Episode 1 : Ash Ketchum
Meets Seanku Ketchum ( Part 1 )
Catergory : Other
It was a quiet spring day
and spring break had begun Misty joined up with Ash , Haruka , and
and so did Tracy Sketchit
, they all layed down under a tree and breathed in the sweet spring air , then
all of them dozed off and
dreamed of wonderful and odd things . They woke up 1 hour later and saw a car
drive by , a tall kid
walked out and was about 7 feet tall with fire engine red hair and a
ponytail with a silver
rubberband to keep it
together , he had red shades with red lenses , he had a green hoodie and
gigantic muscles , also with lots of cars in the back of him and people bringing
out a red carpet for him to walk on , then a bunch of helicopters came and there
in front of a camera stood the most famous Pokemon Trainer next to this guy ,
Kerrinhan Sketchit , cousin of Tracy Sketchit " Hello ladys and germs and
welcome to Pallet Town where the greatest Pokemon Master is searching for his
cousin Ash Ketchum , here he comes SEANKU KETCHUM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Kerrinhan yelled .
Ash froze , Misty and
Haruka fainted at the sight of his handsome body structure and face , Brock
clapped his hands over his mouth and Tracy was lying on the ground completely in
shock .