Pokemon Master
Ash: 15
Misty: 16
Brock: 17
My heart pounds furiously as I stand up in front of thousands of cheering people. I look to the left to see my two best friends cheering me on. My first pokemon, Pikachu, rushes up to me and jumps into my open arms. It takes a while for me to come back to reality. I glance at the podium across from me to see that the other trainer has already returned his pokemon. I look over to my right to see all my pokemon running up to me with smiles on their faces.
My mind starts to reel. My thoughts rewind back to that day...the day I got Pikachu and the day I started my journey. I remember it like it was just yesterday...all the gym battles, battling with Team Rocket, even the days I met my two best friends, Misty and Brock. They have always been there for me, through thick and thin. They constantly encouraged me to try my best when I thought my best wasn't enough.
I'll never forget our meeting. I met Brock in Pewter City while I was trying to earn my Boulder Badge. If its one thing that he's taught me over the years its that you should never give up on your dream, no matter how far you think it is. And who could ever forget how I met Misty? That'll stick with me for the rest of my life. I mean, how many girls out there have literally fished you out of a river? Misty always taught me to be strong, and that showed through her actions towards me. Some people may think she's a brat, but I know the truth. She never wanted me to give up, that's why she constantly taunted me when I battled. I was so determined to out do her. I guess you could call it a different form of encouragement. What a way to start a friendship, huh?
Just then, the screeching sound of the loudspeaker brings my mind back to the present. I can see Brock and Misty running up to me. Misty hugs me tightly.
"Ash, you did it!"
I lift her up in my arms and return her hug. She reaches up to kiss my cheek. I smile at her thinking about our recent relationship. Brock comes up from behind her.
"Way to go Ash!"
He gives me a high-five.
"So, how does it feel?"
I just nod at him, still too amazed to talk. Just then, it hits me. I've just come to the realization that I've done it. I've beaten the odds. I fulfilled my lifelong dream...reached my goal...done the impossible...I have become...a Pokemon Master!
* I just decided to write this fic in class cuz I was sooo bored (give me a break, it was math class!) So, I hope ya liked it! Please, all questions and comments welcome.*