The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Twenty-Three -- Pokémon Centre
Olivine City, two hours later...
"Richie, we'll do our best, but our facilities are stretched beyond breaking
point. It'd be unethical for me to give you preferential treatment
"No, no, Nurse Joy. I was just letting you know how devastated I'll be if
Zippo didn't pull through.
"I understand, Richie. All I can say is that we're doing our best for
everyone, but I have to be honest and say that chances aren't good."
He watched the nurse take Zippo's Poké ball into the surgery. His
emotions overwhelmed him. He couldn't lose Zippo, he just couldn't. But then,
there was every possibility he'd never see him roar or soar or battle again.
He felt a touch on his shoulder and shuddered. Boy, he'd never felt so tense
in his life. He turned round.
"I have to go back," said Abigail.
"Yeah, I understand."
"You look worn out, Richie. Call me when you want me to pick you up."
"I'll catch a bus. You can't afford more time away from the farm."
"At least Zac should be back in a few days."
"It's bad he had to suspend his studies like that."
She nodded. "He's not the only one. Hug me."
Richie and Abigail embraced. Somehow he found her lips. There was a sweetness
in the kiss, a comfort that restored his strength and soothed his emotions. But
it seemed unfair to hold up Abigail for himself. He let himself share a few more
moments of comfort, then pulled away.
"Bye, Ab."
She smiled weakly and went out the door.
Richie took a deep breath and forced himself to take it easy. He took in his
surroundings. The place was crowded with trainers, most younger than him, their
faces revealing anxiety, worry and sorrow to the point of tears. Some older
faces betrayed anger and bitterness. One girl not far from him was quietly
He shook his head. A couple of months ago this would've been a cheerful
and happy place, where the very same people would've met to boast about their
latest adventures and show off their newest badges. How could the world change
so dramatically in such a short time? What lay ahead?
Relaxing a little, Richie became conscious of his exhaustion. He spied one
spare seat and sat down. He leant back. His eyes shut themselves.
He jumped out of his skin when he heard someone shout something obscene. He
looked--it was a guy who was sitting next to him.
"Get back to where you came from, jerk!"
"Hey, what's bothering you?" replied Richie.
"You're a bloody Kanto."
Suddenly another two older trainers approached.
"Leave him alone," said a woman in her late twenties.
"You're not one of them too, are you?" responded the guy.
"What's going on here?" said the nurse's voice.
Everyone turned to face her. The angry guy didn't meet her stare.
"It's nothing," said Richie.
"Nothing!? You go back to Kanto and use a Pokémon Centre there!"
shouted the guy.
"Leave this Centre at once," said Joy, "or I'll call the police."
"My Pokémon..." he protested.
"You can come in the morning--if you decide to keep a civil tongue."
The guy decided to cut his losses and left without another word. The nurse
returned to her surgery. The others returned to their seats. Richie, still
seated, was left perplexed as to the reason for the outburst.
He looked up. It was the girl he had seen crying before.
"Hi Richie, my name's Sammy."
Richie nodded.
"I've always wanted to meet you in person."
"Nice to meet you. Hey, you know who that guy was?"
"No," she replied, "but there's some folks around who don't like Kanto any
The woman who had stood up for Richie earlier offered an explanation.
"Johto exports food to Kanto," she said, "food's expected to get scarce soon,
the Kanto government's trying to make an alliance with Johto, but a lot of Johto
people are against it. They say there won't be enough food for us as it is."
"Oh, I see," said Richie. "But the nerve of that guy. I'm working my guts out
on a Johto farm trying to make sure he'll have a full stomach, and he tells me
to get lost!?"
Sammy came and sat next to Richie at the seat the guy had vacated.
"So that's why I haven't seen you on TV lately," she said. "How come you're
working on a farm now?"
"That's a long story, Sammy."
"Kinda personal, huh?"
Richie nodded. "I saw you crying before. The Pokérus?"
"My Chikorita. Her lower lip started to tremble. "I... she was my first
Pokémon. My Pidgey already died yesterday."
"I'm sorry. It's pretty hard, you spend so much effort training a
Pokémon, you get to love each other, and then it's gone."
"Have you lost a Pokémon too?"
"No... well, not yet. My Zippo's in there."
"You're nice, Richie. I can't understand those nasty people that only think
about themselves. That girl you were with before--I reckon she's real
"I just try to be me."
Shortly, Nurse Joy came into the reception area and announced, "It's 2 a.m.
and I've done what I can for all your Pokémon tonight. Those of you who
have accomodation in Olivine City, please leave. The rest of you will have to
share what's available here. Please all try and get some sleep. Goodnight."

Richie woke up. He felt well. Then recollections of last night awoke too. He
looked at his watch and leapt out of bed.

On the way out of the Pokémon Centre, Sammy bumped into him.
"Richie, my Chikorita's gonna be fine!"
Richie looked in her eyes. "That's wonderful news," he said, but he did not
"Oh, no... Richie..."
"Yeah," he replied miserably. He took out Zippo's Poké ball. He
pressed the button. The ball opened.
Richie showed Sammy the empty ball.