Pokemon The Movie 3000
Part 2 : Team Rocket & Limburger Kidnap Charley
Davidson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Catergory : Crossover ( Biker Monkeys From Mars / Pokemon )
By : Seanku Ketchum
Seanku pulled out his Master Ball and yelled " Go Mewtwo "
then Ash called out his Mew and the two psychic Pokemon battled , " Mewtwo Ultra
Psychic Bomb !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " and mewtwo shot a gigantic red beam and knocked
out Mew , then Seanku called out Blastoise , Charizard , Machamp , Nidoking ,
and Venasaur , Ash called out Alakazam , Blastoise , Charizard , Venasaur , and
Lugia . All of Seanku five Pokemon battled Ash ` s five Pokemon
and the battle ended with a BANG . The person who won was ..............
nobody , Team Rocket appeared with Limburger and his goonms in giant robots and
they had all the Pokemon in giant electric nets , " NO ONE STEALS MY POKEMON
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Seanku
yelled with a blue ball of gigantic energy proportions hitting the two
giant robots and sending the bad guys out of the town .
10 : 30 PM Last Chance Garage : Charley was kissing Seanku
and Misty grabbed Ash and kissed him , then Charley ` s alarm went off
and she went back to work with Misty as her assitant , Seanku flew into the room
and his energy caused a rocket to shoot out the window , Meanwhile outside
Greasepit was waiting for Charley to come out so he could tie her up and then
kidnap her and bring her to Limburger . " Ooh I like that merchandise sweetheart
I like itttttt " Seanku said patting Charley ` s back " Thanks I live for your
approvle Macho monkey , I ` d better get those back before they fall into the
wrong hands " She said in her sexiest voice that Seanku really admired then as
she walked out of the hole Greasepit ` s gigantic greasey hand clamped on her
mouth and dragged her outside , Seanku went outside to check it out and he was
knocked out by a bat swinging on his noggin , he was dragged away and Team
Rocket were the ones dragging him , then they drove away and Teamj Rocket took
Seanku and yelled on a microphone " COME AND GET CHARLEY AND SEANKU
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Ash and his frien ds heard the call and they rode on
thier motorcycles to catch up . They arrived at the train station where Team
Rocket took Seanku , but were greeted by a gang of Team Rocket goons and
Limburger ` s goons . Team Rocket drove away on the train and took Seanku into a
room and tied him to a seat Jessie held Seanku and kissed him on the side of his
head and then Seanku shaked the gagg off , but Jessie clamped his mouth shut and
said " Your not getting off my precious Saiyan hunk of a gorilla man , your
staying with me and you will not be seeing that twerp or your little girlfriend
anymore now follow me , because we are about to do something reallllllllllley
funnnnnnnn " then James and Meowth heard a scream and peeked through thw window
to see ...................... ( THIS FOLLOWING SCENE WILL NOT BE SHOWN AS IT IS
To Be Continued