I knocked on the big wooden doors of the Rancher City Pokemon gym. The gym looked like a giant farmhouse. A huge person in a tuxedo opened the door. "How may I help you?" he asked.
"I'm here to challenge for the Farmbadge..."
"Oh, you wish to challenge my brother, Smith? Well, he'll be out of the shower in a minute. Right this way, you two."
We walked down the stairs into a basement. It was huge! There was a couch to watch the match on, and a gym floor. Marill and Lizzie sat on the couch. "Any minute you're going to have your badge," she said. "It's exciting."
"Help, help, help!" Smith yelled running into the gym. "My Ponyta! It's been stolen by two people in black suits!" He was biting his nails. "Please help me find it!"
Smith and his bodyguard let the way. Marill, Pikachu, Lizzie, and I followed them. We got out and saw no people in black suits. "Pika, Pika, Pika, Chu." (I think the people that stole Ponyta were Team Rocket.)
"So do I," I said to Pikachu.
"You understand what your Pikachu is saying?" the bodyguard asked. His name was Ryan. "If either of you has a flying Pokemon, maybe they can find the thieves and they can tell Pikachu what they saw. Then Pikachu can tell you.
I nodded. "Good idea. I think we should send 2 Pokemon so if one sees something the other one doesn't, we have a better chance of finding the thieves."
"We'll use Noctowl and Caterpie," Lizzie said. We let our Pokemon out. Caterpie got onto Noctowl's back and Noctowl flew off.
We paced around for a second. "I really think it was Team Rocket," Lizzie said. "Thieves in black suits. It had to be them. Smith, did you notice anything else about them?"
Smith thought about it. He looked like he was about 25 years old. I didn't notice it before because of his cowboy hat. "Well, they had on black hats, and they had a letter written in pink on their shirts. I can't remember what that letter was, though."
"Was it an R?" I asked.
Smith scratched his head. "Actually-- I think it was. They said something about the Great Giovanni ruling again."
Lizzie and I nodded to each other. "Hey look," Lizzie said, pointing up. "Noctowl and Caterpie are back."
Noctowl sat down and Caterpie crawled off of him. Noctowl said something to Pikachu. Pikachu turned to me. "Pika, Pikachu, ka, Pikachu, Pikachu Pika, Pikachu, Pii!" (Noctowl and Caterpie couldn't exactly find two thieves, but with Noctowl's foresight, he said that there's an underground headquarters, and it says TR in pink letters on the building.)
I told everyone what Pikachu said. "Okay, we'll need something that can use Dig," I said. As I was talking something hit me from behind. I fell to my knees and cried out in pain. It was a Sudowoodo.
"Caterpie, use String Shot," Lizzie said. Caterpie used String Shot on Sudowoodo's legs and spun it around. Sudowoodo was dizzy. It stumbled around and then used Rock Throw. Caterpie moved out of the way and used Tackle, three times. Sudowoodo held its chest. Caterpie used a Headbutt and Sudowoodo fell to the ground.
"Caterpie taught him a lesson," Ryan said. (If you forgot, Ryan is the bodyguard of the gym leader, Smith.)
"Hey, we need a Pokemon that can use Dig," I said. "Lizzie, capture it in your Pokeball. We can use it to get to the Rocket HQ."
Lizzie threw a Pokeball. Sudowoodo was sucked in. The ball shook. Once, twice, three times, four times, PING!
"What luck," Smith said. "We just need to have it use Dig, and we can find the Rocket HQ that your Pikachu was talking about."
Lizzie let Sudowoodo out and it immediately got to work. It dug through the ground very quickly. All of a sudden, Caterpie started to glow. It used a String Shot above its head and started to get bigger. "Caterpie is evolving," Lizzie muttered. We both took out our Poke'dex's.
"Metapod, the evolved form of Caterpie. Metapod is the fastest evolving Pokemon known to man. It takes 10 days for a Caterpie do evolve into its last stage, Butterfree."
"Cool," Lizzie said.
"The only attacks Metapod can learn are harden and Tackle."
"Not cool," she said.
"Hey, Sudowoodo's back," Ryan said. Sudowoodo hopped out of the hole.
"Good job, Sudowoodo," Lizzie said. "Metapod, return." Metapod returned to its Pokeball. Sudowoodo jumped back into the hole and led the way. It was amazing under the ground. Sudowoodo had done a perfect job. It looked like a little hallway under the ground. Pikachu used Flash as we walked through the underground hallway. We only walked about 40 yards before we came to a building. It was about the size of a classroom.
There were screens and control panels all over the place. "Hey, look," I said. I pointed to a row of cages. There were fire Pokemon in them. Smith ran over to them. There were some Vulpix's, some Charmanders, a Quilava, and a Ponyta.
"It's my Ponyta!" Smith yelled. We looked at a tank above the row of cages. The tanks were sucking all of the energy out of the Pokemon. Smith tried to pull open the cage but he was zapped.
He fell to his knees and we all turned around. There were two teenagers, about 18 years old in black suits. One was a girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail and the other was a boy with spiky black hair. They both had pink R's on their shirts.
"Prepare for trouble," the boy said.
"And make it double," the girl said.
"To protect the world from constipation," the boy said.
"To unite all peoples with urination," the girl said. She scratched her head. "No, that's not right. Let's try it again.
"To protect the world from bad TV stations."
"To unite all peoples with low coordination." She scratches her chin. "No, that's not right either."
"Anyway, let's cut to the chase," the boy said. He cleared his throat. "Julius."
"Team Rocket farting off at the sight of night... Aw forget it! Go, Zubat!" Julius yelled. Zubat popped out of the Pokeball.
"Kick their butts, Ratatta!" Joan yelled.
The two Pokemon stared us down. Marill, Pikachu, and Sudowoodo were ready, however. "Pikachu, Thundershock!" I cried. Pikachu shot off a charge of electricity that zapped Zubat out of the air. That sent Ratatta off as he attacked Pikachu.
"Zubat, Leech Life," Julius said. Zubat bit Marill and swung it in the air. Marill landed hard on the ground.
"That was a cheap move," Ryan said. He reached into his tuxedo and threw the Pokeball. Hitmonlee came out.
"No fair," Team Rocket said together. "That's four on two."
Lizzie glared at them. "You're the ones who aren't fair. Sudowoodo, Rock Slide." Sudowoodo shot dozens of rocks at Team Rocket. They yelled out in pain and took out their laser guns. Smith got back to his feet, and was shot again, this time in the leg. He fell down. TR laughed together.
"Hitmonlee, Drop-kick," Ryan said. Hitmonlee jumped up and used both feet to kick Zubat. Zubat fell onto Ratatta. Marill and Pikachu then attacked TR together. Marill used a high-power Water Gun and Pikachu used a Thunderbolt. The attacks hit Joan. She cried out as she fell down.
"Curse you and your stupid little Pokemon," Joan said, holding her chest in pain. She slapped Lizzie. Lizzie looked shocked for a moment, but then she jumped on Joan.
"Catfight," I muttered. Julius, Ryan, Smith, and I sat down, watching the two hotties fight it out.
Joan ripped off Lizzie's shirt. Lizzie ripped off Joan's shirt. They ripped off more clothing until they were both down to their bra and underwear. Marill then used an Ice beam on Zubat and Ratatta. Team Rocket had no choice but to recall them. "This isn't the last time you'll see us," Team Rocket said together.
As Joan said that, Pikachu came up from behind her and ripped off her bra, and Marill ripped off her underwear. Joan screamed and tried to cover herself up.
Ryan's, Smith's, and I's mouths watered. Joan then just forgot it. "I wanted to be a stripper anyway," she said. She picked up her clothes and walked out of the lab, angrily. We opened the cages and let the Pokemon out. They ran out of the lab, happy to be back in the wild. Smith hugged his Ponyta.
I smiled when we got back to the gym. "Nothing like a naked woman to soften up your day," I said. "Wow, that was some hot stuff."
Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Big deal."
"They were big, weren't they guys," I asked. Ryan and Smith nodded, smiling. Lizzie sighed. "At least mine are real." All of a sudden two Pokemon walked up to us. We looked down. It was the Quilava and the Charmander from the lab.
They spoke to Pikachu. Pikachu looked up at me. "Pikachu, Pika, Pikachu, Pika, Pikachu, Pii, Pi, chu, Pika Pika, pika, chuu." (Charmander and Quilava want to come with you. You can protect them. They don't like being in the wild that much and they've wanted trainers for a really long time. They really like you and Lizzie.)
I looked at Quilava. "Do you want to come with me, little buddy?" I asked. Quilava nodded.
"Do you want to come with me, Charmander?" Lizzie asked. Charmander nodded.
"Char, Char." We put our new Pokemon in our Pokeballs. Our team was now made up of Pikachu, Marill, Noctowl, Metapod, Scyther, Quilava, and Charmander.
Smith and I had agreed to use 2 Pokemon each. The battle for the Farmbadge was underway. "Tauros, Stomp!" Smith yelled to his Pokemon.
"Quilava, Flame Wheel," I said. Tauros tried to jump on Quilava. Quilava rolled out of the way and curled into a ball. He then rolled into Tauros, hard. Tauros stumbled back and then growled.
"Horn Attack," Smith said. Tauros picked up Quilava with his horns. Tauros sent Quilava flying halfway across the floor. Marill, Metapod, Charmander, and Lizzie watched on the couch on the other side of the gym. Quilava stumbled to his feet and used Ember. Tauros roared. Quilava shook in fright, but fought back with a Screech attack. The screech was so high-pitched that Tauros was actually forced backwards.
"Good, Quilava, now use a Flamethrower." Quilava shot a wave of fire at Tauros. Tauros was knocked out. Smith clapped and returned Tauros.
"Your Quilava is pretty good, but it won't be able to beat Ponyta!" Ponyta came out of its Pokeball. "Ponyta, Smash Kick."
Ponyta's foot glowed white and it kicked Quilava in the side of the head. Quilava wouldn't give up though. It used two Headbutt. Ponyta shook its head as if trying to shake away the pain.
Quilava opened his mouth and shot out a beam of swirling fire. "I've never seen that attack before," Smith said.
I took out the Poke'dex. "Swirl Flame. A fire/dark attack. Very few Pokemon can learn this move."
The attack hit Ponyta right between the eyes.
"Ponyta, Flamethrower." Ponyta shot a thick line of fire at Quilava. Quilava had taken to much. He was knocked out cold -- or in this case knocked out warm.
I returned Quilava. "Good try, buddy." I turned to Pikachu. "Ready."
"Pi." (You bet.)
"Good," I said. "Use Thundershock!"
Pikachu used a high voltage Thundershock on Ponyta. Ponyta dodged out of the way though. "Ponyta, Agility," Smith told his Pokemon. Pikachu tried to hit five Thundershocks but missed each time. Ponyta was too quick.
"Pikachu, use your agility," I said. Pikachu and Ponyta were like to bullets they circled around each other. "Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu circled around Ponyta at lightning speed, and used Thunderbolt. Ponyta cried out in pain as Pikachu ran around it and used Thunderbolt at the same time. Ponyta stopped in its tracks and was tossed into the air as Pikachu dismantled the pony. Ponyta then fell to the ground.
Ponyta tried to get back up, but fell down. "The winner of this match is... Woody Redstreak with a huge upset," Ryan said. He handed me a badge. Smith returned Ponyta and shook my hand. I showed the Farmbadge to Lizzie. It looked like a little brown house.
"You have nine more badges to win," Lizzie said to me. "Don't get cocky. Your road to the Pokemon League is just beginning."