Chapter seven


Pidgeotto and Tobias flew straight past the tank as it dodged with amazing skill. They were flying so fast I'm not sure they were able to stop.


Meanwhile, Team Rocket still had Pikachu, and I was beginning to lose my temper.


"Go, Charizard!" I cried.

Misty let out a moan. Both Misty and Brock knew I couldn't control Charizard, but I didn't care. I knew he could do at least enough damage to free Pikachu.


< Yike! A dragon!? > Cassie cried. I ignored her.


"Do whatever you can to free Pikachu!" I yelled over the noise of the tanks' engines.


But, Charizard seemed to have other ideas. He just lay down and started to have a little nap.


"Ooh, another little specimen for our collection." Said Cassidy.


A cage sprung from the tank and covered Charizard. That woke him up.


He roared and breathed fire, but the cage seemed to absorb it all!


"Fools! We have now made all our equipment including Pokeballs, completely Poke-proof!" Butch roared with triumph.


< How about animal proof? > A huge fist flew through the air and struck the cage. For a few moments, I doubted whether this made any difference. But I underestimated the power of Gorillas.


The cage shook and fell apart, releasing a powerful, and very angry Charizard.


Ax stuck his razor tail into the tanks engine, there was a huge explosion and Team Rocket went blasting off again, dropping Pikachu, who I caught.


Charizard was still angry at having been woken from his snooze started rampaging about the lab.

I tried to return him, but he just burnt me.


Suddenly, almost as if she knew exactly what to do, Rachel demorphed, walked over to Charizard, touched him, and closed her eyes.


To my utter amazement, Charizard fell calm and fell into a sort of trance.


"Um, return." I said dazed. Rachel took her hand off him, and Charizard was sucked back into his Pokeball.


"Hey!" Brock suddenly cried. "Where are Professor Oak and Gary?"


He had a point. We had forgotten about them ever since the morphers arrived.


Jake, who had morphed back to human with the rest, called; "If you mean an old man and a kid, they're here, and they don't look in pretty good shape."


I ran over to Jake. Both Professor Oak and Gary were unconscious.


"Let's get them to a Hospital, quick!" Misty said.


Brock found two moving tables on wheels and we placed them on one each.


I pushed Gary along while Ax (Back in human form) took Professor Oak.


I sometimes hated Gary, even wished he didn't exist. But I had forgotten all about that. I didn't want to be responsible for an innocent life. As much as I loathed Gary, I didn't want it to end, not like this...


This time, can you actually send me some reviews? I get tired of waiting at home, thinking that no one is reading my stories!

