Disclaimer:Pokemon! I dont own 'em all! Pokemon!....wish I did though...
Author's Note:
Well, Chapter 1 is here! I hope somebody is reading this because this is going to beat anything I have written before! Read on! =D
-Bluwirz, ^_^ Random Spammer since 2000!.......PAPER CUT!!
P.S. Reviews people! Send me one! I wanna know what you think.
Chapter 1: The Dungeon
I woke up shivering. It was cold in the cell. No bed. No covers. No warmth whatsoever. Whats worse was that the chain was making it even worse. Froze my neck to the point where it hurt. S-s-so c-cold... I thought, still shivering. I had never had a night this cold before. This told me I was near the mountains. The mountains were the only place where it could get this cold. I looked out the small barred window to see how late it was. Just like before, there was no sign of the sky. I was beginning to think that it wasn't a window. Just then, I heard a metal door open in the distance. It creaked loudly through the silent room. I heard footsteps on the hard floor, heading in my direction. Then I saw them. There were two men, both young looking. The first one had long black hair and wore dark clothing, almost as if he were trying not to be seen in this dark room. He stood in front of the other guy, and what worried me was what he was carrying. In his hands, he carried a large gun. The gun was mostly wood and had metal parts around the top. Looks pretty strong..... The second guy had dark blonde hair and wore the same clothes as the first guy, as if they were in a cult or something. He was behind the guy, with something in his hands. I looked closer and discovered it was a chain, just like the one I had, and on the other end, was a Pokemon. Upon further inspection, I saw that it was a very badly beaten Sandshrew. He wasn't awake. He looked as though he was out cold. They dragged him to a cell about 20 feet from mine. They threw him into the cell and shut the door. When I say they threw him, I mean they THREW him into the cell, hard! He fell to the ground with a lound thud, and they shut the gate. They started over to the door they had come through, until the blonde haired guy looked over at me and stopped. He signaled the other guy to come with him. They walked over to my cell and looked at me through the bars.
"Hey, look who's up!" said the blonde guy, staring down at me with an evil grin. He then silently laughed, as if he found this amusing. What's so funny... He looked over at his partner and asked, "Which one is this?"
I was still in the corner at the far end of the cell so he couldn't reach me. He found a way though. Just then, the black haired guy put his arm through the bars and reached for the part of the chain that was attatched to the wall. He grabbed it and pulled it as hard as he could. I almost went flying over to the bars. Instead, I flew up and landed hard on the ground. Then I was yanked over to the bars, where I hit my head on the cold hard steel bars. He then reached over and grabbed my tail and checked the weird inscription that was burned onto my tail. He stared at it and muttered to his partner, "He's in the MC tests down the hall, and he's #14. Our newest addition to that section, and hopefully, for his sake, his tests wont fail." Hearing that mad me scared as to what would happen if they did in fact fail.
Then, for some weird reason, I attempted to shock them. I must have gotten annoyed when they abused me like that and my instincts told me to defend myself. I jumped up and tried to shock them......but nothing happend. I tried again, but with the same results. My cheeks sparked, but nothing else happend. They both laughed. Then, the black haired guy said, "Well, it seems he has discovered what our new injections do," he smiled with an evil look. He dropped the look and got serious and said, "Foolish Pokemon!" He then took the gun he had been holding and hit me directly in the face with the back of it. I landed hard on my back and hit my head hard on the stone ground. I was stunned. He actually hit me.... I thought, laying on my back. He then said, "You will learn respect, one way, or another.....or else!" He then pulled out the metal part at the top of the gun, and something flew out of it. With that, he turned and he and his partner left the room.
When they left, I got up, still in a tremendous amount of pain, and I went to see what had flew out of the gun. I picked it up and looked at it. It was long, small, made of metal, and was a bronze color. It was a bullet. But there was something wrong with it. It was empty, which means it had been recently used. I dropped it in fright. I didn't want to know what the bullet had been used for. I then made my way to the mirror. I wanted to check the damage done to my face. When I looked, there was a large red mark in the shape of the back of the gun, and some blood. I simply wiped it off and went back to the corner. It hurt badly. I tried to ignore it like I did the headache I had earlier, but it was worse than the that. As I sat there, I realized that since this was a torture chamber, this was only the beginning.
"I see that you met the Dungeon Keepers," said a voice nearby. I looked for the source of the voice, but I saw no one. I then heard him say, "I'm over here. In the cell next to yours." I walked over to the left side of my cell where there was small hole in the large stone wall. I looked through and saw who was talking to me. It was a Pichu. He looked more beaten than me. But, even with all the injuries, he looked so familiar. After, a few seconds, it hit me. He looks almost like I did when I was a Pichu! I had never seen anyone that looked like me when I was young. He looked through at me and said, "So, when did you get in?" I looked at him and said, "I'm pretty sure it was a day ago. What about you?" He looked like he had to think about it for a while, as if he had been here forever. After a few seconds of dead silence, he finally said, "Not sure. It could be anywhere from 2-3 weeks to almost a month." The second I found out he had been here a long time, I wanted to ask every question about this place that I could, but I just thought to myself, Don't bombard him with questions..... I decided to ask a few questions first, then see what happened from there. Before I could ask him anything, he asked me a question. "What's your number?" he asked, sounding very curious. I simply looked at him and said, "It just says 'MCTS14'. Why? Is it bad?" He looked over. "Well, I can't be sure of that. If you had 'DSTS' instead of 'MCTS' I could tell you the answer. My number is 'DSTS03'." I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. I could tell he was getting ready to explain something big because he took a long deep breath and let it out before continuing. "In this place, you are branded with a number. The number stands for a different experiment. Take yours for example. 'RCTS' is just an acronym for one of their experiments. They use the acronym for 2 reasons: For a smaller branding, and so that we don't find out what they're doing to us. I'm not sure what the 'RC' means in yours, but 'TS' stands for 'Test Subject'. I know because it's on every branding." I nodded in response. I was wondering why he didn't use his as an example. I started to wonder, what did his mean? I wanted to find out now, so I asked him, "What does yours mean?" He didn't respond. I looked through the hole and saw him in a slump, staring at his feet. He had this almost depressed look on his face, and I felt as though I had asked the wrong question. I wasn't expecting him to tell me. "Nevermi-" he cut me off and said, "No, I'll tell you." He was still in the same position as before. He took another deep breath, just as before, and started to explain. "Just to let you know, when I tell you, you probably wont believe me." I gave him a funny look. After everything I've seen in the past 2 days, your story probably wont surprise me a bit. I thought, same expression on my face. I simply responded, "Try me."
Author's Note:
Hope you liked this. This might be the last thing I post on this site because of the lack of reviews I've been getting. Write a review and send it to me! =D
-Bluwirz, ^_^ Random Spammer since 2000!.......OYSTER SANDWICH!!