
Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokémon.

Summary: Misty loses something she loves.

Note: This one is set after Ash returns from the Sinnoh region. Ash=16-17. Misty=17-18. Misty’s sister’s... Don’t look at me, who knows how old they are...

Speech. Thoughts.


Misty sobbed into Ash’s arms as they started up the electric shaver. “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt at all.” The nurse tried to comfort them both. Misty sniffed and buried her face deeper into Ash’s chest as he patted her on the back comfortingly. “That’s it, he’s gone.”


Ash stood up as Misty came out of the ladies’ room after cleaning herself up, her blue eyes red from crying and her usually bright orange hair seeming to lose it lustre. ‘I’m not even gonna ask if she’s okay, because I know she’s not.’ Ash sighed as he picked up the carrier cage and placed an arm on Misty’s shoulder, steering her towards the door. “Come on, let’s go home.” They walked in silence, broken only by Misty’s occasional sniffle. Ash glanced at her face and was worried by the hardened look he saw there. Ash sighed deeply. ‘How can I make this okay?


When they got to the Gym, Misty walked straight past her sisters and into her room, betraying her feelings by slamming the door and kicking it a few times. Ash winced and showed the girls the tiny body inside the carrier. “Oh, Nasa!” Their eyes filled with tears as they each patted the kitten in turn. “How, how did...?” Violet whispered, lower lip trembling as she struggled to keep it together in front of her younger sisters. Ash set the carrier down on the nearby bench. “It was hit by a bike and broke it’s leg. There wasn’t anything that could be done to fix it.” Daisy sniffled. “What about... Misty? How’d she...?” Ash shook his head. “Not very well.”


Misty, can I come in?” Ash tapped on the door. “Please?” There was no reply. Sighing, Ash turned to leave and give her more time, but stopped as he heard the lock click. Testing the handle and finding it unlocked, Ash cautiously slid his head in. “Misty?” She was sitting on the edge of her bed, twisting a piece of cord in her hands and tying knot after knot in it. Ash closed the door and sat down next to her, his dark brown eyes filled with concern. “Um, don’t you think that rope’s got enough knots in it? You won’t be able to untie them all...” he trailed off as Misty tied yet another one, her seventh since he’d entered the room. Ash sighed and ran his fingers through his messy black hair. ‘This is gonna be harder than I thought.’ Suddenly, Misty doubled over and started to sob uncontrollably. Ash immediately wrapped his arms around her and tried to calm her down. “Shh, come on, Misty. It’s okay, really.” “Na-na-na- NASA!” she sobbed and dug her face into Ash’s shirt. He could do nothing else but hold her until she’d cried herself out again.


Ash stood next to Misty, one hand on her shoulder as Lily carefully placed Nasa into a small box lined with a black cloth. Closing the lid, she stepped aside as Daisy picked up the box and placed it into the hole which Ash had dug earlier whilst waiting for Misty to come out of her room. Violet slowly replaced the dirt, covering the box and leaving nothing more than a small mound to show that there was a dearly beloved pet buried there. “Rest in Peace, Nasa.” The four girls and Ash mumbled in turn.


(Sob) Okay, yeah, I know that was kinda sad. The thing is, the same thing happened to me. We lost OUR kitten, Nasa to a car. His leg was broken and the only thing we could afford to do was put him down, as it couldn’t be repaired. He was a darling little white kitten with two tiny black spots on his head. His brother was the same, but with one spot. He jumped about, so we called him Moon-hopper, until we gave him to a good home. At least in the story, Misty had Ash to comfort her... L I’m posting this for the two-year anniversary of Nasa’s early demise.

RIP NASA. NOV ‘07’ – 8th FEB. ‘08’ Farewell.


8-Feb-08. (written)

4-Feb-10. (posted)