Sorry for mistakes, but English is not my native language...
The 5th book about Harry Potter is not published in Russia yet, that is why let it be about the POKEMON!

Harry Potter and Pocket Monsters

Part 2

Ash, Misty and Brock left their sleeping-bags at morning and than they were terrified. They found two awful "pokemon", looking as Noctowl and a cat looking like fattened Dalcatty.
        "What's it?" – Ash was surprised and the first thing he made was taking the pokedex.
        The disappointment was momental:
        "This type of pokemon is unknown!"
        "Heck!" – Ash cursed and tried to find his pokeballs to catch these unknown pokemon and than get'em to professor Oak for experiments, but now Ash was not good…
        No pokeballs in his pockets! Ash gazed around and looked into his pocket again and again, and than as if he was dieing he asked:
        "Misty and Brock, have you cleaned my pokeballs yesterday?"
        Misty was staying at the middle of the meadow, holding the cat by its tail (oh, people from pokemon world know nothing about real-world cats) and crying:
        And now Ash realized:
        "Pikachuuuu!" – he cried louder than Misty.
        And Brock now finished his search of pokeballs and told his friends:
        "It is Team Rocket, no doubt! Nobody else needs pokemon in bulk!"
        "I don't think so," – Misty doubted, – "Jessie and James are always telling us their poems and only than they steal out pokemon. It's stupid but it's so!"
        But Brock suggested:
        "Let's go to Goldenrod and tell all Jennie about our pokemon and these strange creatures. By the way, we can also call professor Oak from there!"
        Unfortunately Ash and his friends couldn't realize all they wanted. Three men were staying on their way. Was it Team Rocket? No! There were 3 guys wearing black gowns: one little, frail, high fed blond with puny elf in red punts; and two his big fat friends.
        "Prepare for trouble!" – the little one cried.
        "Oh, oh, and make 'em double!" – Ash continued this remarkable phrase, – "Team Rocket, what a silly camouflage you've chosen for today!"
        The trinity with elf didn't like the last Ash's words, and the little boy guessed that he forgot introduce himself:
        "I'm Draco Malfoy, and it's my domestic elf, and that couple are my best friends! If you don't want any problems, red cap, tell me, where is Hogwarts and I'll go away, otherwise my father will make a domestic elf from you!"
        Ash asking looked at elf and found that he was not happy to be the same fright. Brock was looking through all Johto-navigator to find Hogwarts.
        "Hmm, Draco Malfoy, your village or bowery is not shown at our map," – Brock told the three boys with a pity.
        "It's not MY problem! You MUST lead me to Hogwarts," – Malfoy ordered, – "Otherwise my father will make three domestic elfs!"
        "Agree, agree guys, he is seriously about elfs!" – the elf whispered and was bitten by Malfoy friends for these words.
         Ash thought a little and decided to tell Malfoy where he is going:
        "To be serious too, I'm not a Red Cap, I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet town, and I'm travelling through Johto with my poke…"
        "No difference wheather you are Ketchup, or Mayonnaise, or Mustard," – Malfoy was mocking at Ash, – "I NEED finding Hogwarts otherwise Harry Potter will win tomorrow Quiddich match, and more I'll miss a lot of lessons there! And I'm not interested who are you and where are you going, Red Cetchup! You MUST lead me to Hogwarts!"
        Ash, Misty and Brock after these words understood that the best thing now will be silence. While Malfoy and his friends were asleap, the twerps decided to go with this ruys to Goldenrod. Than they'll tell Malfoy that Goldenrod is Hogwarts and go their own was as soon as possible.
        Two days the twerps and their new companions were traveling by the forest path. It was the common situation for Ash, but not for the high fed Malfoy.
        "Where are you leading us, Ivan Susanin?" – Malfoy cried so that all forest could hear him.
        "And who told you that it is easy to find Hogwarts?"
        Malfoy put sock into his mouth for a couple of minutes but than asked the same. And when the nervous wiz was out of his nerves he cried:
        "I went to a forest! I was walking there for an hour! Than I met you, twerps! And now you are crawling me to Hogwarts for two days! Obviously, my father will make wonderful domestic elfs of you!"
        And at that moment Ash saw Goldenrod skyscrapers at horizon…

To be continued!
Russian Meowth. 09|08|03

Hi, my foreign friend, who had read this story by the end. If you found this story interesting or boring, please, don't be lazy and write me about it ^_^ I'll be very glad to read your even short message with critics. And thank you again that you have found a couple of minutes to read my story.
Everyone who knows Russian is invited to my page with stories! You will find this story in original and also a lot of interesting stories and my novells about Jessie, James and other "Pokemon" characters ^_^ /* With illustrations, of course! */