Master and Mistress
By Saliaven Chronotis
Part 2

Mind games

    The Orange Isles.  At last, I am back.  Ash was feeling very sentimental right now, looking at the region he had won his first major tournament.  He and Misty were lucky that on their return, Lapras was around to take them from place to place.  It had grown, too and was even nicer to ride on then before.  They didn’t always travel on Lapras, though, preferring to leave their belongings on the pokemon and fly or swim their way around.  They trusted Lapras not to drop their stuff and so were totally carefree as they played on the water.  Sometimes it was tag, sometimes the usual pickup and drop and sometimes they would just Be Together.
    They landed on Sunburst Island very soon and left Lapras to swim around a bit while they toured the old place.  They went and saw Mateo who now had a Charizard.  He commanded it to blow the glass and it almost instantly had it at the proper heat level.  They left the town and went about the countryside, finding a small cave, and in it “a metal helmet?” asked Ash.
“Yes.  A metal and electronic looking helmet.” answered Misty.  She pulled it out.
“That looks exactly like the one Gary said he saw Mewtwo wearing when he faced Giovanni.”
“But that would mean that THIS is the psychic intensifier.”
“I guess so, maybe I should try it on, it could make me able to release psychic attacks.”
“Ash, your mind isn’t strong enough to mold cheese, even with that.”
“I’ll show you.”  He put on the helmet and the lights turned on, showing that it still worked.  “Here I go!  Psychic blast!”
Misty stumbled a moment and then said “a mild headache.”
Ash fell to his knees.  “That took a lot of my energy away.”
“Rest a moment, then I will try the same on you, you being so kind as to hit me with an attack like that.”
He recovered and said “It was bad enough on the giving end, but fair is fair.”
She then took the helmet, put it on grumbling about helmet hair and directed her mind to him.  He flew twenty feet backwards and landed unconscious on the ground.  Misty ran over, looking very worried.  “Ash!  Ash!  Dammit” she picked him up and brought him to the nearest pokemon center.  Nurse Joy assured her that he wasn’t harmed badly.  He opened his eyes as they took him to a room to recover.  He laughed weakly and said “so that’s why our cheese is always moldy” and conked out again.
    He was fully rested the next day and despite the earlier experience, resolved to keep going with their experiments.  “I have an idea, let me try the helmet a moment” he said and put it on.
‘Hi Misty’
“What, Ash why are you greeting me, I’m right here.”
‘I’m not talking, I am projecting my thoughts onto you, pretty neat aye?’
“That is good and also give me an idea”
‘I see, professor Oak might know someone who can make exclusive mind links with this, good idea’
“Take that off and stop stealing my thoughts” she yanked the object off his head.  “No matter what, though, it would be a new level of intimacy that our mere bodies couldn’t provide.”
“Yeah, but I might catch your temper.”
“And I your stupid.”  She said, sticking out her tongue.  He grabbed her and turned it into a kiss.  They both laughed and went off to take a side trip back to see Oak.  He looked at the device and sent it to a friend of his.  It was sent back with two small chips, to be inserted in their skulls a note said.  “Brain surgery?  A bit much.”  Ash said.  Misty agreed it was rather unsettling but in the end they decided they would do it.  When they were woken in the lab, the procedure was called a success and the two embraced.
‘Thank god that’s over’ They thought at each other.  And then another message came in ‘Ash isn’t looking good today’  
“Hey!”  He said and professor Oak realized what had happened and said, “It does turn off, it is will powered and follows mental commands and feelings.”  The two agreed to leave it off unless they needed to know if the other was alright, or mutually decided to play around with their new powers.  They then went on their way again, now to see the whirl islands.

Authors note: I don't have any money worth suing for anyhow.