Insantiy With A Plot
Part 6
Saturday July 12,2003
Hi peoples! I came up with a funny idea for this Part. Next, I'm doing my favorite holidays. This
is the scedule:
Part 7-July 4th
Part 8-Halloween
Part 9-Christmas
Part 10-Tracey's Sketchbook idea that she gave me awhile back. Okay! That's it!
Part 6-The Tornado Watch and Warning.
Pikachu-"Oh great. A Watch until 8:00P.M."
***He looks up at the clock. It's only 2:45P.M. Angel*Clefairy comes into the room and sees
Pikachu's annoyed face***
Angel*Clefairy-"What's up?"
***Pikachu points to the screen and she laughs***
Angel*Clefairy-"With any luck, we can throw Tracey in one."
Pikachu-"That'd be nice but I don't really want one."
***They go outside where they find them lighting Fireworks 50 feet away from Jolt's car***
Pikachu-"Should I get my Mountain Dew bottle?"
***They walk over and tell them about the Watch***
Togepretty-"How's that possible?"
Tracey's Sketchbook-"Really. There's not a cloud in the sky."
Jolt-"Come on! Let some holiday spirt out!"
***He didn't seem to notice his hair was on fire, but he must have felt it because a minute later,
he went running into the house***
Vulpix-"Oh well. Not much we can do."
Angel*Clefairy-"Shouldn't we save the rest of these for July 4th?"
Pikachu-"Nah. Can I go get my Mountain Dew bottle yet?"
Everyone except Jolt(who is inside putting out his headfire-"NO!!!!!!"
Aki Akito and Togepretty-"We don't want a disasterous incident like last year."
***None of them seem to notice the dark clouds over their heads until the sirens start wailing***
Tracey's Sketchbook-"Everybody inside!"
***They all go running. Pikachu and Angel*Clefairy aren't. They're too busy looking for rotating
clouds. Finally, Jolt pulls them inside***
Jolt-"You guys don't stay outside in a Tornado Warning. I'm sick of telling you that everytime
there is one."
Pikachu-"We know. we know."
***While everyone else runs to the basement, Angel*Clefairy and Pikachu sneak out the door
and start looking up at the sky as a torrential downpour starts***
Pikachu-"Look! Right there!"
***He was pointing toward a place close to them in the sky where they could just make out a
swirling mass of clouds that were moving very fast. Then. a huge lightning bolt lit up the sky and
they saw it. The tail was just starting to come out of the cloud and then Angel*Clefairy and
Pikachu went screaming into the basement and told the others***
Angel*Clefairy and Pikachu-"It was a bit awesome at the same time it was frightning."
***They waited until the stormed passed before going outside where it was sunny once
Tracey's Ssketchbook-"Everything's okay!"
***They all cheered***
To be continued...
Sorry. I'm not in that great a mood which might possibly be why I wrote this. Oh, By the way,
you can see where I got the Mountain Dew bottle idea and Jolt's car idea by looking at Part 5 of
Angel*Cclefairy's Insane To The Max.