Chapter Five
It wasn't that she hated the gym, far from it, it was just the arrogant trainers who came all the time to test their skill. She was getting so sick and tired of their, 'Hey you! I challenge you to match!' Or 'You will never be able to beat me!' Attitude. The only thing that brightened her up was the look on their faces after she had fairly and squarely kicked their asses.
Adam had been the last straw, trudging in with his 'I'm like, cool' city-boy attitude and pants which fell halfway down his butt. Really, what was the point of that?!
He had beaten her with his goddamned Mr Mime which he had the stupidity to name Sir Charles, jeese, what an idiot! And if it was one thing she detested more than arrogance, it was idiocy. And he had both of those hated qualities.
After that, he had trudged through the Violet City gym to face Falkner, the Gym Leader, leaving her fuming behind him, and to top it all off, he had actually won! Trudging out of the gym smugly flashing his badge. Him, an obnoxious teenage city-slicker beating the almighty Falkner, lord of the skies, in a single match! But the thing that pissed her off even more was the fact that she had been training pokemon all her life and had never managed to beat the Gym Leader herself.
And now the air headed idiot was back again!
She stormed over to him, "What are you doing here?!"
He looked at her, mild astonishment played across his dumbass face, "Whoa, look who it is! Hey Topaz, nice to see you too!"
The gym trainer smiled tightly, "What are you doing here?" she repeated through clenched teeth.
"Oh, just chillin'," he shrugged, "Well, actually I have a friend here to challenge Falkner, she just wanted me to show her where the place was, she's never been here in Violet before. Topaz, meet Katiral and her pokemon, Taja,"
The brown haired girl looked at the girl beside him, she was pretty, with long black hair which she had braided, hung loosely down her back, her black almond eyes curled at the corners as she smiled warmly. She wore an old black 'Pikachu Pal' tank top and navy blue three quarter jeans. Around her shoulders was a large black backpack. The girl had a sad beauty about her, as if something very tragic had recently happened to her, and that she was struggling with life, barely holding on.
"Hi, my name's you already know, nice to meet you and welcome to Violet City Gym," She greeted smiling.
Katiral nodded, regarding the gym trainer warmly, the girl was her age, about sixteen or so, shiny brown hair was held up in a neat ponytail, she had tanned skin and was fairly short, her blue Gym uniform skirt reaching down to the ground instead of just above her ankles, but it was her eyes that awed her the most, they were a vibrant gold, Katiral had never seen such beautiful eyes like that. "Hi, nice to meet you too," the Martial Artist replied, "This is Taja," she pointed to her persian, squealing with delight the Gym Trainer started complementing the girl on her healthy looking friend. The three woman immediately struck up a conversation.
Adam watched them talk, smoothing back his brown hair, with one hand. Girls, he'd never understand them, and why they acted the way they did. It was just all to complicated for his liking.
Katiral, Taja, and he had caught the first ship to sail them to the nearest land, and had arrived in small town called TeeWeed, where there was a small PokeMart where the two of them stocked up on supplies. Neither of them mentioned what had happened back on the island, it was all too fresh in their minds.
He had taken no bag with him, explaining to the curious Katiral that he didn't need to, all he had was his credit card, video cell-phone, pokedext, map, and pokeballs, and all of these items easily fitted in his giant cargo pockets. Katiral on the other hand had packed everything she owned, which really wasn't much, her two Katanas, pokeballs, an old edition of Dexter that needed to be upgraded, one potion, one antidote, a small amount of cash and spare clothes. Adam had been shocked at how poor she was.
She had just shrugged.
After two days of walking they had arrived at Violet City, exhausted and hungry, they immediately located the PokeCentre, cured their pokemon to full fighting health, ate like horses and slept. Before they had left in the morning, Katiral had entered her name in the Johto League.
Now they were inside the tall gym, he'd see his folks later.
Motioning for the black eyed girl to follow him, he headed towards the elevator, "C'mon, let's go see Falkner,"
He had only taken a few steps when Topaz suddenly leaped in front of him, one of her fists clenched in front of her face, a moment ago she had been mellow, talking to Katiral, now she just as quickly fumed.
Girls, goddamn it!
"I challenge to a rematch you obnoxious city idiot!" She practically shouted in his face.
He grinned, infuriating her even more, "You sure? I wouldn't want to like, humiliate you or anything..... ....again,"
"Shut-up and just battle!"
He snorted, "Like whatever,"
From the sidelines Katiral said hesitantly, "Um, guys?"
"Don't you 'whatever' ME, MISTER!"
"Look, mommy, I can do whatever I like, want!"
"WHAT?! I am NOT your mother!!"
"You impertinent little GODDAMN DUMBASS!"
They both looked sharply at Katiral, surprised.
"What?" They asked simultaneously.
Katiral's shoulders slumped and an expression of utter hopelessness crossed her face, "Idiots," she muttered in a small exasperated little voice.
Sighing and shaking her head she motioned for them to follow her to the elevator, their little battle could wait till later, she had more important things to do. Katiral had taken no more than three steps when pain exploded inside her head and she plunged into darkness.