Goodbye, Raichu
Chapter Four -- The Circus
Ash and Misty arrived at the outskirts of Pallet Town. Pallet
Park was not far away, and they could make out the huge red and
white hemispherical dome of the Pokéball Circus. When they
reached the circus, they saw several caravans, some areas where
performers were practising, and an amusement area with rides and
As they walked through, a pleasant-looking lady in a glittering
dress with Poké Balls around her waist approach them.
"May I help you?" she asked politely.
"Hi, my name's Ash. Mr Grey--I mean, Mr Monmaster--wanted to
see my friend Misty here."
"Nice to meet you, Ash. You too, Misty. I'll see if I can find
him for you. You can wait here and watch the practice if you like."
"Thanks," said Misty.
A few moments later, Mr Grey appeared, thanked the lady, who
went to resume her work, and invited Ash and Misty over to his
"Ash, I'm very grateful for this opportunity. And, I believe
your Misty, my dear. I can see Ash has good taste in friends."
"Why, thank you, Mr Grey," replied Misty. "Ash said that you
were interested in introducing water Pokémon to your
"Yes, there's always room for something new in the circus,"
replied Mr Grey. "We have to keep that element of novelty."
Ash looked at Pikachu. "Looks like they're going to talk shop,
Mr Grey turned to Ash and Pikachu. "I'm sorry this might be a
bit boring for you two. I won't mind if you go and have a look
around. Have a look at the practising performers, Ash. I bet
you'll learn a thing or two about Pokémon training."
"Thanks, Mr Grey," Ash said politely. "C'mon Pikachu, let's
have a look around." Ash realised that this was an opportunity to
try and find something out. As soon as they were out of Mr Grey's
earshot, Ash bent down and told Pikachu, "Have a look around and
see if Raichu's here." A Pokémon snooping around, Ash
thought, would be less conspicuous than a sixteen-year-old.
As he walked around, Ash saw the lady in the glittering dress.
Three of her Poké Balls were in her hands now, and she
started to juggle of them. As the balls were flying in the air,
one by one they released a Butterfree. Each of the first two
Butterfree floated in mid-air until the full trio had appeared.
Then, as the lady continued to juggle, the Butterfree began to
fly around in a circle, first in the same direction has the
Poké Balls, then in the other direction. Finally, they
performed an elegant pirouette, and, one by one, they re-entered
their Poké Balls. It was an amazing spectacle that left
Ash open-mouthed.
The lady turned to Ash and said, "I see you like my act. Come
along to the circus and you'll see lots of fine acts like this
Ash nodded and walked on. Further on he saw a man with a
Charmander and a Charmeleon. These lizard-like, fire-breathing
Pokémon each had a flame on the end of its tail. The
Charmeleon was the larger of the two, being the evolved a form of
a Charmander. The man held a hoop in the air, while the
Charmander was jumping through, first one way, and back again.
"That's good, Charm," Ash heard the man say to his Charmander.
"Now, Flarey, it's your turn."
Flarey the Charmeleon stood on its back legs, primed itself,
and opened its mouth. A short burst of flame issue from its mouth
and formed a circle of fire in the air. The circle floated for a
second or two, and then dissipated.
"That's great," encouraged the man. "OK, now both together."
Charm the Charmander crouched back, ready to jump. Flarey sent
out another fire ring, but the last moment, Charm lost his nerve
and failed to jump.
Further away, Ash noticed the poacher walk into a caravan. Ash
really want to see how the training would proceed, but he had to
put first things first. As inconspicuously as possible, he walked
up to the man's caravan, and stopped, pretending to attend to his
shoelace. The name "Brent" was written on the caravan door. He
noticed the man's voice, sounding like one side of a
"...Yeah, I've got a Graveler, but there's two buyers still
bidding for that one... No, the Vaporeon in the Poké
Ball's for Viridian Gym--but make sure you make that look legal.
You know how fussy they are. And I've got a buyer for the
Raichu... She can be shipped tonight. Make arrangements for
transport from Vermilion to the Orange Zoo... That's right, I'll
give her to you at eleven after tonight's show. You know where."
The man hung up. Ash dashed around the corner of the caravan,
and turned back pretending to call for Pikachu. As he saw the man
already out of the caravan, Ash asked him, "Hey mister, have you
seen my Pikachu?"
The man recognized Ash and eyed him suspiciously. "You can't
even look after your own Pokémon and you
criticize us. Get lost, kid."
Ash was genuinely offended, but gritted his teeth and
controlled his tongue. He didn't want to risk further suspicion.
He continued calling for Pikachu, who heard and ran up to him.
When he was far enough from the poacher, Ash asked Pikachu,
"Any sign?"
Pikachu shook his head sadly. Ash looked worried. "How we
going to find her?" he wondered anxiously to himself. By tomorrow
morning, she'd probably been on her way to the Orange Islands.
The poacher didn't even say where he was hiding her.
Ash and Pikachu walked solemnly back to the circus master's
caravan. Misty and Mr Grey seemed to have finished their conversation.
"Misty, my dear, I can't thank you enough for your advice and
all your kind offers of assistance. When we pass through Cerulean
City, I must take the time to catch some of your performances."
"Mr Grey," said Ash, "those performers of yours were great."
"Ah, Ash, you're back. Thank you ever so much for this
opportunity. Here, I'll give you both tickets to an evening
session. We're here for another five days."
"Thanks," came the synchronous reply.
"Oh, if either of you have someone nice you'd like to bring
Mr Grey noticed Misty's eyes flick involuntarily to Ash and
"Urr... you mean Pikachu?" asked Ash innocently. "Can he come
Mr Grey looked at Misty understandlingly. "That's all right,
Ash. Pokémon can come and watch for free."
"By the way, Mr Grey," ventured Ash, "where do you get all
those great Pokémon from?"
"Well, Ash, some of us caught Pokémon in our younger
days, just like you. We also buy them from reputable sources. Mr
Brent is the man who knows the market better than I do, so I
leave the dealings in his capable hands." He added jokingly,
"Why, are you interested in selling us some?"
"Uh, no, just wondering that's all," Ash replied. "Anyway, we
better get going."
After they said their good-byes and left the park, Ash and
Misty stopped to talk.
"Did you find out anything?" asked Misty.
"Sure did, but it's not enought." Ash explained all he knew to
Misty. "So we know he's going to hand Raichu over to someone
after tonight's show, but we don't know where."
"I don't know what to do, Ash," admitted Misty. She gave a
helpless sigh.
"We're going to have to hang around the circus until we see
him leave, then follow him. It's the only way."
"Even then, Ash, how do we rescue Raichu?"
"Hmm..." Ash put his hand on his chin and thought hard. "We've
got to take advantage of what we're good at, Misty. We use our
"It doesn't sound foolproof to me, Ash."
"Yeah, I know. But we've got to try. Raichu's depending on us.
And so is Pikachu."
"I think we're going to have to get the police," spoke Misty
firmly. "If they don't catch this guy, he'll only keep doing it.
And these people are probably dangerous."
"Tell you what, Misty. We find out where Raichu is first, then
we call the police. And if we don't find her, we call them
anyway. Is that OK?"
"Well..." Misty looked resigned, and sighed again. There were
times when Ash wouldn't listen to reason. At least they had
reached a compromise. "OK, Ash."
"C'mon Misty, let's go to my place. I'm getting hungry."
At home, Ash called Viridian Pokémon Centre and asked
the nurse to fax him a copy of the wanted poster. His excuse was
that he could show it to others around Pallet Town. It wasn't a
lie, well not exactly: he showed it to his other
Famished after a long day on the road, they had dinner. Then
the two sat down and made their plans for the night.