Saturday April 19,2003
I finally got an idea for another Cross-Over last night! Oh, this fic is probably going to be freaky
with some pretty scary moments just so you know.
***It is September 1st***
Misty-"Ash, I really don't think you should go back to Hogwarts! Your past two years there have
just gotten worst! You don't know what's going to happen this year!"
Ash-"That may be true but I'm willing to take chances."
Misty-"But this time your risk-taking might get you killed!"
Brock-"Misty's right Ash. I really don't think you should."
***Ash was slipping on his robes which he had bought before he left last year***
Ash-"I'll be fine!"
Misty-"How can you be so sure?"
***Ash was starting to get annoyed***
Ash-"Misty! Get off of it! I'm going and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"
Misty-"Yes there is."
***She grabbed the boot that transports him to Hogwarts***
Ash-"Give that back!"
***Tthey had a long struggle but Ash finally got it away. Before she could do anything, he was
transported to the castle. The walls went from a blurred image to a clear one. Ash heard a
Voice-"Get away!"
***Ash turned around to see that Ron was being chased by Jenn who had been injured last year
and couldn't attend school***
Jenn-"I just want a kiss!"
***Ron ran even faster and Ash let out a laugh***
To Be Continued...
Well, I'm guessing this story will only go to Part 15 as well. Review please!