" " = When the last person was talking
< > = Telepathy
* * = Translated Pokéspeech
( ) = Thoughts
{}=Author notes and story information
Battle of the Elements
By: PureLightFandom
The forest was dark this stormy night. Thunder crashed in the heavens as the storm prepared to unleash its fury. A small shape dashed through the trees, weaving back a twisted trail through the trees. All she knew was fear. HE was chasing her. She didn't know how he got free, but unless she found a place to hide she would lose her soul.
Prologue: The rumbling of a storm.
The young pokémon trainer sat in the narrow cave, quietly contemplating the coming storm. "You know weedle, it looks like it's going to get nasty out there." "Weed?" "I forgot I can't understand you yet." "It was only yesterday I started my pokémon journey." The young girl began to reminisce out load as she began to start a fire.
"Now Minda Etom, weedle is a pretty easy pokémon to get along with. It is a lucky thing for you that the league has authorized me to give up more than three types as starting pokémon." Said the tall, middle-aged woman in a lab coat. She was talking to a young 11-year old girl dressed in cross-trainers, blue jeans, a white T-shirt with a circle with a upside down triangle inscribed in it on the front (the symbol for bug types). The most noticeable thing about her was her viridian green eyes, which are magnified by her glasses. She was wearing her dark-green hair straight down to her neck. Her bangs gave her an angelic look. "Ok, Prof. Burch." "Now here are your poké balls and your pokédex, Susan." "SUSAN? I thought the standard name was Dexter?" "Well I customized it." Call me at this number, since I will be here in Pewter City, planning for the researchers convention next week."
"So weedle, that's how we got started. I heard there are plenty of caterpies here in viridian forest" "Weed, weedle, dle!" "I believe that means you don't like caterpies. Still they are bug types too. I need one if I hope I to become the world's greatest bug trainer." Abruptly, this conversation came to an end when a swift moving figure collided with Minda, almost knocking her into the now quietly burning fire. She shot up looking around her in quick sudden movements. "Weedle, what was that?" The small yellow caterpillar pokémon pointed the stinger on his head toward one shadowed corner. Resting there was a small 3' 07" pokémon. It was a purple color, with blue oval shaped feet and arms crossed over its torso. It had huge butterfly wings on its back, and viridian green eyes that were softly glowing. "A butterfree? I didn't know you could catch one here!" "Free" it said tiredly before gently floating to a soft landing on the ground.
She was so tired. She had flown to this place because she sensed one who was kind, and loved her type. Even if this one were a trainer, she would go with her just to get a rest. "Weedle, attack" the Girl in front of here commanded. The weedle looked into the butterfree's eyes and recognized what she was and her intent. He turned toward his companion. "Weed?" "Weedle poison sting." He turned back, bunched him self up a launched forward head down, stinger extended. She didn't even try to dodge or fight back. The singer collided dead center, knocking her back. She jumped to feet, only to stumble. "Poké ball go!" The red and white ball flew forward and broke open upon impact. It sucked the butterfree inside in a flash of white light. Minda held here breath as a shook once, twice, thrice, then stopped.
"I CAUGHT A BUTTERFREE! I am so cool as put her hands above her head a jumped up and down in small victory dance.