Disclaimer: The characters of Pokemon do not belong to me, and I do not make any profit from writing this, so don’t come suing me. Everything belongs to Nintendo, 4Kids, and whatever other company has legal rights to the Pokemon series.


Rating: G

Summary: Ash describes what he's thinking in a poem

E-Mail me at: PikaPi84@Hotmail.com


Author’s Note:

This is told from Ash’s Point of View.


"Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue"



Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

There’s nothing in the universe that compares to you.

I want to I tell you how I feel,

But how could I when I always make you feel like you’re a third wheel?

I think about you day and night,

And I want you to know I wouldn’t give you up without a fight.

But I’m scared to tell you how I feel about you,

Because if you didn’t love me back I wouldn’t know what I would do

I want to hold you in my arms and caress your soft smooth skin,

I want to kiss those rose red lips that would give me more pleasure than being in heaven


From you flaming Orange-Red hair that looks radiant on you,

To your Aqua-Green eyes that are more beautiful than the moon

I love everything about you I really do,

So why is it so hard to say "I Love You"?

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I want to tell you now Misty,

That I Love You


By: PikaPi84


Well, this was my first attempt at an AAMRN poem. I don’t think I'm much of a poet, so please understand this if you think it's not that good.

Any comments or suggestions on this AAMRN poem would be appreciated!