Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokémon. Leave it at that.

Summary: There are some things Man is not meant to know... or talk about.

Note: This part contains some references of the adult kind. Please respect the ratings system, and do not read this part if you are under 13. Thank You.

Speech. Misty Talking. Pokémon talking.

Part 3.

Two years later...


Rayne, breakfast!” Ash called up the stairs. “What’s taking that girl so long?” Pikachu shook his head, completely at a lost. <I don’t know... Should I go check?> Ash sighed. “Nah... but if she doesn’t come down soon, her food will get eaten.” They turned their heads as they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. “Finally, another minute and I’d have eaten it myself...” He stopped as he noticed the slightly scared look on Amber’s face. “Hey, what’s wrong, kiddo?” Rayne nervously fidgeted, twisting her hands around. “Daddy, I-I-I’m b-bleeding, and I d-don’t know why...” Her words took a moment to register, and the moment they did, a look of pure fear smashed across Ash’s face. “Oh... god...


Just a second, dear... what’s wrong?” Delia opened the door to her obviously panicked son. “Uh, Rayne...., girl... stuff......, talk......, help!” he squeaked. Delia glanced around at Rayne, who was looking scared and holding her belly, wincing slightly. “Oh, uh, okay. Come along with me, dear. I’ll, explain things.” She escorted Rayne up the stairs, leaving Ash to slump down in the nearest chair and rest his head on the table. “Oh, man... first time she comes home in two years, and... this... happens.” “Yeah, I know what you mean.” Ash turned his head without removing it from the table, and saw Misty standing next to him, smiling down at him. “Misty... uh, I could really use you right about now... just so I don’t have to deal with... this.” Misty nodded. “Yeah, I know. You never were too good at all the girly stuff, were you? I still remember how you acted every time I had my...” Ash raised his head and stuck up his hand. “Please, don’t say... it...” He pleaded. “I’m, not sure I could handle it right now.”


Of course, you know what this means, don’t you?” Ash sighed. “Yeah, I’ll have to lock her in her room from now on...” Misty smiled. “No, it means our little girl is growing up, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Besides, if you do that, she’ll just sneak out the window.” Ash sighed. “Not if I put Gyarados out there...” Misty giggled. “As if, Ash! He’ll ignore her and eat you.” She smiled. “It’s not so bad, you know. I mean, sure, now’s a good time to start worrying about her when she’s travelling... but Delia will make sure she knows what she needs to.” She glanced up at the ceiling. “Although, I think I might just pop up there, just to make sure she doesn’t leave out anything... important, out of embarrassment...” Ash watched as Misty gently floated up towards the ceiling and went through it. “Better you than me...” he whispered, resting his head on the table again.


Ash started as a pair of feet slid down through the ceiling, and relaxed when he saw that it was Misty. “Whew, for a moment there, I thought this place was haunted...” Misty grinned. “Well, technically speaking, Ash, as long as I’m here, it is.” She smiled. “And don’t worry too much about Rayne. Delia’s being very... thorough... with her.” Ash sighed. “I think I’m more worried now... and what would my mum know about it anyway?” Misty shrugged. “Well, she had you, didn’t she?” Ash groaned. “Ewww, that’s gross!” Misty grinned. “Yeah, Rayne’s not gonna be too happy when she eventually realizes how she got here...” Ash smiled. “That’s... not so gross. I miss that. Being with you, I mean.” Misty sighed. “Tell me about it! I don’t even have a body of my own anymore, and I still want yours.” She shook her head. “I mean, seriously! I don’t even have any hormones to drive me crazy, and yet...” she shrugged.


The truth is, Ash, it doesn’t matter how long I have to wait. If there’s a way to do it beyond the grave, we’ll find it.” Ash smiled. “Yeah, I’m not gonna argue with that, Myst.” Misty smiled back at him. “Like you ever could...” They paused as a door closed above them. “I’d, better go now Ash. It might make your mum worry if you start talking to yourself, ‘cause she can’t see me...” Ash sighed. “Yeah, okay. You’ll, still be here though, right?” Misty blew a kiss and faded away. “Always, Ash. Always...


Poor Ash... guys just can’t deal with girly stuff, especially when it involves their daughters... Next up, another milestone, another panic attack for Ash.


18 Sep. 09.