Insanity With A Plot
Part 3
Sunday April 13,2003
It's been awhile since I updated this story, hasn't it? Be on the lookout for 3 new characters!
Part 3-The Sunny Day
A.S.-"YAAAAAAAAA! No more snow!"
Ash #1-"It's so nice! It must be 70 degrees!"
Pikachu and R.C. Angel-"Oh darn. No more snowball fights.
Melodi(I'm starting to read your stories)-"Let's play ghost in the graveyard!"
Ash and Misty-"Can't you only play that at night?"
Brock-"No! You can play it whenever!"
A.S.-"Okay. Let's start playing."
Jolt-"Tracey's it first!"
Enja and Togepretty-"Because you are! Close your eyes!"
Pikachu, A.S., and R.C Angel-"This is going to be fun!"
***When Tracey finally got to the number he had to, he looked around. No one was in sight***
Tracey-"Boy is this going to be hard."
***Out of nowhere, 3 water ballons hit him in his back. He turned around suddenly***
Tracey-"Who did that??!!"
***He was so occupied about the water ballons, he didn't notice Jolt, Ash #1, Togepretty, and
Enja flying to home base. Melodi came flying out as well and he didn't notice her either until she
got to the base***
Tracey-"That's not fair!!!!!"
Melodi and Togepretty-"Too bad!"
***Now R.C. Angel, A.S., and Pikachu came flying to home base while lobbing water ballons at
him. He missed them and they got to the base safely***
The End.
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