Where Did I Go Wrong?

        By: Rashad Scorpio

The Sequel for Through Mine Eye will be here on about 3 months so you have to wait and bear with this story here.


We all know the drill so I’ll just give my little input.

Red text is Ash’s thoughts

Pink text is Misty’s thoughts

Green text is Brock’s thoughts


Ages:   Ash       13

            Misty    14

            Brock   18



It’s a beautiful morning in Pallet town. The sun is shining, the air is fresh and the birds are singing. Everything seems to be perfect in this quiet town. Nothing could possibly go wrong….

Misty: Ash! You insensitive jerk!!!

I spoke too soon

Ash: What is it now? Misty will you be quiet. It’s too early and I need to sleep

Misty: Get your lazy butt up this instant!!! She flips his mattress throwing him on the floor

Ash: Ow! What was that for? I didn’t do anything

Misty:  You know exactly what you did you little parasite! You put honey in my shampoo bottle! Now my hair’s a mess thanks to you.

Ash: She’s cute when she’s mad

Brock now up due to Misty’s screaming walks in the room seeing a half-sleep terrified Ash in the corner and a hot-headed mallet wielding Misty standing over him

Ash: Well think of it this way, now you’re sweeter than you were before oops did I just say that?

Misty: He thinks I’m sweet? Maybe he does like me after all. What did you say Ash?

Ash now notices Brock at the door with a face that says “you better cover this one up fast”

Misty: Ash? Ash! Are you even listening to me?

Ash: Oh sorry hehe I guess I spaced out. Maybe that will get here to leave me alone

Misty: Grrrr Hits him with her mallet idiot leaves the room I thought for a second that he meant that. I love him so much but he gets on my nerves sometimes! I just wanna bash his head in :sigh: and then kiss him till the end of time. Get over it Misty he’ll never feel the same about you he’s still a kid. Yeah a kid that put honey in my hair. Now I go to get more shampoo but I can’t go out there looking like this, maybe Ms. Ketchum has some left Goes into Delia’s room


Back to Ash and Brock

Ash: Is taking some aspirin My head! Why does she have to start so early? starts drinking a glass of water

Brock: Well you did switch her honey with the shampoo. By the way I heard your little slip up. A big grin appears on his face Could it be that our Ash has a thing for Miss Misty?

Ash:: Spits water everywhere with a red face No! There’s no way that I could ever like a monster like that!

Brock: Why are you blushing then?

Ash: Busted Fine I love her ok!!!  Love everything about her, the way she walks, her sweet voice, how she looks like an angel when she’s sleeping :sigh: Gets a dreamy look while talking about Misty

Brock: This kid’s got it bad. Well if you feel that way why don’t you tell her.

Ash: Because Mr. Know-It-All she doesn’t feel the same as me. You see how she treats me. Always yelling at me for getting us lost, hitting me with that mallet of hers, using every chance she gets to make me feel three inches tall. Sometimes when you guys are asleep I cry to myself because of the pain she causes me. All of those insults hurt me; each one is like a knife straight to the heart. To tell you the truth I’ve thought about running away a few times.

Brock: Running away?! It’s that serious?

Ash nods

Brock: I didn’t know it cut you that deep Ash. I don’t know what I would do if you ever ran away from us. You need to tell her this before something bad happens.

Ash: I can’t

Brock: Why?

Ash: Because when I look into her eyes I lose my cool and end up just staring into them.

Brock: crosses his arms laughing you got bad man! I feel sorry for you.

Ash: Me! What about you if I’m right I thought you were head-over-heels with Professor Ivy?

Brock: That name!!!! OK Enough of that! This kid need to realize what’s wrong with him. At least I’m not afraid to show the one I love how much I care!

Ash: ……….

Brock: Turns around Thought so Man I’m good Walks to the door I suggest you tell her how you feel soon Ash. I’d hate to see what would happen if you leave us. More importantly, what would happen to Misty? Leaves the room

Ash: Easier said than done. Forgets he has no mattress and fall straight to the floor Waaa! Why me?