The day of the wedding was already here, Misty
was getting married to Ash (The so called twerp from before).Misty was getting
into her wedding dress.
“Oh I wonder how Ash looks right now”, she
wondered. The music was playing and Ash was waiting.
“Where is she? She’s late”, thought Ash. Misty
was still fixing her hair in the bathroom her sisters were helping her.
“Misty hurry up the wedding is supposed to
“I’m hurrying, I need to look good for our
wedding.” She smiled at the thought of Ash and her together. Ash and Misty have
been engaged for two months now, but finally are getting married. Meanwhile May
was busy at the gym throwing a pokemon contest for the trainers. She had
inherited the gym from her father, but she turned it into a pokemon contest
place. All of a sudden she remembered her journey with Ash, Brock, and her
brother Max. She smiled…
“Someday we’ll get married, but I haven’t
talked to him for years.” She grabbed her cell phone. Ash’s phone started
ringing, his face went red, everyone was staring at him. He answered the phone.
“Hi Ash!”
“Who is this I’m in the middle of a wedding!”
May hung up.
“Hello? Hello!” Strange I wonder whom that was,
Ash wondered. Tears welled up in May’s eyes.
“Getting married… to whom?” She wondered.
“Well folks I have to go but here’s our guest
judge Max!” She pointed to Max who was sitting nearby. The crowd applauded.
“What you want me to judge?”
“Just takeover for me I’ll be right back.”
“But…” May was already out the door before Max
could say anything else. May hopped into her sports car she had fire in her
eyes she drove to the airport.
“One flight to Pallet town please!”
“Okay you can board on now.” The music was
still playing at the wedding, when all of a sudden Ash saw Misty coming she
looked like a goddess. Carefully Misty walked down the isle with Togepi and
Pikachu following. Her bright blue eyes glistened in the sunlight.
“Sorry I’m late, it takes long to get
beautiful.” She smiled. Ash smiled back.
“Err hurry up stupid flight!” She was mad at
Ash for not telling her, and marrying someone else and not her.
“Oh Ash why…why did you not choose me? Do you
not want me?” Those questions buzzed in her head.
“Umm miss we’re here you need to get off now.”
“Oh okay.” Her face went red she was embarrassed.
The wedding was starting, the music stopped, the preacher spoke.
“Blah Blah Blah…. (Sorry I don’t feel like
typing the boring speech so I’m going to skip to the good part :D)”
“Do you Ash take Misty to be your lovely wedded
wife?” Ash replied with the same old I do.
“Do you Misty take Ash to be your handsome
husband?” Misty replied the same as Ash.
“If anyone thinks these two should not be
wedded speak now or forever hold their peace.” May stormed in.
“I object”, shouted May.
To be continued…..