Sandry and Haven
The door burst door, scattering the
papers on the two desks all over the room.
A young girl ran in, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes mischievous and
wild. Burs were stuck in her long
yellow hair, and all over her purple sweater.
She looked around 8, but in truth she was ten. Just the right age to sign up for the Pokemon league.
Her twin looked up from her laptop,
sighing. She looked exactly the same as
her twin, but without the burs. “Haven,
how many times do I have to tell you not to go into the forest!”
“But sis,” argued Haven, trying
franticly to get the burs out of her hair.
“I just can’t help it! The
forest is my life. I just can’t throw
that away!”
“We’ll see if you say the same thing
when you get stung by a Beedril,” Sandry retorted. She shut down her laptop, grumbling, and came over to help Haven
get rid of the burs. She ran the brush
over her thick hair, wincing gently as tangles were revealed.
I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Haven said
excitedly, cringing as the brush yanked out bits and pieces of her hair. On a particularly big chunk, she yelped and
grabbed the hairbrush away from her twin.
“Can’t you go any gentler?” She demanded. Sandry shook her head, grinning, and grabbed the brush again.
When all the tangles and burs were
out, Haven sat back with a sigh.
“Tommorrows going to be fun,”She said, “But I don’t want to leave my
friends in the forest behind.” “You
have to,” Sandry said sadly. “Don’t
worry. You’ll meet many new friends
around the Hoenn Region. Maybe we can
even go into Johto, and if we’re lucky, maybe even Kanto.”
Haven cheered up considerably at those
words. “Maybe I can even catch a
Chicorita!” She said happily. She then processed to babble on about all
the Pokemon she would catch. Sandry
gave herself a pat on the back for a great idea.
“Are you too up still?” Haven winced slightly and Sandry
groaned. Their mother came up the
stairs, looking frustrated. “You two
should be in bed!” She told them. “You’ve got a big day tomorrow! You don’t want to be late, like Ash Ketchum
was, do you?”
“But Ash got the best Pokemon of all,
because he was late,” Sandry pointed out.
“And besides, we never get up late!”
“There’s a first time for
everything,”Mom said. “Now, good
And she slammed the door.
Yali sighed, tapping her fingernails on the
stained table top. Rain pounded on the
stained glass windows of the small hut she was in. It was lonely, with only Deko the fortuneteller for company. And when you had only Deko with you, things
were pretty desperate.
No, Yali preferred to be anywhere but
were she was now. She’d love to be
home, roasting marshmallows and eating popcorn with Xantha. But nooo, she and her buddie HAD to come
here, to see what was making the boss so upset. And when the Team Pyro boss was upset, things usually went very
“Xantha’s late,”Deko noted. Old news to everyone except you, lady,
Yali thought. Yes, Xantha was late, but
how was anyone supposed to get through this weather?
The door flew open. Yali leapt to her feet and helped Xantha
in. “Finally!” Deko screeched. “Now we can begin!” Yali and Xantha traded looks before they sat
“Now, you two must not be up to any of
your tricks on this mission,” Deko crooned.
“The fate of Team Pyro is in your hands.” Yali and Xantha sighed at the same time. Trust Deko to extend the most simple matter. Last year she had made stealing Pichu eggs
turn into a life-and-death matter.
“What is it this time?” Xantha
asked. “More egg stealing, or perhaps a
little trainer bullying?”
“This is more than just that, you
two!” Deko shrieked. “This involves…them!”
She passed a picture to the two
agents. Yali took one look and broke
out into hysterical laughter. Xantha
shook slightly, trying not to explode.On the picture were two young twins, both
around ten years old. “So, that’s our
mission,” Yali managed to choke out.
“Terrorize a bunch of kids?”
“Their not any bunch of kids,” Deko
huffed. “I looked at them in their
future, and check this out!” Deko made
funny motions over her cystal ball, and it lit up. Curious, Yali and Xantha leaned closer for a better look.
Inside the globe were the two girls
again, but older, more mature. And
beside them were the most extreme legendaries ever seen. The fierce Entei looked cute and cuddly when
beside them. Jirachi flew over their
heads. Mew chirped and whistled. Moltres nuzzled them, carefull not to catch
them on fire.
Yalis mouth fell open. “Do you know what this means for us?” Deko
asked them. “Total destruction,”
breathed Xantha. “End of Team Pyro,”
Yali chirped.
“That is your mission,” Deko told
them. “Find the two, and defeat
them. Stop them from ever entering the
Pokemon League.”
Without a word, the two agents got up
and left.