Title:Shocking:A Pokemon Story: Part 2
"Pika!!" "Pikachu, Thundershock!" "PiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Pikachu let out a tremendous shock, making Golbat drop him. "So, you're smarter I thought." A figure dressed in a black Team Rocket uniform stepped out from the shadows. "Who are you?" Ash demanded. "I'm Kyle, a member of Team Rocket." "Oh, you're just a bully!" Misty said. " Ash, Tracey, let's teach this creep a lesson!" "Alright, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Snorlax, GO!" "Marril, Scyther, time to battle!" "Go, Staryu!" "PSYDUCK" "Oh! YOU STUPID DUCK!!!!!!" "Ok, twerps, prepare to lose! Hypno, Magneton, Machamp, Go!" "Alright, Squirtle, Hydro Pump!" A stream of water shot out of Squirtle's mouth. "Ha! Hypno, Barrier! A barrier surrounded Hypno, and the water had no effect. "Grrrrrrrrr. Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf!" Kyle didn't notice, but Hypno's barrier was gone, and it was hit with a spinning-sharp leaf sandwich. "Hypno!" With that it fainted. "I'll get you for that! Magneton, Thunder!" Magneton released a giant blast of Thunder, fainting Squirtle, Marril, and Psyduck. "Try that on for size!" "Alright, my turn. Scyther, Slash!" Scyther was extremely fast, K.O ing Machamp before it even saw it coming. "Okay, Golbat (Who recovered from Pikachu's ThunderShock if you wanted to know) Screech, and then wing attack." Golbat let out an ear-splicing shriek, making everyone cover their ears. Then, it used a couple wing attacks, which made Scyther faint. "Okay, Snorlax, you're our only hope" "We're doomed" Misty and Tracey said. "Snorlax, body slam" All Snorlax did was sleep. "Face it. He doesn't won't to fight, so Team Rocket has won, and will be taking this!" Jessie and James had snuck up on Pikachu, and trapped it in a box. "See ya later, LOSER!" With that Team Rocket ran off, cackling