Plan of attacks
There was a dull glow as molecules rearranged...Duplica smiled.
Sometimes the usual tricks (what Mewtwo called fractal) weren’t enough
for the mistress of transformations. It was times like now that made
her glad of the synthesizer, a method so perfect that Brock couldn’t see
through it with X-Ray vision, she shuddered at the thought of Brock with
that ability. Mewtwo had been impressed when she built it and though
it could affect a pokemon transformation, even it had limits. Ash
and Misty had never known that through most of their travels since they
first helped her train her ditto, she had been watching. Many people
they had met had been her. The synthesizer could never do pikachu,
she needed Mewtwo for that, and trying to impersonate one of the two trainers
had become impossible when they came into their powers. She cursed
Mewtwo for that. She sighed in contentment as she eased the zipper
up, feeling the tingling that meant the machines creation worked properly.
Just as she was about to finish, a purple light enveloped her, Mewtwo was
agitated, she could tell. All she heard was ‘stop screwing around with
your machines, strange evils are afoot’ and she was in normal attire.
She took one last, longing, look at her pride and joy as she dematerialized.
This megatype attack, though, included the magic type. This attack
consisted of the two trainers, the two sorcerers and Mewtwo making a pentagram,
firing in tandem every spell they could think of, Ash and Misty just adding
power. Just as they thought they were weakening the shield, the doors
to the dark citadel opened, lowering the shield and Giovanni stepped out.
Mewtwo was enraged, but then he saw Giovanni beckon and a shadow came out
of Mewtwo and took form, standing beside the old boss rocket. Giovanni
spoke, finally, saying, “I have been freed and you shall all suffer for
what you have done to me.” The shadow took flight again, but Mewtwo
was as fast and battled it mercilessly. Giovanni laughed and said
“What of me? Is there anyone who will face me?” Ash started
towards him, but was too late. Someone else was challenging Boss
“Prepare for trouble”
“And make in quadruple.
“To protect the worlds from devastation”
“To unite all peoples within our nations”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love”
“To extend our reaches to the stars above”
“Team Rockets blast off at the speed of light”
“Surrender now or prepare to fight”
“That’s right”
“What are you incompetents doing? As the head of Team Rocket,
I order–“
“Your orders are meaningless.” Jessie said as a fleet of balloons
landed “We six command Team Rocket, Magma and Aqua. Your presence
is no longer required. And Ash, we brought some friends that may
be of service” Without another word, all of the three teams attacked the
citadel and Boss Rocket.
“What did she mean–?” was all Ash could say before being interrupted.
“Hey Ashy-boy” said a voice both familiar and unfamiliar.
“Duplica! ... Gary! Why is one eye gold like that? And
what’s up with the formal medieval attire?”
The guardian flew down and said, “I’ll be having with none of this,
the barriers may be weakened, but there are limits.” There was a
flash and the normal Gary was there.
“And more than just him.” Said Brock as Ash saw every trainer,
breeder and others who work with pokemon approaching. “We can’t let
you two have all the fun, now can we?” put in Oak.
“Yeah, baby sister. We can’t be, like, relegated to the back
seat that easily,” the sensationals added.
“Oh my” exclaimed Duplica “Mewtwo could use some help.” and she fused.
‘What are you doing fusing now?’ thought Mewtwo.
‘Adding. The shadow pokemon will have some trouble fighting you
now that I’m adding some unpredictable habits to your fighting.’
Duplictwo started to gain ground on shadetwo. <End Citadel>
Eventually, Giovanni and the last evil of Mewtwo
fell before unrelenting attacks and both were imprisoned again. Duplica
diffused from Mewtwo, audibly panting. “That was both awesome and
tiring, I enjoyed fighting them.” The gates opened and the army rushed
towards it. ‘Wait!’ projected mew ‘we must be cautious; there isn’t
enough room in there for all of us. Besides, we may need the main
force out here to attack and destroy it from the outside if we can’t find
anything inside worth finding. Mewthree, you command the forces out
here. Me, Ash, Misty, Mewtwo, Blaze and Vapor will go in. We
need magic for what’s in there.’ They agreed and the two new mewthrees
that had joined helped out the one that was always there. Mew had
decided not to pursue the subject of three completely different incarnations
of the same pokemon yet. (If you wonder, it’s because the visit Mewthree
paid was to set the cloning machines to randomized chromosome combos and
overdrive, creating more and more mewthrees) The five opened the
gates and entered, with the guardian following a couple of minutes later.
What they found was a main hall with four offshoots and a giant gate and
the end. Blaze looked around a moment and said “I recall this now,
it’s a recreation of our castle. These four rooms will house our
magic supplies, which we may need. Come on!” With that, they
rushed into the closest room. “Yes, I see!” said Vapor “this should
be the area where we kept artifacts we had found.” They looked at
the various dusty items and picked out several. “These should do
the trick nicely. A few items that will cause mayhem and destruction
to the forces of evil.” The next room looked like a library and Blaze
said “to use this room would take too long, study is required to use these
spells.” The next to last held newer looking items and it was explained
that these were invented during the sorcerer’s times. Some were taken
with as well. The last room held jars and what looked like harmless
trinkets until better examined. Blaze and Vapor yelled when they
saw this and started to atomize the contents of the room. ‘By this
show, I would wager that this is their necromancy’ mew said to the others.
They went on to the end of the hall and the huge doors, finding the guardian
in front. “From here on, none will recognize what you see.
To get to what you seek in here, you must face your greatest fear.
Mewtwo, Blaze and Vapor are exempt because the citadel has already done
that for them. The rest must pass the challenge.” At that,
the guardian himself entered. “Is it safe?” Ash said. Everyone
fell over in disbelief.
“Has anything been safe around here?” yelled Misty.
“Then I can assure you this won’t be too much fun either.” The
others entered, all disappearing except Mewtwo who merely passed through
the doors.
All challenges occur simultaneously.
Ash walked through the doors and into a chamber.
“I wonder what will happen here.” the echoes bounced around and around.
Finally, after what seemed forever, he heard footsteps and Misty materialized
in the room. “Was all this was a test of patience? Have you
passed your fear?”
“Yes, and it has enlightened me, I am breaking up and taking pikachu
with me.”
“What? Why? Pikachu?” Ash spluttered.
“I realized you were an arrogant young boy who will never be a master.
Pikachu agrees.”
“Pika” the pokemon said coldly.
“I can’t just let you go.” And then he remembered the guardian’s
“This is my fear, and what am I to do about it.”
“Accept, as I have.”
“That is not the answer, we both know even I, and especially I won’t
accept a thing like this.” And the walls vanished as Ash appeared
on the other side.
Misty faced a similar test, but involving Ash setting
a gyarados on her when she tried to reason with him.
Mew floated into his room. ‘Anyone about?’
he mentally sent, minds don’t echo. Soon after several voices said
“YES!” and the necrorevenant pokemon along with Mewtwo and Giovanni appeared.
‘I cleansed you and imprisoned you!’
“We escaped.” Giovanni said simply.
‘Giovanni never says anything simply, you’re an illusion’ Giovanni
“I made him, I have realized the dark side is more promising.”
Said Mewtwo. “I also revived the darkness in these two.”
‘If this is the best the citadel can throw, I am embarrassed at it.
For one thing, M2 wants the rule the world and second, the darkness cannot
be revived by one sorcerer without special spells that M2 couldn’t possibly
have.’ Mew vanished.
The guardian knew that four challenges were to come
his way, and what they were. It didn’t stop him from having trouble.
The first room had a door at the end and guarding it was a teenage girl
with lower spectrum hair. “You can’t go in there. Come with
me and my friends to a party instead.” She said.
“No. Go from here and never return to my mind.”
“I hate you!” she screamed.
The guardian was very annoyed by this time and threw
her across the room, walked through the door and sealed it. The next
door was being guarded by a middle to late aged man. He said nothing
as the guardian passed other than “it’s a mistake.”
The next door had a woman of similar age that said, “come with me,
and your mind will be pure.”
“Purely nothing.” said the guardian as he passed.
The last door was mobbed by a group of boys in their mid teens.
There was one standing away, an Asian who said. “Need some help?”
“With these, I think I do.” They merged and the guardian’s keychain
glowed with even more might as he incanted. One tried to merge while
others tried to take his power from him. He blew them all back to
the abyss from whence they came. He disappeared through the door.
<Begin Winter Born.> They all materialized at about the same
time. The two trainers looked at each other’s face and turned away.
They both had tears streaming down their faces and Vapor said “I understand”
incanted and they felt like the strain had lifted. Looking around,
they were in a room filled with dark purple crystals. “In these rest
all the different evils of the world. Destroying the citadel would
cut off their power, but they would remain. We must first drain all
their power into one crystal and then destroy the citadel. The one
would be without power and it would implode from the strain.” the guardian
said this and started picking up the crystals and attaching them to niches
in the surface of a large one in the center. “Help me, and we may
all take part in this great occasion.”
‘I believe him’ was all Mew had to say to bring them all to the aid
of their new friend. When all the crystals were connected, the guardian
drew a symbol on the large crystal and all the others became clear as it
‘Now, I shall destroy it!’ Mewtwo projected.
“No!” said the guardian, but it was too late. Mewtwo fired psi energy
at the crystal and was rewarded by a field of dark energy enveloping him,
forcing him to his knees. It went further, as Mewtwo’s body started
to burn.
“We must do something,” said Blaze and he made to start a spell.
“No” guardian said exasperatedly “this is his lesson to learn.”
Eventually, the energy dissipated and Mewtwo was left, googly eyed, on
the floor.
“I think he’s dead” whispered Misty.<End Winter Born>
“No reason to shirk his duty” the guardian said, matter-of-factly.
There was a burst of golden light and Mewtwo was back on his feet.
“Lets have no more of this. We must leave now and destroy this pit
of despair.” He opened a door in the ceiling and they floated up
to join the rest of the army.
“How do we destroy it? It has deflected everything we throw at
it.” A Mewthree said.
“Think about it. It is darkness, what attack do you all know
that will work on that?” the guardian said slyly.
“Flash!” yelled Ash.
“Right first time. Now here we go FINAL FLASH” and they all released
a blinding burst of light causing permanoon for quite some time.
The citadel crumbled and disintegrated, the crystal blew up and the energy
started to escape. “Don’t let any get away! Neutralize all
the energy that wasn’t taken out by our last flash with this next one.”
They fired again and all the darkness that wasn’t destroyed the first time
evaporated into nothing.