The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Twenty -- Death on the Farm
Winter of the following year...
"We need to keep the fever down." Abigail gently felt the head of one Mareep,
then the other. They were both burning.
"I'll go get some rags," replied Richie. "Sparky, can you please get a bucket
of water?"
Two minutes later, Richie and Abigail were applying wet compresses to the
sick Pokémon.
"It's going to get dark soon, said Abigail. "We'll need to get the Mareep
"We have to keep these two separate. After how many the Johnsons have
Abigail nodded. "How about the tool shed?"
"Good idea. I'll go clear out some space."
"Pika pika?"
"Thanks Sparky, but you take a rest now."
Sparky cocked its head.
"I don't want to risk you getting sick, pal."
As Richie took out its Poké ball, Sparky's ears flopped. Still, it
submitted to the red beam, but as it disappeared, it caught a glimpse of a
worried look on Richie's face.

The next day, Abigail got up and rushed out to the tool shed. She opened the
old, creaky door to find Richie asleep under a thick blanket. He lay still,
breathing gently. Next to him lay the two Mareep. One of them was breathing
heavily. The other was not breathing at all.
Sorry for a short chapter this time. With family difficulties
flaring up again, it's hard to find the time for writing. Please let me know
if you've read this story and what you think of it so far. At least knowing
that someone's reading it will keep me going. This story's far from over...