The Sequel To Angel Clefairy's Extreme Insanity!!!!
Part 4

Saturday January 4,2003

I must have a lot of energy these past 2 days. I'm cranking out one story after another. Just to let
you know, Mewtha and Amanda Butler are permanant characters. Another note. Angel Clefairy
is now J*Cutie. That's all.

J*Cutie-"Who wants pumpkin pineapple!" Amanda Butler does the square dance with a glue
bottle. Mewtha picks up a crayon and throws it into the sun.

Enja-"Don't touch my meteor!" She throws Jupiter at Togepretty who retaliates by throwing the
universe at her.

Emma and Gold do the Mocarana. J*Cutie eats a teeter-totter and throws it into a black hole. Icy
Storm picks up a toothpick and flys down the corner.

Amanda Butler-"I want that Christmas!" Gold spins around the room in a square.

Emma-"Happy New Peach!" Mewtha dodges a basilisk and turns into gravy. Rocky Miles takes
a sword and does the hula dance.

Togepretty-"Eat my shoes!" Gold dives for the football and sinks in mud. Icy Storm eats a table.

Icy Storm-"Tastes like carpet." Drama Queen eats a wad of paper. Enja flys into a basketball and
eats the sky.

Mewtha-"Who ate the Dairy King?!" Ash#1 slides around on ice. J*Cutie dances with a hula-

Drama Queen-"Give back my rain!" Amanda Butler has a race with a lightbulb. Pikachu(me)
gets hit by thunder.

Rocky Miles-"Perish in my freezer!"

Ash #1-"We will eat our closets!"

Pikachu-"I will make you all suffer by bouncing! HA! HA! HA!"

Everyone gets up and sleeps in mid-air.

The End.

I know it's not that long. It's hard to make these stories long. Anyway, review at