The Misdreavus Menace
Chapter Twenty-Seven — Hostage Horror
The transporter flashed into existence above a wooded area and settled in a
small clearing.
"Where are we?" asked Dan, looking at Kadabra.
We would expect you to be telling us.
"Clefairy," said one of the Clefairy, pointing in a particular direction.
We're not far from the other transporter. It lies in the direction our
co-pilot is pointing.
"At least we're out of sight," said Misty.
Just then Matthew started moaning.
"I can't hold on..." Travis managed to say. The two boys were doubled over with
their hands covering their mouths.
"Clefairy!" shouted the pilot at the boys, anxious about what was about to
happen to its vehicle.
"Clefairy, fairy!" said the other Clefairy, peering carefully outside.
"What's it saying?" asked Ash.
"I think it means that the coast is clear," said Dan.
The pilot opened the hatch. Misty clutched the boys and rushed them out.
"Be careful!" Dan called out as the doorway closed behind them.
Misty looked around. "Quick, into the woods," she said, anxious not to remain
without cover.
She had to look away and hold her nose as the two kids threw up. She wondered
how she could ever have children of her own if she couldn't handle a couple of
boys being sick.
Thinking of looking after kids somehow made her think of Ash. She regretted how
she acted earlier. He meant more to her than she let on. Would she lose him now?
The sounds of footsteps and rustling leaves broke her train of thought. She
whirled around to see shapes moving amongst the trees. She turned back to
Matthew and Travis.
"Hurry, we've got to get back inside."
Travis stood up, looking a trifle green. Matthew was still on his knees.
"Matt, try and get up," urged Misty. "It might be Team Rocket."
The sounds came closer. As she tried to lift the boy, she was startled by
a black blur rushing past her face. Then another blur shot around the other
way, and then another came, stopped for a second to peruse their faces, then
shot off again.
Misdreavus! Misty turned around to see a whole bunch of them. And in answer to
her fears, the two approaching people were dressed in black bearing an only too
familiar red insignia.
"Stay away from them," one of the Rockets called out, apparently to the
Misdreavus. "We've got to get a move on." But the ghosts ignored them. They
encircled Misty and the two boys. One of them whizzed back to the Rockets.
No... two young humans saw us cave before.
"What!?" replied one of the two men. Misty recognized him as Butch.
Young humans spied us before.
Butch had a closer look. He did not know the children, but he did recognize
Travis and Matthew looked in horror at the fearsome phantoms surrounding them.
Memories of recent events revived their fears that they thought had been put to
rest. Travis stood transfixed, his eyes wide. Matthew started to shake.
Butch's eyes narrowed. "What do you think, Sam?" he said to his companion. "We
could use us some hostages." An eager, greedy look took form on Sam's face.
Releasing a Pokémon, Butch commanded, "Machoke, get the girl."
The Rockets began to gang up on Misty and the boys. Misty instinctively went for
a Poké ball. A Misdreavus reacted with a Psybeam.
"Yeow," she shrieked in pain and clutched her hand.
The two men lunged forward, Butch grabbing Matthew and Sam nabbing Travis. Still
shaking, Matthew couldn't help remembering the Weedle he had tackled the same
way in the forest some weeks earlier, and couldn't help thinking that he was at
the receiving end this time.
That gave him an idea. Matt bit Butch's hand as hard as he could. He could
feel the man's flesh give way between his teeth and the metallic taste of
blood. He quickly spat out in disgust. For his endeavour, he was promptly
rewarded with a sharp smack in the head. He fell over, knocking his head and
shoulder on the ground.
The tackle knocked Travis to his senses. He cunningly lulled his captor into
thinking he would come along without a fight. He bid his time, letting himself
be lifted off the ground to his feet. He caught Sam's gaze with a feign of
sheer terror. A smirk on Sam's face assured him that his opponent would be off
guard. Then, wham! Travis sharply raised his knee into the man's groin. With a
yelp, Sam let go of Travis, who then tripped the man into his puddle of vomit
and started to flee. One Misdreavus after another flew in front of him. He
turned to the left, to the right, behind him... no go. He was trapped.
Misty, for her part, could have attempted to run. However, she did not like her
chances and in any case she could not abandon the children. She could do
nothing save watch helplessly as the Machoke seized her by the wrists.
The two men recovered and seized their hostages. Matthew was unconscious, so
Butch draped him over his shoulder. Sam help Travis firmly, making sure that
his grip was painful. Misty was held in the formidable fighter's grasp.
"Please," she begged. "You've got to let me take the boy to a doctor."
"He's alive," came the cold reply. "That's all I need of him."
"You're a monster!" Misty cried. "Let the boys go!"
Butch glared at her. "Two hostages are enough for my purposes. You either
co-operate... or do I consider you dead weight?"
Misty's heart sank. She began to sob. There was nothing she could do.