The Sequel To Angel Clefairy's Extreme Insanity!!!!
Part 3
Saturday January 4, 2003
I'm back! Starting in this story, I'm just going to scroll down the author/artist sides and pick
various names to put in here. If you want your name to definatly be in here, e-mail with a
review(unless you're already in here like Togepretty,Enja,Angel Clefairy,me(Pikachu) or Ash
#1). Let's start the story!
Angel Clefairy-"We are all doomed to eat pigs!" Blackwolf flings a Cd at Brock.
Misty-"You will beat me in a game of toilets!"Mewtha eats a computer and flys to Saturn.
Blackwolf-"I'm a little snowflake white and crisp!" Tracey enters and everyone stabs him with
D2K Future-"We are family! Even though you're fatter than me!" Harry flings Enja to the
Enja-"We are the apples!" Angel Clefairy dances with cheese.
Angel Clefairy-" We are all dead!" Ash #1 plays Mario on the moon.
Topaz-"Everyone crush me!"
Ash drinks Orange Crush and turns into a door.
Ditto2-"We will drink Mountain Dew!" Everyone drinks Mountain Dew and gets a sugar high.
D2K Future-"We will perish in our socks!" Togepretty dances with a lion.
Togepretty-"Who ate my Dairy Burger?!" Everyone throws Misty in the air.
Topaz drinks lemonade and turns into a pineapple.
Blackwolf flys to the sun and drinks lemonade.
Mony-"We are the sounds of water!" Pikachu(me) flys to Saturn and brings back Mewtha.
Mewtha-"Party at my palace!" Mr. Mew drinks a can and starts spinning around. Blackwolf
flings a computer at the sun.
Enja and Angel Clefairy-"Eat my teeter-totter!" Voldemort enters and turns into a wrapper.
Jenny-"E-I-E-I-O! We had a car!" Enja flings Ash#1 to the wall.
Ash #1-"Get the telephone!"
Jenny and Blackwolf fly to the stars and eat popsicles.
Another chapter done! Hope you liked it. Review @ I know you
want to! By the way, if I put you in a story, I'll let you know after I finished it.