When Two Worlds Meet
Part 15

I'm dedicating another story to Togepretty. Thanks for sending in my stories and for being such a
great friend! Sorry I've neglected this story. By the way, I finished this on Monday January 6,

Ash-"I'm going to miss this place."

***He looks around the Great Hall with a sad look on his face. Dinner had just ended***

Hermione-"Don't worry. You'll get to see it at breakfast."

Ron-"Yea. Cheer up."

Ash-"I've had a great time here. I don't know how I'll get back to my world though."

***At that moment, Dumbledore comes out of the Great Hall***

Dumbledore-"Ash? Can I see you for a minute."

Ash-"Sure Professor."

***He follows Dumbledore into the Great Hall***

Dumbledore-"I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. Not many people who knew no
magic could take on a powerful wizard."

Ash-"I knew magic sir."

Dumbledore-"I know Ash, I know. You must have a lot of magical talent for you to be pulled
from your world and brought here."

Ash-"Thanks sir."

Dumbledore-"Take this."

***He hands Ash a rubber boot***

Ash-"What's this for?"

Dumbledore-"It is a Portkey. I have set it up so you can be transported home and be transported
back here next year as well. That is, if you want to come back."

Ash-"Of course I do."

***He leaves the Great Hall****

Harry-"Are you leaving us so soon?"

Ron-"We over-heard."

Ash-"Yea. I'll be back next year though. Don't worry."

Hermione-"By Ash."

***He takes hold of the Portkey and feels himself getting pulled backwards. He lands on his feet
and stares back into his familiar world***


Ash-"Hey Misty."

Brock-"You look funny dressed in robes. I'll go get your cloths you left behind."

***Brock leaves***

Misty-"Are you glad to be back in our world?"

***Pikachu comes bounding up to him***

Pikachu-"Pika pi! Pika chu pi.(You're back! You look funny in robes.)

Ash-"You don't know the half of it."

The End

Yes! Another story completed! I'm thinking about writing a sequel called "Ash Returns to
Hogwarts". I'm not sure if I will though. Review at mcgovern_bobby@yahoo.com.