Part 2: Normal Relations?
*Well, it seems that you have gained the ability to understand what I am saying. This must mean your the on I am looking for. Because of this I need to tell you a story." Minda pushed her glasses up a little and stared inquisitively. * As this point you probably want to know how I can do these attacks, * continued the Butterfree. *Allow me to start at the beginning. * *For each element Bug, Normal, Rock, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fire, Water, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Fighting, Dragon, Steel, and Dark there is a focal point for these powers. Each pokémon of there respective elements get their strength and protection from these focuses. All of this elements get there power from the from the four forbidden elements Light, which illuminates the passing of fate, Shadow, in which chaos dwells, Creation, which we do with free will, and Destruction, which is the end of all. These make up the inner circle. Finally there is the master focus element, Rainbow, which is the power of the soul, the power that's inside. I don't know the whole story, but at some point these focuses were given to a chosen few pokémon, in the form of a crystal medallions, to guard and nurture the world. I was one of the chosen. There was one of us for each element, except Rainbow because of its massive power was too much for any pokémon to handle. We had tried splitting it up and managed to create two more focuses. One was the Void focus; the other was the Eternity focus, each with the same power of the Rainbow.
Minda and her pokemon sat down on the ground Indian style in front of the stump as the butterfree told the story. She put her new net and her bag on the ground next to her. The others which where mostly caterpie and weedle and there evolutions, with a few of other bug types scattered in, gathered around too.
*We lived as focus guardians for many years, for they granted us immortality. But, one-day strange new creatures appeared. Calling themselves humans, the seemed to be able to bring out rainbow characteristics in themselves and in pokémon. In fact this was the one element other than psychic they could use to any degree. We were nervous at first, but we also happy that we would be able to find a life form that could hold and use the Rainbow focus. Unfortunately, Kain the holder of void was worried that the rainbow holder would join with the eternity holder and overpower him. He decided to end everything before we could find them. He created a terrible storm. Some remember it as the Winds of Water. {The same storm mentioned in the first movie.} We joined together and banished him to the abyss.
I believe he got free again and we somehow imprisoned him. We got scattered around the world and I know I slept for a long time here, until I woke up about a three months ago when I sensed him again. This is all the information I know. The Dragon would remember more, and The Maker would have found the whole story. *
"Whoa, I guess I got into a lot when I decided to help you!" exclaimed Minda. Her Beedrill just looked thoughtful.
*Minda, I don't have much time left. *
"What, did that attack you did use up your energy? I'll rush you the Pewter City Pokémon center."
*That will not be necessary. See, that medallion on your neck means you where my missing half. I have kind of merged with you. Our bodies became one. Soon, our sprits will become one too. Since yours is equal with mine, you will be.. *
At that moment the shocked form of Minda Etom double up in pain as the butterfree on the log, vanished in viridian flash. Her pokémon companions hovered by in shock as the crystal medallion around her neck levitated above her head and started to glow a greenish purple color. He could see the symbol for the bug element, stinger, was engraved on to it. It flipped onto its face and a circle of flickering energy expanded out of the ground around the huddled form of Minda. The medallion expanded its own circle of light. If you could see the inside of both circles you would see they where mirror images of the face of the medallion. The two circles closed together creating a transparent cylinder in which Minda was floating in, seemingly asleep. The Greenish purple cylinder collapsed into itself forming a cocoon around her. In a blinding flash what sat on the ground wear a little girls too large clothes was not a human but a small purple butterfree!
"Well that wasn't so bad, once the initial pain let up," said Minda as she opened her eyes. As she looked around she noticed three things: One everything was a lot bigger, two, her clothes no longer fit, and three, all of the bug types in the clearing, with a few where looking at her with shocked expressions. It suddenly hit her as to maybe why. *No, No it can't be she yelled, * not noticing that she wasn't talking human anymore. She stood up unconsciously freeing her wings. She flew off looking toward a small pond she had passed near the edge of the forest. As soon as she got there she realized the fact she had flown there. She glanced fearfully into the pond.
"BUTTERFEEEEEEEEE!" she shrieked. Her beedrill found her crying big tears in to the pond.
*Hey, what's going on? You look sad. * He said.
"Well it's just all of this is kind of a big shock, to know you will be stuck a pokémon forever. I mean it's not so bad," she hastily murmured when she saw Beedrill expression.
"But, I liked being human." She whispered.
*Look on the bright side, you can fly and you are more powerful then you were. Plus, It seems that you will live forever you might find a way to reverse the process. *
"Your right, plus didn't she say something about a dragon knowing more about this. It's got to be another focus holder. We just have to find it." She stated as she started to lift up into the air. "Let's go to pallet town. I heard of a professor there who has a lot of information on things like this." They both flew back to the clearing to get some rest. Minda spent the rest of the day talking to the other pokemon getting used to the fact that she was now one.
In the morning, beedrill woke up to see Minda placing her bag and net in a hollow tree near by. "Beedrill, I found that I can talk both human and pokémon when I want. Because I don't want other people to overhear me, I will talk pokémon instead."
*Since I understand you, what do you want to be called? *
*Driller would be nice. * After a quick breakfast of berries the two bugs flew toward Route 2. Minda decided to try her new wings some more along the way. She swooped and fluttered through trees and over tall grasses. (This is kind of nice, and strangely familiar. I wonder if I really was missing a part of myself.) She thought.
As they flew over Viridian City they noticed what looked like an outdoor festival. Music flooded the streets as people and pokemon walked about laughing and talking. Curiosity got the best of the pair, so they headed down to see what was going. *Driller, we are going to have to keep a low profile so know one will try to catch us. * The beedrill just nodded. They landed in an alleyway and looked out and saw hundreds of colorful banners, saying; Welcome to the Annual Viridian Jazz Festival. *What's a jazz festival Minda? * *It's a type of music. * She replied. The two listened to the music and the crowd for a while. A melancholy, but beautiful voice gradually captured their attention as it neared. "So, Evan do you think that he will show up, asked the voice." "Well he always shows up about the third act for the last two year, father. And I am going to capture him." a second voice said. *Sure, * said a third voice. The pokémon finally saw whom the voices belong to. A medium sized middle age man walked into view. He had black hair and had and was holding a case for some type of musical instrument. Next to him was a slightly pudgy 12 - year old kid. He was wearing a black T-shirt with black pants and black tennis shoes. This did not match his pink hair brilliant blue eyes. Next to him was the evolution pokémon known as Eevee. "Son, we better hurry, it's almost time." Evan's dad, Mr. Commons said. "Right," he replied as he scooped up his eevee and started to run. *Let's go after him. * whispered Minda, *I want to see this pokémon they are so worried about. * They flew out after the three, who were heading to the main stage in the center of Viridian Park. They landed in a tree as Mr. Commons walked up on this stage to introduce the 3rd act. At that moment the crowd suddenly tried to leave but found they could not due to a disable attack. A small form bounced on to the stage. The man on stage waved to two men in black that seemed to be waiting on the side. The joined him on stage just as the mystery pokémon jumped on to stage and said one word that struck terror into everyone. "Jigglypuff!"
Minda in the tree looked closer and noticed that the jigglypuff had a strange marking around his right eye. It was a circle with a black six-point star inscribed in it. (Colorless, the symbol for normal types?) *He's a focus holder! * She cried out.
The three humans on stage called out a mankey, a graveler, and a hitmonchan. The commands were issued: Mankey, low kick, Graveler, rock throw, and Hitmonchan, comet punch! When Hitmonchan threw his first punch the jigglypuff simple jumped on to his out stretched arm and head butted him in to dream land. He landed just as the mankey started to go into his low kick. He jumped over his foot and landed a mega punch so powerful that it knocked the mankey across the stage, over the crowd and threw one tree, and into a rock. He than shot a quick hyper beam that disintegrated the rocks flung at him and blasted the graveler into a tree nearby. The two men recalled their pokémon and ran off the stage. Leaving Evan's dad by himself. He than called out a tauros, recalling his hitmonchan, and the raging bull charged forward. It then was slapped aside like it was nothing.
(Wow,) Evan thought as he saw his father's tauros faint after one double slap. The jigglypuff calmly walked up to the mike and prepared to sing. At this moment, Evan received a bust of inspiration. He recalled his eevee jumped up on stage and started to sing himself. The jigglypuff, not to be out done, started to sing too. The duo keep singing, getting closer and closer until they stared into each other's eyes. The jigglypuff saw something familiar in there and faltered, giving Evan the time to call out his eevee. The eevee with out orders rushed the balloon pokémon with a take down attack. Suffice to say he was not pleased. Evan stopped singing as he and his pokémon stared in awe as the jigglypuff created two huge spheres of energy on either side of him. He then stuck out both of his arms out to the sides, as the spheres grew larger. "JIGGLYPUFF" or *Omega Beam * he screamed out, as he clapped his arms together in front of him. His eyes glowing pink, as the two orange-white spheres collided in front of him combing into one and shooting a beam that was five times stronger than hyper beam. Evan jumped in front of his frightened eevee and thought (what am I doing?) just as the beam hit.