A New Friend

Wednesday January 22,2003

Hi. I'm writing stories again. I had my first final today(yuck!). They were Choir,Math and
Spanish. Anyway, here's my new and first ever Other Traniers story!

Ash-"I can't wait to get my next badge!"

Misty-"You're really excited aren't you?"

Brock-"Of course he is! Look at him!"

Pikachu-"Pi pika chu chu!(I want to battle another gym leader!)"

Misty-"Pikachu's really fired up to!"

Ash-"We're going to win!"

Brock-"Ash,I wouldn't be over-confident."

Misty-"Yea. The gym leader might be tougher than you think."

Ash-"No way! We're going to win!"

***Ash takes off running with Pikachu right behind***

Misty-"ASH! WAIT!"

Brock-"Yea! Slow down!"

***They finally catch up***

Misty-"Maybe you should wait up."

Ash-"Yea. You're right."

Brock-"Hey! Who's that?"


Brock-"In that grassy field!"

Ash-"I'll go see."

***He races over to the person***

Ash-"Hey. Are you all right?"

***Tthe person who's a girl turns over on her back***


To be continued...

Yaaaaaa! A new story! Review at mcgovern_bobby@yahoo.com.