Sorry for mistakes, but English is not my native language... Nevertheless, I hope you will like this story!
The Will of Destiny
Part 2
Ash Ketchum, Haruka, Brock and Masato were traveling down the river, because one smart boy told them that this exiguous river leads to Petalsburg. Ash was going and singing funny silly song that made him not to look where he is going now and be happy. And it was vainly! A moment later little twerp fall down on a ground athwart the thing he had stumbled over.
Ash said not very good words and looked down to see what had spoilt his wonderful song.
"James?!" -shocked Ash cried.
Haruka, her brither and Brock came there too and silently looked at lying Ash and James.
"It seems to be a new Team Rocket trap! – Ash began thinking, – or…"
Ash stopped because looking at James he found that guy wearing dirty bloody clothes, and (the worst) James did not seem alive, and there was no Jessie and Meowth nearby.
"Surely, he is alive, such guys couldn't be dead!" – Haruka said it for sure, and there was no doubt in her words. She took her old aerosol deodorant and sprayed it on James's face. "After such a thing even a dead will be alive!"
Haruka was so proud. James, as Haruka thought, was not so happy to breath such "wonderful" spray being senceless. He opened his eyes and cried as if he was in a foggy forest: "Jessie!!"
Nothing happened. James closed his eyes, and when he opened 'em again he found twerps nearby again.
"Where is Jessie?" – It was the only thing he was interested in.
He gathered all his strength to sit down.
"Hey, what happened?" – Haruka was interested.
"If I remembered… We were asleep. Then an awful Delibird found us and gave a little present, and this present… ooops… and then you appeared and Jessie disappeared…"
"Everything is clear! – Ash concluded, – Team Aqua or Team Magma exchanged peaceful Delibird's slop sticks to trotyl bombs to kill their competitors from Team Rocket!"
"Are you thinking it would help me? – James couldn't find himself, – Maybe you tell me how can I find Jessie? It would be better for me!"
Boys where thinking about nothing, sometimes they told James silly ideas how he could find Jessie, where he could live and some other silly and useless things. But Haruka made some real deeds for James, she told him that it would be better for him if he washed his clothes and bathed in the river. The girl turned over and ran away to the forest to take some apples to dinner and make James not so embarrassed.
When Haruka came back, James had been sitting down, wearing dry t-short. James had been cutting his ragged trousers of Team Rocket uniform with Brock's kitchen knife. A few minutes later James put on not white uniform trousers but fancy knee-breeches. But Haruka was shocked by the other James's deed: he put all the TR uniform – blanket boots, jacket and plastic pass, – into one big heap and burned them. First of all Ash thought that James was ill, but than all the twerps realized that it was good: "James gets off the TR!!!" So, the twerps suggested him to walk with 'em to the nearest town.
If it was James one day before (or more days, how long he was lying on a ground??) he will travel with these twerps where they want, because James's goal was stealing Pikachu. But now he travelled with Ash ONLY to the nearest town. There he only thanked his old familiars for all good they'd made for him and left there to exist before his death.
He couldn't think even of poor sick Meowth. Oh, pokecenter, where he spoke to Meowth, it is a place for sick pokemon. But there is one more place for suffering people at this town. And James went there…
To be continued!
Russian Meowth 30.07.2003
Hi, my foreign friend, who had read this story by the end. If you found this story interesting or boring, please, don't be lazy and write me about it ^_^ I'll be very glad to read your even short message with critics. And thank you again that you have found a couple of minutes to read my story.
Everyone who knows Russian is invited to my page with stories! You will find this story in original and also a lot of interesting stories and my novells about Jessie, James and other "Pokemon" characters ^_^ /* With illustrations, of course! */