The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Four -- Mademoiselle et Monsieur
"Would Mademoiselle and Monsieur like some dessert?"
Richie looked at Misty, inquiring with his blue eyes open wide.
"It's tempting, Richie, but I can't fit another bite."
"Perhaps I might suggest tea or coffee?" said the waiter, rotating his palm
in a typical French gesture.
Misty nodded.
"Two teas please," asked Richie.
"Oui Monsieur."
"I gather this restaurant was a good choice, then?" Richie asked Misty.
"You've made my day," she replied.
"You know, that's the first real smile I've seen all evening. Did you want to
talk about what's bothering you?"
"Well..." She hesitated, but decided to reveal a little. "Ash and I had an
argument two days ago. I... I think it spoilt our friendship."
"Oh Misty, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you sure it's that bad?" He looked
questioningly into her face again. Misty returned his gaze. They sat there for a
few seconds looking at each other.
The waiter brought their tea, breaking the spell. They each glanced away from
each other apologetically.
"I... I don't know," Misty finally replied. "Maybe if I just avoid him for a
while,... maybe it'll blow over... I... I don't know."
"Do you want me to talk to him for you?"
"Ah... no... well, not yet."
"OK, let's leave it for now."

The night sky looked dark but rows of lamps attractively lit the boulevard.
While there were a few people around, mostly young couples, the evening crowds
had largely disappeared. Most Pokémon trainers had finished relaxing
after the stress of the day and had gone to bed to be ready for the challenges
that would arrive with the morning.
"Zippo's fire spin was awesome today."
"Thanks, Misty. I, uh, added my own twist to it."
"Richie!" Misty said smiling, "I've never known you to be a punster." She
tapped his arm playfully.
Richie grinned wide, his neat rows of white teeth glistening with reflected
light. They walked along further, joking and laughing.
"So this is your flat?" he asked.
"Yeah, it's only a small one, but it's cosy." They stopped at the door.
"Thanks for walking me home... and taking me out. It's what I needed."
"Thank you too, Misty. I had a great time with you." They caught each other's
gaze, transfixed once more. "Uh... what about... tomorrow." For some reason he
felt his heart beat.
"How about we watch some of the matches together?"
"OK, Stadium B at half past eight?"
"Sure. Goodnight."
Richie breathed relief. "Goodnight." He left as easily as a Magnemite leaving
a sparking Pikachu. But the night had to end there.