The Sequel to Angel Clefairy's Extreme Insanity!!!!
Part 5

Sunday January 5,2003

I'm only going to have the authors I've known the longest. No offense to all you other author's
who are in here. You'll be back in the next one. This story will have Pikachu(me),Togepretty,
Angel Clefairy(J*Cutie), Enja, Ash #1, Amanda Butler, and Mewtha in it.

J*Cutie-"Yayness! This'll be fun. I already have an idea."

Ash:All hail the avacodos!

Ash threw a pice of bubble gum at J*Star Cutie and then he exploded.

Mewtha-"I don't want to explode so I made him." Enja plays four-square with a pumpkin pie.
Ash #1 dances on his head.

Pikachu-"Hail the greasy socks!" Everyone picks up socks and throws them at Tracey. Tracey
leaves and never comes back.

Enja and Pikachu had a breakdancing contest and stopped to grab a banana and bash Barney's
head in with it.

Tracey scratched his armpit and fell into the sewer.Ash burped up chocolate chip pancakes and
flew to Mars.Misty was in the opera and Rocket Grunt had a heart attack.

J*Cutie-"Tetter-Totter! Eat my weeder-wadder!" Everyone hits Tracey with steaks(the meat).

Togepretty does the Mocarana.

Enja-"Who wants hot socks with banana peels?" Tracey slippes on an acorn and falls into fire.

Mewtha & Togepretty-"Tracey's alive!" Pikachu and J*Cutie hit him with dinosaurs.Tracey dies.

Ash #1-"Weeeeeeeee! Swing on the Garfield!" Jon Arbuckle enters.

Garfield-"Perish in my stomach!" Jon does a somer-sault. Enja kicks Tracey. Everyone goes over
and kicks Tracey.

Mewtha eats a pineapple.J*Star Cutie buried her little cousin Alexia in a snow drift then took her
out, stuck her on the ski lift and waited till she got really high up to break the handle off.

J*Cutie-"Rule the nachos!" People throw nachos all over Tracey. Pikachu hops around singing
"Ding Dong the Warlocks Dead!"(instead of witch) J*Cutie eats a hole. Garfield force-feeds
Tracey a hairball.

Ash #1-"I am the king of beef!" J*Cutie dances with Tommy. Angelique dances with Ash #1.

Tommy-"Stop the nose!" Angelique flys a kite.Melodi threw J*Star Cutie's fake bird pet Chirpy
in the lake and J*Star Cutie threw a banana at her.

Ash's Sister did the Hokey Pokey and threw a rock at a nearby pigeon.

It attacked her and she killed it with a breathmint.

Ash picked his nose and his nose flew off his face and attacked Misty.Pikachu ordered Domino's
Pizza and threw a computer out the window of a 30 story building.

Brock shaved his head bald and fed his hair to a cat.

Amanda Butler did a flip and made a blueberry bagel and said "All hail the pink fuzzy slippers!"

The End.

Here are a few notes. Tommy is my brother and Angelique is my sister. Almost all these ideas
came from J*Cutie(Angel Clefairy). Review at