Jessie got a call on the computer and there appeared Limburger
" Now Team Rocket I don ` t care what you do to this monkey leader , he is
the least of my wories , but you better get him out of my sight , I bETTER NOT
SEE HIS FACE AGAIN OR YOU THREE OR TOAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Limburger
yelled , Team Rocket shivered when Limburger turned his back and they saw his
Plutarkian armpits , since Plutarkians never bathed in water , they looked
pretty funky , I wouldn `t even want to discuss that during me writing this
fanfic and drinking my soda and pizza . So I won ` t go there . Jessie kicked
James and said " Let ` s get this poor little handsome man out of that mishapin
fish scum bag , now shall we " They rode for days and finally arrived at
Limburger ` s base without him there , they were orderd to kill the two partners
except Charley & Seanku could be killed or stay alive it was up to Team
Rocket what to do with him . Jessie put a spike collar around Seanku ` s neck
and inserted a ball gagg into his mouth , she then pulled out a sword that had a
red J on it and James pulled out a sword with a purple J on it . They quickly
threw the swords at a oil tower and the oil blew up with the heat from the
swords and blew Greasepit to pieces and sent Charley falling to the ground and a
giant rock almost collapsing on her shut a cave and locked her inside . Jessie
pulled out the ball gagg and kissed Seanku on the lips and then stroked his hair
and he lay there dehidrayted and hungry , he hadn ` t ate for days , well he did
, but all he ate was candy and Team Rocket fed it to him , a bunch of goo
from his mouth drying out stuck and he thought he could blow millions
of chunks after all the candy and choclate Team Rocket fed to him . He threw up
, but without our cameras showing this so you kids wouldn ` t be seeing the
suffering he had to go through , now these couple of more scenes are to violent
for any of you little kids so I ` ll skip all 6 parts and go to the part
where Team Rocket heals him and then throws Limburger into the train tracks and
he gets swung into the air and never comes back in this movie . Seanku
sufferd through a lot of grueling torture and when Limburger came he
punched Seanku ` s head and Team Rocket knew that this wasne ` t right
and tied up Limburger , they put him on the railroad tracks and inserted a
spreen , he was launched into the air and never came back .
Suddenly the BMFM Gang and Pokemon Heroes showed up and
battled Team Rocket , Seanku and Charley were saved and everything turned out
fine , but that ` s not the end , you ` ll see on the next part when Team Rocket
decides to turn good , no joke they become friends with Seanku and well the rest
is a surprise ...............