The finite part of this story!

Harry Potter and Pocket Monsters

Part 6

        When Harry has found out Noctowl among all his pokemon, he at once wrote the letter with questions to Hagrid and sent pokemon to the forester's house. But a day passed, and pokemon had not returned yet. Harry's mood was worse than ever.
        "Everything is down!" – He told that morning to Ron and Hermione, – "It is time to me to go on boondocks of magic kingdom, I can't win Quiddich with muggle catcher in other team, and I know nothing about pokemon, and I have spent all points from Gryffindor account, and now I have still lost somebody's pokemon.
        "The same bad things are happen with all people!" – Hermione tried to calm Harry.
        "Surely, it happens, but not so bad! As if it is That_Who_Should_Not_Called_By_The_Name made all these troubles for me!"
        And after the breakfast there should be Hagrid's lesson. It was the only pleasure. Gryffindores and Slytherines were together directed to Hagrid's house. Jessie, James and Meowth already had time to talk to fellow students who explained them in clear language, that Harry Potter should be their enemy, that they shouldn't have any deeds with him, ohterwise newly made magicians will spoil all the Slytherin's honor. Therefore Jessie and James eternally tried to drag off Pikachu from Harry's shoulder on the way to Hagrid. And they each time received for these deeds a thunderbolt even going nearby to Harry Hermione and Ron. Jessie and James felt nothing concerning electricity because they had pink color rubber gloves (such gloves are used for washing, not for Pikachu hunting!)
        What Harry's surprise was when he saw the elderly person completely unfamiliar to any student leaving Hagrid's house. This person was in white dressing gown. On a shoulder at this person sat… Harry's Noctowl. Harry noticed, how Jessie and James pulled on their noses peaked hats as if they were afraid that this person will find them out. And Meowth dug in the ground immediately.
        "Hello, guys!" – The person has greeted all. – "I'm professor Samuel Oak from Pallet town, that's in Kanto. I have arrived here to study a few your magic essences, and at the request of your teacher Hagrid I would like to tell some facts to you about pocket monsters."
        Harry, Ron and Hermione found the story of the professor very interesting, and they have made the way to the very first row.
        "Here I've received this remarkable owl that we call Noctowl," – the professor continued his monologue, – "There is the letter from Gryffindor's students, that they have pokemon instead of their animals. I've contacted Hagrid and he told, that tomorrow at night he will make everything back. Well, and now I'll tell you who are these pocket monsters …"
        Long and very interesting lecture which was liked by all without exception was than. Besides, lecture was so long, that students were late to professor Snape's "Cookery" (well, "PotionCooking", what difference ^_^). Angry Snape has come running to the hut and too was heard professor Oak's lecture. Snape even overlooked about penal glasses to Gryffindor for today.
        And at night Hagrid returned. Next morning Harry and Ron have found out sleeping owls near their bed's, instead of Pikachu and Crobat, and Hermione embraced fluffy thick Crookshanks in the drawing room, complaining as her favorite pet exhausted in pokemon world.
        Drako Malfoy and his friends too have returned from travel, and now they are more respectfully concerned to Hagrid, and with the big interest the are running to his lessons because lectures were read by professor Oak (yes, Oak stayed at Horwarts to read all his lectures about pokemon for some weeks). Because of love to Quiddich Malfoy himself asked the referee to cancel the results of the match on the vacuum cleaner even these results and were for Slytherin's benefit. Yes, even opposite bad Malfoy was angered with such game with muggles. To tell the truth, Slytherin lost in a replayed match, but it was fair! But Malfoy till now hated Harry. This hate was for all his life!
        Ýø has won a badge in Goldenrod gym and went to Olivine. Pikachu sat at his shoulder, beside Misty with her Togepi went, yes-yes not with the strange fattened cat, and Brock now held his pokeballs in hands. And suddenly … three stood on their way. Ash, Misty and Brock knew these three perfectly! It was Team Rocket, who else.
        "Well what a strange masking at you!" – Ash burst out of laughing, when he saw Jassie and James in short gowns and small trousers, moreover, in acute-angled hats on their heads.
        Meowth has made a step forward to tell something insulting, has he got confused in a gown and fell down, because of what Ash burst out laughing even more.
        "That is," – James told sighed and looked on the vacuum cleaner near them with a broom behind. – "We should change clothes".
        And having saddled the vacuum cleaner the trinity pressed the button of emission the dust and disappeared far behind a wood with shout:
        "We'll be back!"
        And all balls for Quiddich and two sparrows from Hogwarts flied down to Ash's, Misty's and Brock's heads.

To be continued!
Russian Meowth. 10|9|03

Hi, my foreign friend, who had read this story by the end. If you found this story interesting or boring, please, don't be lazy and write me about it ^_^ I'll be very glad to read your even short message with critics. And thank you again that you have found a couple of minutes to read my story.
Everyone who knows Russian is invited to my page with stories! You will find this story in original and also a lot of interesting stories and my novells about Jessie, James and other "Pokemon" characters ^_^ /* With illustrations, of course! */