The Misdreavus Menace
Chapter Thirteen — Hijack Succeeded
The beeping receiver instantly woke the dozing Persian. After a few seconds a
voice came over the speaker. "Reporting a sighting, east end of field, area S5."
At last, after weeks of waiting, an opportunity finally came. He switched on his
transmitter and relayed his commands.
"Attention all Rockets in area S. Gather out of sight at east end of S5. Wait
for the Misdreavus to attack first before advancing. Repeat: stay out of sight.
All other units report to base for further orders."
At the edge of a meadow near Saffron City, in the middle of the night, a group
of Pokémon had congregated. The sky was dark and starless, the bright
moon reduced to a dull glow in the cloudy canopy above. The group had come
together to hear a pleading speech by a pair of Clefairy that had appeared out
of a strange, large, weirdly glowing object and who were now standing outside a
hatch at the top of a small ramp. Their audience had listened to their
impassioned appeal for assistance against a ghostly menace that was endangering
their society, perhaps even their whole planet. Some had started to leave, not
wishing to risk their own safety, especially those that had young ones to raise.
But a number of the more youthful, adventurous Pokémon among them found
the chance to visit another planet appealing.
Suddenly, a dozen dark, distorted forms appeared between the Clefairy and their
audience. Two of them immediately blasted the Clefairy with psybeams, sending
them stunned onto the grass below. The rest shrieked and darted through the open
hatch into the control room. Inside, a quick-thinking Clefairy headed straight
for the control panel, but a sudden psybeam intercepted it and knocked it hard
against the interior wall of the craft. It knocked its head and fell down
unconscious. Another group of Clefairy had no time to defend themselves before
they were struck by confuse rays, scattering them bewildered around the room.
Outside, most of the Pokémon audience had fled in fear. Two brave ones, a
Geodude and a Pikachu tried to offer some defense against the apparitions, but
the latter were too fast and entered the object's hatch before they could be
attacked. The two willing helpers turned their attention to the pair of fallen
Meanwhile, three black-garbed figures who had been hiding behind a clump of
trees heard the Misdreavus shriek. They took it as their sign to join the
attack. They released a Pokémon each and made their move. A lithe Arbok
and a slimy Muk were lead by a muscular Machoke and were followed by their
human trainers.
When they reached the Clefairy's transporter, they saw the two Clefairy and
their two terrestrial allies about to board the ramp. The Machoke leapt ahead
and tackled the Geodude to the ground. One megapunch sent it flying into the
nearby trees. Pikachu retaliated by thundershocking the Machoke. It staggered
for a moment, and before it could regain its senses, the Pikachu quick attacked
it. The Machoke lost its balance and fell onto its back.
The Pikachu was then sludged by the Muk. "Pikaa!" the small creature cried out,
writhing in agony as the acrid toxins began to ooze through its fur and attack
its skin. It sent out a thunderbolt in self-defense but missed its mark. At the
same time, the Arbok had reared its flared neck and opened its mouth, ready to
strike. It sprayed out a volley of venom at the two Clefairy. They tried hard to
dodge the pellets of poison but only one successfully made it in through the
hatch. The other was struck, once in the leg and once in the chest. It fell down
in pain. It tried to get up, but the sinister snake slithered under its feet,
knocking it over again. The Clefairy tried to crawl away, but its hurt leg was
no match for the speed of the sinuous serpent as it curled itself around the
helpless Clefairy.
The Machoke recovered from the Pikachu's attacks, got to its feet and kicked the
writhing mouse away effortlessly. The Muk and Machoke entered the vessel to
assist in the fray inside.
"Arbok, go help inside," came an order from Arbok's trainer. It obediently left
the Clefairy and joined its other two fellow Pokémon.
The Clefairy was weakening further each moment as the Arbok's venom coursed
through its small body. It saw a human being approach with an evil and greedy
look on her face.
"What are you doing?" asked one of her two male partners.
"Go ahead, I'll only be a sec."
They left her and followed their Pokémon, while she kept her eyes on the
fallen victim before her. Fear crept into its eyes. Weak as it was, it tried to
crawl away. Then it saw her take out a small red and white sphere and hold it
up. As she aimed to throw it, the Clefairy's heart sank. Some human weapon...
all was lost, were its thoughts as it vainly tried to limp on all fours, bravely
bearing the throbbing pain in its leg and chest.
The Clefairy saw her hurl the sphere. It hardly had time to feel its fear before
its view of the scene around it dissolved into a blaze of crimson. It
desperately tried to cling onto reality, but it was futile. All its senses of
the world disappeared.
It instinctively struggled against the force that was trying to ensnare it. If
only it had not been so weak, so hurt and poisoned, it could resist. And the
battle over its body was echoed in its mind. The ensnaring force was altering
its thoughts, seeking not only to capture, but to captivate, to make it a slave
of the creature that had thrown the sphere.
The thought of its allegiance changing filled it with disgust. No longer would
it support its own kind, fight for freedom from fear against the menace. Instead
it would be the slave of a monster that allied itself with the enemy. As its
strength waned, it knew it would lose the struggle. Yet somehow it would find a
way. It would seek its chance... it would escape... it would... it would...
It would obey its new mistress.
The female Rocket picked up her prize with arrogant glee and followed her team
members into the Clefairy's transporter.
By the time she had entered the control room, the battle had been won. A dozen
or more Clefairy were lying unconscious. Half the Misdreavus had been sung to
sleep and the Muk and Arbok had suffered some bruising, but the victory was
One of the Misdreavus pointed to the two Clefairy pilots, which the two male
Rockets bound and gagged. The remaining Clefairy were thrown out the hatch,
after which one of the Misdreavus operated a control that shut and locked it.
One of the Misdreavus "spoke":
Wake pilots. Need know more about controls.
"What if they don't tell you?" queried the female Rocket.
Will get out of them.
She smirked at the thought of what that might involve. The two men shuddered
"So you'll be able to control this machine?" asked one of the men.
"And you'll be able to explain it to us?" he continued.
No problem.
The other man spoke. "Butch, better keep an eye out the window. Make sure the
Clefairy outside don't wake up and cause trouble. Cassidy, can you help me wake
these "pilot" things up? This transporter will soon be ours."
Do not forget agreement.
Butch turned back and looked at the Misdreavus.
"No problem."