This and following chapters contain some PG-rated material.
The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Six -- Hot Summer Night
"Nice place."
Richie made sure he swallowed his mouthful of rice before he spoke. "Yeah. I
never knew there were so many good restaurants on the Indigo Plateau. I guess I
never had anyone to take out before."
"Seems to get more commercialized each year though."
"Does it ever. Still, people have to make a living." After swallowing his
second bite, Richie said, "Tell me, Misty. I've always been curious. What's it
like being a gym leader?"
"It's kinda funny. You do a lot of training, but most of your battles are
against inexperienced trainers, so you never get that good."
"Yes, but if you got too good, you'd be too hard to beat. Then there'd be
no-one to enter the League competitions."
"I never thought of it that way before... And then, you meet heaps of people,
but they're all passers by. There's not much chance for long-term
relationships--apart from family and neighbours of course."
"So you get lonely?"
Misty's face fell. Richie reached out and took her hand.
"Sorry, Misty. I didn't mean to upset you."
She forced a smile back. "No, I'm just depressed. I don't even know why any
more. I'm confused about life, really, where my life's heading, what I'm doing
with myself."
"Well if there's anything I can do, just ask."
"Thanks, Richie. Hey, don't let our dinner get cold."
"Would mad'mazelle like some more teh oh Jasman?" said Richie trying to feign
a French accent.
"This is Chinese restaurant, Richie," she said, grinning wide. "And yes
"But I can't do a Chinese accent," Richie replied, filling both their cups
with jasmine tea.
"What makes you think you can do a French accent?" Misty retorted,
Richie burst into laughter; Misty joined in. They caught each other's glance,
and stopped still, smiles still plastered on their faces. Richie's eyes sparkled
with happiness, glowed with sincerity. The silence was so comfortable, that
neither wanted to break it.
Richie's stomach growled. "...That's right... our dinner's getting cold," he
finally said.

That evening they walked the long way to Misty's flat. They walked past every
statue, enjoyed every fountain and sat and chatted in the park. Finally, they
reached her flat, both filled with a satisfied tiredness after the evening's
"Care to come in for a cup of tea?"
"Thanks Misty, but I've got to get some sleep."
"Oh, that's right, you're gonna have to walk half way round the Plateau to
the trainers' dorms."
Richie nodded.
"Tell you what," said Misty, "after such a great night out, I'll take the
couch and you can sleep in my bed. It's the least I can do."
"Oh no, I couldn't impose like that," he replied.
"It's a fair walk back to you place."
Richie reconsidered. "Well, OK Misty, but I'll take the couch."

An hour later, Misty tiptoed out of her bed.
"Couldn't sleep?" Richie startled her.
"I thought you were asleep."
He shook his head.
"Too much jasmine tea?" she said smiling.
"Nah... too hot tonight."
"Same here," said Misty. She went to the television set and picked up the
remote control.
Richie sat up and made room for her on the couch. As he did so, Misty
noticed that he had taken his tee-shirt off. She didn't mind that so much as the
fact that she found it hard to take her eyes off him. Richie blushed.
Embarrassed, Misty turned to face the television and switched it on. It
showed police and a group of criminals shooting. "Go Striker," yelled a
policeman. A Growlithe leapt into action, roaring horrendously. Misty switched
"Tou loud," she said.
"The Electabuzz are out of the season again," said a sports announcer, "after
a spectacular loss to the--"
"Too boring," she complained and switched the channel again.
The third channel showed a girl of about seventeen getting out of a car in
front of a house. She raced to the door and rang the bell. A man answered. She
said a few words, following which he went back inside. A handsome youth emerged.
A moment's pause, then the two youths embraced. As four lips merged into a
passionate kiss, the words "The End" faded in.
Misty switched it off. "Might've been a good movie," she shrugged, daring to
turn towards Richie.
He looked back at her silently. He was staring at her face. No, he was
admiring her face. Misty remembered her embarrassment and started feeling
queasy. Yet the only thing she could do was stare back. She examined his fair
hair, his perfectly shaped nose, his smooth unblemished skin, his beautiful blue
eyes that always displayed kindness and sincerity. She had had an excellent time
with Richie. He had comforted her when she was down.
Some inner urge welled up inside her. They moved closer, embracing gingerly,
feeling their way. Their lips touched, then coalesced. Yes, this felt right.
This felt comforting. It must be what she needed.
There was comfort in intimacy with the most wonderful guy she had ever met.
There was comfort in having her naked self accepted, wanted. When pleasure
pulsed through her body, allowing the confusion and depression to hide for a
while, there was comfort in that too.
Yet something wasn't quite right.