that she didn't know what to think - annoyance at the fact that he'd just woken up her baby and everyone else in the center or concerned by the news he brought. Her face would've been comical under any other circumstance.
"Nurse!" He gasped. "Ash and Misty have left! They've disappeared! I.... do you.... is it because of what happened yesterday? I mean I was pretty -"
"Nonsense!" She cut him off. "Pikachu and Ash's other Pokémon are still in the nursery, and so is Togepi! Neither of them would leave their Pokémon behind!" She turned to pick up the baby as he started wailing. "They've probably just gone for a walk, don't worry about them."
As she started to walk back into her room, she heard him quietly speaking to her back. "I.. I'm sorry, Nurse Joy. I just thought that they....... I just...." She turned to face him. He had his head down and she knew he was staring at the floor, although he gave her the impression that he was millions of miles away through time and space.
"Brock," The softness of her voice surprised her, she knew that she should be mad but she couldn't bring herself to it. "Why did you get so mad? Babies always fall......."
He raised his head to meet her gaze, tears running down her face. "I.... I dropped my sister. I dropped my sister and.... and it killed her."
Well, that was chapter 1. What did ya think? Any comments? As always, send them to star_princess@kittymail.com. That's just what I look at.
Hmm....... I was meant t explain something but forgot. Oh yeah, Sailor Chibi-Chibi Moon is the one from the present, and she's still 2 years old because she can't be bothered to grow up :P Her attacks are all in non-chibi-chibi language because I don't think they were in the manga, and I just made up her attack. If you know what her attack was, e-mail me please and I'll use it =P
Can anyone tell me how many hours 2520 ticks are? Yes, I figured out the ticks.... *blushes*
© Serenity (Windchimes), Saturday, 20/1/01, all rights reserved. }=P Smile!