The Sequel To Angel Clefairy's Extreme Insanity
Part 8
Wednesday January 22,2003
Sorry for the late story everyone. I've decided to only make this story 10 parts long since my
brain is getting wrung from ideas. To the Insanity!
J*Cutie-"I want pizza!"
Everyone does the hokey pokey.
Ash and Misty slow dance on pinatas.
Pikachu and Enja fly to the floor.
Pam draws a castle.
Charmander and Topaz have a snowball fight.
Brock-"Who did what if you did why?"
Misty kicks Tracey.
Amanda Butler buys 50 pairs of blue slippers and stomps on a dresser.
Ash bounces around the room on a sugar high.
Mewtha and Togepretty eat hot-fudge sundaes.
Angelique-"I hate you!
Pikachu and J*Cutie-"I want Burger King!"
Topaz-"Steal the floor!"
Togepretty-"I can't talk. I'm reading a cloud."
Ash,Misty and Brock dance like no one's watching.
Pikachu,Togepretty and Ash #1 go to the moon.
The End
See what I mean? This one wasn't half as funny. Maybe it's because of the stress I'm under from
finals. They started today. Review at