Part 4
Fighting For Love
Narrator: After meeting up with Ash's sister, our trio heads back to Palett Town.
Ash: I can't wait to get home and tell mom. She'll be so surprised.
Misty: Yeah. By the way Brock, how much further is it to Palett?
Brock: (looking at a map) Hmm...according to this map, its about half a days walk. (looking up) But it looks like its getting dark. You guys know what that means.
Misty: Ugh, sleeping bags again.
Ash: It'll be fun Misty. (No, not in that way)
Misty: And why are you so happy?
Brock: (laughing) Well, its not everyday you find a long lost sibling.
Misty: Yeah, I guess your right. That must've been one of the best days of your life.
Ash: (smiling) That and the day I met you.
Misty: Aww, Ash.
They look into each others eyes. Brock looks from Ash to Misty and back to Ash. He shakes his head.
Brock: Um...excuse me?
Ash/Misty: Huh?
Brock: When you two are done having your staring contest, then I could use your help setting up camp.
Ash: Geez, sorry. What's gotten into you?
Brock: Well its just that...
Misty: What?
Brock: (crying) Ash has a girlfriend and I don't!
Misty: (hitting him) Oh, please. Is that all you ever think about?
Brock: Hmm...
Misty: Don't answer that.
Ash: Don't worry Brock. The right person will come along when you least expect it. It happened to me. I mean, I was expecting a nice, quiet journey...then I met Misty.
Misty: What is that supposed to mean?!
Ash snickers.
Pikachu: (sighs) Pika.
Togepi: Choki!
Ash: OK, we'll help you now.
Everyone pitches in to help set up camp and before long everything is finished.
Brock: There, we're done. Now you two can go back to focusing on each other. I'll take Pikachu and Togepi with me while I look for some firewood. That'll give you two some privacy. Come on guys.
Pikachu: Pika! (Ok!)
Togepi: Choki prii! (Let's go!)
Misty: Uh, thanks Brock.
Brock: No problem.
He leaves with Togepi and Pikachu.
Misty: What do you suppose is wrong with him?
Ash: I dunno. Maybe he figures we haven't been spending enough time together.
Misty: No, that can't be it. I see you every single day.
Ash: So what are you saying? You don't enjoy my company?
Misty: Will you cut it out.
Ash: Well, I think that if he's going to give us this free time we should take advantage of it.
Misty: And how do you propose we do that?
He pulls her down on the ground as they cuddle closely together.
Ash: Like this.
Misty: Ya know what?
Ash: What?
Misty:I didn't know you could be so romantic.
Ash: Hey, what are you talking about?!
Misty: Well, most of the time you act like you don't have a clue.
Ash: Hey!
Misty: But other times you can act like you are now.
Ash: Well, I guess I'll take that as a compliment.
Misty rests her head on Ash's chest.
Something...or someone is lurking in the nearby bushes.
Jessie: Ha, we finally found those twerps.
James: Yeah, but Pikachu's not with them. Now what Meowth?
Meowth: Don't worry. My plan's full proof.
Jessie: Meowth, what is your plan anyway?
Meowth: Let me ask you this...what does the twerp cherish more than anything?
James: Uh...his Pikachu?
Meowth: Besides that!
Jessie: The red-headed girl!
Meowth: Bingo! If we kidnap her, he'll probably do anything to get her back.
James: Oh, your a genius Meowth.
Meowth: Ain't it the truth.
Jessie: And how do you expect us to kidnap her? As you can clearly see, those two are inseparable.
Meowth: James, tell your Victreebell to use its sleep powder and while they're knocked out, we'll swipe her. Meanwhile, I'll be up in the balloon, ready to take off. Got it?
Jessie/James: Right!
James: Go Victreebell!
It materializes in front of them. It immediately clamps onto James' head.
Victreebell: AHHH!
James: How many times do I have to tell you, your on my side!
It releases him.
James: Now, use your sleep powder towards them!
It obeys and the powder floats towards Ash and Misty.
Misty: (yawning) I feel tired all of a sudden.
Ash: (yawning) Yeah, me too.
They both fall asleep instantly.
James: Good work Victreebell. Return!
Jessie: Let's get to work...
Several minutes later...
Brock: Hey Ash! Wake up!
Ash: Uh...huh? Oh, Brock your back.
Pikachu: Pikachu pi? (Where's Misty?)
Togepi: Choki? (Mommy?)
Brock: Yeah Ash, where's Misty?
Ash: Huh? Hey, where is she? She was just here.
Pikachu finds something and shows it to Ash.
Ash: Huh? What's this?
Brock: Read it.
Ash: 'Why hello there twerp. By this time you should have noticed that your redheaded girlfriend is gone. If you ever want to see your precious princess again, then come to this address. P.S.-Bring Pikachu. TR'
No. Brock, they kidnapped Misty. We have to go find her.
Togepi: (crying) Choki prii!!!
Ash picks up Togepi.
Ash: Shh, there there. We'll find your mommy Togepi. I promise.
Togepi digs its face into Ash's shirt.
Ash: So have you figured out where they've taken her?
Brock: (looking at the instructions) Yeah, they aren't far from here.
Ash: Ok then. Let's go find your mom Togepi.
Togepi: Choki?
Meanwhile, at Team Rocket's cabin, Misty is still knocked out and in a cage.
Meowth: Hey yous two, I have an idea. When the twerp wakes up, why don't we have a little fun with her.
Jessie: Fun? How?
Meowth: Well, we'll just tell her that her boyfriend doesn't love her anymore. It'll create quite a scene once he gets here.
James: Oh, just like those soap operas on TV!
Meowth: Right!
Jessie: This is gonna be fun. Its payback time.
Misty starts to wake up.
Misty: Huh? Where am I?
She notices TR staring at her.
Misty: Hey, what am I doing here?
Jessie: (laughing) Welcome to our humble home.
Misty: Where's Ash?
Jessie: Now why would you want him?
Misty: Where is he?!
Meowth: Well, I hate to break it to ya but...
Misty: But what? What have you done to him?
James: Its more like, what has he done to you.
Misty: What?
Jessie: Well, we really aren't supposed to tell but-
Misty: That's a lie. Why would I believe anything you 3 say?
James: Well, why do you think your here?
Misty: Because you kidnapped me.
Jessie: Its more than that.
Misty: Huh?
Meowth: can I say this?
Jessie: I'll help you Meowth. This should clear things up.
She pulls out a tape recorder and presses play. Ash's voice starts to play along with TR's.
Jessie: Give us your Pikachu twerp!
Ash: Forget it!
James: Do it or else we might have to take possession of your girlfriend.
Ash: Fine, take her. I don't need her anymore.
TR: Huh?!
Ash: You heard me. Just take her. Maybe she'll be useful to your team because she's of no use to me.
Meowth: Uh...did I miss something here?
Jessie: Weren't you 2, like, together?
Ash: Oh, please with her? Besides, I'm hooked up with her sister, she's so much prettier than this ugly runt. You guys are doing me a great favor by taking her off my hands.
James: Well, if that's the way you want it.
The recorder stops. Misty stares in disbelief. It certainly sounded like Ash's voice, but would he really say something that hurtful?
Meowth: He said some other stuff too, but I really don't want to repeat it.
Jessie: Yeah, I never knew the twerp was capable of saying such things.
Misty: No! Your lying! Ash loves me.
Meowth: Yeah, that's what we thought. He also said that he doesn't care what happens to you.
James: I didn't know he was so cold-hearted.
Misty: It can't be just can't be. My sister...he wanted my sister. That's all he ever wanted. I can't believe it.
Meowth: Well, seeing as you've been abandoned we have a little proposition for ya.
Misty: What kind of a proposition?
Meowth: We want you to join Team Rocket, seeing as you have no more friends.
Misty: I can't believe Ash lied to me. (thinking) I have nothing else to lose.
James: Well?
Meowth: Look kid, we're sorry for your loss, but we don't have all day.
Jessie: So, what's it gonna be?
Misty: ...I'll do it...
Meanwhile we see Ash and Brock in the forest...
Brock: There it is!
Ash: Ok, let's go. Let's make it a surprise attack.
Brock: Right. Go Zubat, Geodude, Onix!
Ash: Go Chikorita, Cyndaquil!
They storm down to the cabin.
Meanwhile, inside the cabin...
Jessie: I think it adds a nice touch.
James: definitely goes with the color of her eyes.
Jessie and James are dressing Misty up in a light blue hooded cloak.
Jessie: So how do you like it?
Misty: ...
Ash: Chikorita, use your razor leaf on that window!
Chikorita: Chiko! (Right!)
The window shatters.
Brock: Onix, Geodude, smash through the side of the house!
Geodude: Dude! (Got it!)
Onix: (roars)
They smash through and send wood flying everywhere. When the smoke clears, they can see 4 figures. Three of them they recognize, but not the fourth one.
Meowth: You could've just knocked you know!
Ash: Where's Misty?!
Jessie, James, and Meowth smile as they look at the hooded figure behind them.
Brock: What the...since when you did you guys add another member to TR?
Jessie: Since today twerp.
Togepi: Choki choki!
It jumps out of Ash's arms.
Ash: No Togepi. Wait.
It runs up to the hooded figure and starts to tug at the ends of the cloak.
Ash: Huh? M-Misty?!
She takes off her hood.
Misty: I'm surprised you remember me.
Ash: Huh? What are you talking about?
Misty: Don't play dumb with me Ash! I know it was all an act. You never did love me. You just used get to my sister.
Ash is hurt but continues to reason with her.
Ash: What? Misty, what's wrong with you? This doesn't sound like you at all. What have you done to her?!
Jessie: Nothing.
James: She finally saw the truth. Now she's a part of TR.
Ash: No...Misty, is that true?
Misty: Yeah, so what if it is? Its not like you care about me anyway. They told me the truth Ash. How you could care less about me and that you don't love me. How could you?
Ash: What are you talking about?! I never said those things. You! You 3 lied to her! Misty, you have to believe me, I love you.
Misty: Yeah right. No one loves me, remember Ash?
Ash remembers the time he said that to Misty.
Ash: I do Misty. Just look at the symbol on your finger.
She looks down to see her ring. She slowly starts to remember.
Ash: I don't care what you think Misty, but I will always love you.
Misty: Huh?
She looks to see the tears trickling down his face.
Misty: I-I love you too Ash...
Ash: Huh? Wha-what did you say?
Misty: (crying) I love you Ash.
She runs up to him and hugs him. She buries her face into his chest. Ash starts to cry tears of happiness.
Ash: (thinking) I knew you could do it. (aloud) I love you Mist.
She looks up as they see the tears in each other's eyes.
Misty: I-I love you too and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I feel terrible. (pulling away/looking down) You probably hate me now.
He takes his finger and places it gently under her chin. He turns her face so that they are looking eye to eye.
Ash: (smiling) I could never hate you Misty. (laughing) How could I hate you if I love you?
Misty laughs at his weird remark, but it was true.
Jessie: (angry) We almost had her!
James: I know, I know. Meowth, this is all your fault!
Meowth: Hey, what did I do?
Jessie: Absolutely nothing, that's what.
Meowth: Hey, you half-wits wouldn't know a good idea if it hit ya in the head.
Ash: We'll talk more later, ok?
Misty: Ok.
Ash: Hey TR!
TR: What?!
Ash: Your gonna pay for what you did! Ready guys?
All his pokemon nod.
Brock: We're ready too Ash.
Jessie: So, you wanna battle twerp? Go Arbok!
Arbok: Charbok!
Misty: Wait Ash. I wanna battle them.
Ash: Huh? But Misty...
Misty: I'm not gonna let them get away with telling me those lies. Go Poliwhirl!
James: Go Weezing!
Jessie: So it looks as if she's gonna battle us all by herself. Fine with me. Arbok, poison sting!
Misty: Poliwhirl dodge it!...Now use your bubble attack!
Poliwhirl: Poli!
It uses its bubble attack against Arbok and knocks it out.
Meowth: This doesn't look good.
James: Weezing, use your tackle attack!
Weezing: Wee!
Poliwhirl dodges its attack.
Misty: Poliwhirl, seismic toss!
It tosses TR into their balloon.
Misty: Now aim a water gun at the balloon.
Poliwhirl: Poli!
The balloon deflates at an increasing speed.
TR: We're blasting off again!
Misty: Good work Poliwhirl. Return.
Brock: That was great Misty.
Misty: Thanks.
Brock: Its good to have ya back.
Misty: Thanks Brock.
Togepi: Choki choki! (Mommy!)
Misty: Huh? Oh, Togepi I almost forgot about you. (hugging it) I'm so sorry Togepi. I promise to never do that again. I should have never listened to TR. (crying) Brock, I'm sorry.
Brock: Its ok Misty. I forgive you.
Misty: A-Ash...I don't even know where to start...
Brock: We'll leave you two alone. Come on guys.
He leaves with Pikachu and Togepi.
Misty: (crying) Oh, Ash, I'm so sorry. I should've trusted you.
They hug each other.
Ash: Shh...its ok. They tricked you, its not your fault.
Misty: Yeah, but now I feel guilty because I didn't believe you.
Ash: I know, but sooner or later I knew you would realize what you were doing.
Misty: Could you ever forgive me?
Ash: Hmm...let me think...I dunno.
Misty: What?
Ash: Hey Misty, I was just kidding. Of course I can forgive you.
Misty: Thanks Ash.
Ash: One more thing.
Misty: Wha-
Misty is interrupted as Ash kisses her passionately on the lips. They both feel the warmth in their kiss and hold it. When they release they look into each other's eyes. Ash brushes a strand of hair away from Misty's face as he brings his hand down to her cheek. Misty brings her hand up and rests it on top of Ash's. She closes her eyes.
Ash: I love you Misty.
Misty: I love you too Ash.
They kiss once more just as the sun is setting.
Narrator: Well, it seems like love has brought these two even closer than before. In their hearts, they know that their relationship will last forever...